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The most annoying team you can make...


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Hey, it is me again! While having fun with my run of Reborn, a thought came to my mind; "what's the most annoying team you could face". And I love stallers, so I decided to try my team on paper. I tried to cover all weaknesses and use moves and pokemon restricted to Reborn only:

Hippodon - Earthquake / Slack off / Stealth Rock / Sandstorm

Classic hippo here, massive HP and physical def, Earthquake for STAB, Stealth Rock and sandstorm to be annoying, Slack off to stay in fight forever

Clefable - Toxic / Cosmic Power / Moonlight (Self-boiled) / Moonblast

That cute pink thing is a monster. Seriously. Start with Toxic. Then set up Cosmic Power supported by Moonlight (or self-boiled if we can get it, can't remember). Add Moonblast for a powerful STAB and an ability that makes it ignore any stat boost from opponent... Any non poison/steel pokemon has no answer to that.

Toxapex - Toxic Spikes / Recover / Haze / Scald

I discovered this pokemon with Reborn and I fell in love. Monstruous defenses, can set Toxic Spikes and last forver with Recover. Haze to prevent opponent setting up and Scald is a permanent threat for any physical attacker. Oh and give him Black Sludge for extra recovery.

Ferrothorn - Protect / Leech Seed / Knock-off / Giro-Ball

Holding a big root probably. Knock-off can be useful in some fights to remove powerful items. Protect + leech seed will slowly do the work. Giro-Ball should murder annoying fairy types.

Mandibuzz - Roost / Toxic / Foul Play / Brave Bird

Another reborn discovery for me. Decent defensives stats, Roost + Toxic and 2 STAB that can finish the job.

Meowstic M - Psychic / Misty Terrain / Light Screen / Reflect

What, Meowstic is not a staller why is it in your team? Well, Prankster + holding light clay. That's why. Give the rest of the team 8 turns of screens and garantee to remove any annoying field effect (I know, it means no more burn/poison, so weight the pro/cons before to use it). Alternatively, Snow-warning A-Ninetales could be used for Aurora Veil I guess.

That's it, a staller team that can use entry hazards, burn, poison, leech, recover... in one word just annoy anything sent to its face.

I know there are lots of other super strong stallers and walls, like Gourgeist (which learns WoW...), Skarmory, Snorlax, Blissey, Dusclops... And I am far from an expert with Pokemon strategies, so I would like your opinion on that team and if you think that is viable for a future Reborn run. Thanks.


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1 minute ago, Dark Champion said:

Ez Look at my reborn team bellow.



I would call that a powerful team sure, but not necessarly annoying. I mean being swept by Excadril or Gyrados is no surprise, right? I am trying to build a team that would make most opponent rage quit here^^

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Easy, my Anything Goes Gen 7 team:


Iron Defense

Swords Dance


Baton Pass




Baton Pass

Quiver Dance





Aqua Ring


Baton Pass




Baton Pass


Mirror Coat


Mr. Mime:


Calm Mind

Baton Pass




Calm Mind

Stored Power


Baton Pass


Alternatively a team that includes pokemon like these:


Muk holding black sludge


Mean Look


Mud Slap


Lapras with Chesto Berry


Sleep Talk

Sheer Cold

Horn Drill


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I think Kayla's team from Pokemon Insurgence was the most rage-inducing for me to face.


Smeargle (Moody w/ Focus Sash)




Quiver Dance

Baton Pass


Blaziken (Speed Boost w/ Focus Sash)


Bulk Up

Fire Punch


Baton Pass


Scizor (Technician w/ Leftovers)


Swords Dance

Iron Defense

Bullet Punch

Baton Pass


Espeon (Magic Bounce w/ Leftovers)


Calm Mind

Stored Power


Baton Pass


Sylveon (Pixilate w/ Leftovers)


Calm Mind

Stored Power

Hyper Voice

Baton Pass


Slowbro (Own Tempo w/ Slowbronite)


Calm Mind



Slack Off


To make it even more annoying, I think I would change Sylveon's ability to Cute Charm and replace Hyper Voice with Draining Kiss.

