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LF Ralts (Any) [Closed]


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Hi all, I stepped back into the game after a little bit of time, and I found that I may have doomed my save file to not have a Ralts. Does anyone have a Ralts they would be willing to trade for nothing in particular? I have some shinies that I would be willing to part with, though I know that carries a little less weight than normal in this realm.


I have Sewaddle, Hoothoot, Tangela, Yongoose, Ekans, Caterpie, Doduo, Noibat, Pancham, Palpitoad, Venipede x2, Dedenne, Sandshrew, Alolan Geodude, Pikipek, Spinda, Mawile, Tauros, Sudowoodo, Ledyba, Girafirig, Ponyta, and Passimian as shinies.


I'd be much obliged!

Edited by GladiusMage
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Howdy, Kixur! Thanks for being willing to help out. I'm online now, and I'm looking to see if I have any nice high-sell items for you. It will come with a shiny Venipede, unless there's something specific that you end up wanting.


My IGN is the same as on here: GladiusMage.


Edit: It will have heart scale, per your signature!

Edited by GladiusMage
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Eh, I get plenty of Lucky Eggs from my Linoone. Lots of Heart Scales too, but extra are always good! They go towards nature changes and move relearning, so it helps me out a great deal.

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