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Preparing for Charlotte, found this


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  On 5/25/2021 at 8:45 PM, JDMM said:

That would be a great strategy even with no Light Clay(I think I have one tho), I'd just double target Darmanitan first turn and send it in when something faints, thing is I don't have a Meowstic, and if it's not available atm I'm screwed 😂 I didn't get Espurr in the Magma gang street (never used it and had a Psychic type already) but I should have got it even just for Prankster 



If you are playing now, I can trade you mine, fully trained.

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  On 5/25/2021 at 8:50 PM, Silkerin said:


If you are playing now, I can trade you mine, fully trained. but to be honest, the level or stat don't even matter, all you need is Prankster + Light Screen. It is not there to survive anyway... It learns Misty Terrain at level 50 though, so there is also that if you can survive the first turn.



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  On 5/25/2021 at 9:01 PM, Silkerin said:



Not playing now... Also don't know how to work the online 😂..I will try my strategy first and see.. If it had good HP and SPDef could also be nice to Prankster Taunt HER screeners (Scrotom and Delphox) and for last Protect (Earthquake go brrr) and Psychic 

Also wouldn't the Misty Terrain revert back to the super heated one after the 5/8turns? Idk how it works 

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I already beat her.. Used the Surf+Blizzard strat and worked to perfection,cancelling the Super heated field until her last Pokemon 

Equipped a Telluric Seed on Walrein just in case but didn't even needed it, since Darmanitan missed the Rock Slide on it, then sacked them while doing some chip with Dive and Surf 

I then sent in Haryiama holding Damp Rock on the Ninetales, Rain Danced, and started sweeping her... With some heals in between but not too bad 

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  On 5/26/2021 at 12:21 PM, Dark Champion said:

whose next again? Ciel? Terra?


I think it's Terra.. I got the pass from the house in Ametrine and it sounds like it.. But first I have to beat Blake on the top of the mountain.. DD Intimidate Gyarados and Mamoswine lead is yikes 😂ny only Electric moves is TPunch on Medicham or Discharge on Pachirisu 😂.. I'm thinking of leading Granbull for the Intimidate, along maybe Haryiama with Fist Plate or Fighting Gen CC to try to one-shot the Mamoswine.. And train a Magnemite up to send it in after killing the Mamoswine..  And pair with Swampert to spam Discharge on the guy

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  On 5/26/2021 at 4:11 PM, Dark Champion said:

let me know if you need help because Terra can be tricky.


Im thinking of killing Nidoking with something then going for a Clefable sweep with Minimize and Cosmic Power/Glitched Field boosted Stored Powers, plus Synthetic Seed.. Actually i might go for it straight on Nido because of the type change from Synthetic Seed.. Quagsire might give me trouble with Unaware tho,,, Also, are the Fairy, Steel and Dark types ignored for the Pokemo(Turning Normal) or just the moves deal Normal damage? 

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  On 5/27/2021 at 3:48 AM, JDMM said:

Im thinking of killing Nidoking with something then going for a Clefable sweep with Minimize and Cosmic Power/Glitched Field boosted Stored Powers, plus Synthetic Seed.. Actually i might go for it straight on Nido because of the type change from Synthetic Seed.. Quagsire might give me trouble with Unaware tho, I might get back my Skuntank  for Toxic it, while holding a Chople Berry.. so, are the Fairy, Steel and Dark types ignored for the Pokemon (Turning Normal) or just the moves deal Normal damage? 

If not Excadrill gets rekt by Swampert.. The only problem would be that Garchomp with AV..Since both Ice and Dragon are Special by the Glitch Field mechanics (Pre Gen4 move categories) 



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I could also kill Nido with Ground Gem EQ from Camerupt, baiting the Quagsire, get the Toxic off on in and stall out until it dies... Can also Knock Off Chomp's AV with Haryiama or just brute force it with Clefable and Normal type Moonblast.. Even Stored Power from being +12 should do some good damage.. Pallosand has zero chance of doing anything, because Clef is Unaware as well 

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  On 5/27/2021 at 3:10 PM, Dark Champion said:

me, i used my Incineroar. A good dark type is useful. Maybe Mightyena?


Welp.. Gonna need to level mine up... Snarl him down if I can... Not a Dark move but will decrease its attacking power. 

Was also thinking of Revive PP stall it, but it might take a lot of it.. (even though I have a butt ton of them because of my Pickup grinding "strategy") 

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  On 5/27/2021 at 3:27 PM, RebornFan7 said:

I don't know. Oh I forgot you can't go back to Reborn city at your stage in the game. 


Not even to the Shade gym right? I was thinking of doing Sturdy - Mirror Coat Magnezone (I have quite a lot of Heart Scales from Pickup and mining and a Sturdy Magneton) 

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Just checked something, i could do Light Screen/Mirror Coat with Electrode i can find inside the Glitch Cerulean Cave too,just level the Electrode up to 75 so it could outspeed the Mewtwo for the Light Screen... Then i could even use the Minimize Clefable ... Since i cant even breed or id use Mirror Coat Sturdy Avallugg.. 

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  On 5/27/2021 at 3:43 PM, JDMM said:

Just checked something, i could do Light Screen/Mirror Coat with Electrode i can find inside the Glitch Cerulean Cave too,just level the Electrode up to 75 so it could outspeed the Mewtwo for the Light Screen... Then i could even use the Minimize Clefable ... Since i cant even breed or id use Mirror Coat Sturdy Avallugg.. Or just Normal Gem Explosion with the Electrode, maybe?



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For Terra herself i was thinking of doing a Hail team with Haryiama or going in with my normal team... Does the Blizzard never miss in Hail t work with the Glitch Field?.. You can get a lot of Ice types in the caves , i even have a Snow Warning Vulpix to set up Aurora Veil... 

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  On 5/27/2021 at 5:20 PM, JDMM said:

LMAO just swept her with Clefable.. Unaware Cosmic Power, Minimize, Stored Power GG



Yeah, the cute pink fairy is a monster in this game. It can stall almost any team and Moonlight + Unaware means it can set up easily. And with +6 to all def and Stored Power, that's GG.

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  On 5/27/2021 at 7:44 PM, Silkerin said:


Yeah, the cute pink fairy is a monster in this game. It can stall almost any team and Moonlight + Unaware means it can set up easily. And with +6 to all def and Stored Power, that's GG.


Actually i went +18, so a 452 BP Stored Power (because of 1.2x boost from the Glitch field).. I could had given it a Mind Plate for even more power but went with Synthetic Seed for the +2 so I could Minimize turn one more safely 

Cosmic Power + Stored Power is just broken in the Glitch Field because it also boosts the Special Attack, and Unaware also counters her whole Amnesia strats

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