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7 hours ago, Shalashaska_123 said:

I think Kayla's team from Pokemon Insurgence was the most rage-inducing for me to face.


Smeargle (Moody w/ Focus Sash)




Quiver Dance

Baton Pass


Blaziken (Speed Boost w/ Focus Sash)


Bulk Up

Fire Punch


Baton Pass


Scizor (Technician w/ Leftovers)


Swords Dance

Iron Defense

Bullet Punch

Baton Pass


Espeon (Magic Bounce w/ Leftovers)


Calm Mind

Stored Power


Baton Pass


Sylveon (Pixilate w/ Leftovers)


Calm Mind

Stored Power

Hyper Voice

Baton Pass


Slowbro (Own Tempo w/ Slowbronite)


Calm Mind



Slack Off


To make it even more annoying, I think I would change Sylveon's ability to Cute Charm and replace Hyper Voice with Draining Kiss.


Baton Pass, Baton Pass everywhere^^ Yeah I can understand the frustration. Not too much answer to that team, but I'd try an unaware Clefable/Quagsire to nullify all the set up.

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I would change your Toxapex's Scald into Infestation to make it more annoying. You're not utilizing the burn from Scald anyways and Infestation can get frustrating as hell.


Then I would replace Meowstic with Mega Kanga: Fake Out, Power-Up Punch, Sucker Punch, Type-Coverage Punch


Fake Out helps you utilize your Toxic Spikes and Toxic status and it gives you a very strong win condition, something I feel like your team is lacking. Annoying teams are cool but you still need a win condition outside of poison damage, Mega Kanga gives you that and works beautifully with Toxic Spikes because of Fake Out.


Having said that, I don't think staller teams work very well in Reborn. Your team, with a couple changes would do good in PvP battles. However, the Reborn gym leaders, while not because they're more difficult, would be a problem for you. Their strategy is to simply shove offense boosted by advantageous field effects in your face. They're not difficult to figure out; they don't care about hazards, they don't use status and they don't care if you do. They just pump powered up damage in your face all live long day.


Which is.. pretty damn sad (sorry Ame). And looking at your team both Adrienn as well as Titania would be big walls for you. Both of which nullify your entire strategy and will burn through you before you KO them, because you have zero offensive output and in no way enough defense to last. Charlotte might also be an issue, to be honest. Hippowdon and Clefable might do some work, but other than that I'm not sure how well you would fare against her without better support moves. Your Ferro and Meowstic are going to fall over. She has an answer to Toxapex in her Rotom, Darmanitan and Delphox, Maybe her Ninetails too, I think it has Extrasensory. Even Hippo, without better support like a Wish user will definitely fall. Your Light Screen + Sandstorm might be enough to survive up to 3 hits. Maybe with some smart play you can make it through her, but I honestly doubt it. Her offensive output is absolutely incredible on that field, which means you have to make a choice with Meowstic, change field or set up screen. Either way, it only gets 1 turn before it falls.


You'll struggle with that team going through the Reborn battles because and again, as sad as this is to say, the AI battles are so very centered around offense and if you don't match it, because of the field effects, you will struggle big time.


I love staller teams, too. Eviolite Chansey will always have a special place in my heart. Regenerator Slowbro and a Foul Play defensive Umbreon are some of my favourites to use.. it just isn't worth it the same way in Reborn unless you create a team for a specific field, like Underwater field that literally nullifies entire type specific Pokemon (i.e fields that are fucking broken and poorly designed).

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1 hour ago, Siv said:

I would change your Toxapex's Scald into Infestation to make it more annoying. You're not utilizing the burn from Scald anyways and Infestation can get frustrating as hell.


