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Exp. share, accidentally traded away.


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Hi all, unfortunately I'm one of those people who traded away my exp. share when I gave my luxray so the researcher can experiment on the type: null event. I can't think of any other way expect to create another file and then trade it to my original file but I don't want to restart all the way from the beginning again.


Is there someone that isn't using their be kind of enough to trade for one, if they aren't using theirs? If not its okay.


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Youre game Automaticly saves backups of your old saves on your computer, so if you havent progressed too far from when you did the trade, you can restart from the last time you saved before you did the trade. to do this youre gonna want to go to the search bar next to your window icon an type "saved games" open up that folder and look for the Pokemon rejuvination / Reborn folder which ever game it is youre playing. youll find a bunch of files named " Game- <a number> - < Charactername> - <timeplayed> - <number of badges>" . youll also find a single folder called "game.rxdata" this is your current save file. so to go back to a previouse one find or guess which one is the one you saved last before the trade, Delete your current save and rename the one you think is correct to "game.rxdata " then if you load up your game you should be at a previous save point. ik this would you needing to get back to where you were but atleast you dont have to start from the begining 


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5 hours ago, Aariq said:

If I got a penny for every time I've seen this happen, I'd have two pennies. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.


This happens all the time. So much so that Cass specifically mentioned it as a reason they're making the items purchasable in Episode 19.


7 hours ago, Syn said:

Hi all, unfortunately I'm one of those people who traded away my exp. share when I gave my luxray so the researcher can experiment on the type: null event. I can't think of any other way expect to create another file and then trade it to my original file but I don't want to restart all the way from the beginning again.


Is there someone that isn't using their be kind of enough to trade for one, if they aren't using theirs? If not its okay.


You can either go back a save as outlined above, or if you upload your save file I can add it back in.

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