Then I would replace Meowstic with Mega Kanga: Fake Out, Power-Up Punch, Sucker Punch, Type-Coverage Punch


Fake Out helps you utilize your Toxic Spikes and Toxic status and it gives you a very strong win condition, something I feel like your team is lacking. Annoying teams are cool but you still need a win condition outside of poison damage, Mega Kanga gives you that and works beautifully with Toxic Spikes because of Fake Out.


Having said that, I don't think staller teams work very well in Reborn. Your team, with a couple changes would do good in PvP battles. However, the Reborn gym leaders, while not because they're more difficult, would be a problem for you. Their strategy is to simply shove offense boosted by advantageous field effects in your face. They're not difficult to figure out; they don't care about hazards, they don't use status and they don't care if you do. They just pump powered up damage in your face all live long day.


Which is.. pretty damn sad (sorry Ame). And looking at your team both Adrienn as well as Titania would be big walls for you. Both of which nullify your entire strategy and will burn through you before you KO them, because you have zero offensive output and in no way enough defense to last. Charlotte might also be an issue, to be honest. Hippowdon and Clefable might do some work, but other than that I'm not sure how well you would fare against her without better support moves. Your Ferro and Meowstic are going to fall over. She has an answer to Toxapex in her Rotom, Darmanitan and Delphox, Maybe her Ninetails too, I think it has Extrasensory. Even Hippo, without better support like a Wish user will definitely fall. Your Light Screen + Sandstorm might be enough to survive up to 3 hits. Maybe with some smart play you can make it through her, but I honestly doubt it. Her offensive output is absolutely incredible on that field, which means you have to make a choice with Meowstic, change field or set up screen. Either way, it only gets 1 turn before it falls.


You'll struggle with that team going through the Reborn battles because and again, as sad as this is to say, the AI battles are so very centered around offense and if you don't match it, because of the field effects, you will struggle big time.


I love staller teams, too. Eviolite Chansey will always have a special place in my heart. Regenerator Slowbro and a Foul Play defensive Umbreon are some of my favourites to use.. it just isn't worth it the same way in Reborn unless you create a team for a specific field, like Underwater field that literally nullifies entire type specific Pokemon (i.e fields that are fucking broken and poorly designed).


Thanks for your answer. You confirm what I though, that Reborn favors more fast 1-hitter sweepers (hence Blaziken considered OP here) than any other kind of strategy. I might adapt it a bit to get more answers to the gym leaders you mentioned and your idea of adding Kangastan is interseting in that sense.

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5 hours ago, Silkerin said:


Baton Pass, Baton Pass everywhere^^ Yeah I can understand the frustration. Not too much answer to that team, but I'd try an unaware Clefable/Quagsire to nullify all the set up.

It doesn’t help as much as you’d hope. Stored Power will still run right over them with 1400 bp.

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4 hours ago, Silkerin said:


Oh right. So you need Haze and Dark then. Let's say Toxapex Haze + Toxic and your own Umbreon?


It might be worth replacing Ingrain with Fake Out on Smeargle (to get an extra turn for Moody) and replacing Fire Punch with Drain Punch on Blaziken (to help cover Dark types and give HP regeneration). Haze would help for sure, but I think Psych Up and Punishment are even better moves against this team.


9 hours ago, Dark Champion said:

hey Shalashaska_123, you play Insurgence too? Awesome. Its my favorite game.


Yeah, absolutely! It's the most expansive, intense, and imaginative Pokemon fangame I've ever played. Needless to say, I got wrecked so many times in my first playthrough on hard mode in spite of using the heaviest hitters I could find (by the end, my team was Armored Tyranitar, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Delta Haxorus, Delta Venusaur, and Charizard). TyranitarTube has the most entertaining Nuzlocke of it on YouTube, too. I hesitate to call Insurgence my favorite game, though, because of Reborn, which I feel like has more unique and endearing characters, more team battles, and a more personal story. 


I can't get over how beautiful Delta Gallade looks, by the way. It's so good.

Edited by Shalashaska_123
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