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Team re-build for Amaria battle



So i just beat Titania (Managed to do the Krookodile Moxie sweep i wanted to) so i now need to build a team for Amaria


Was thinking of getting a Swift Swim Ludicolo a (I know she has one but like its literally one of the best options against her team (only Kingdra and Ludicolo resist Grass, and electric) For kingdra im bringing my Max Attack Granbull or my Clefable, that or try to breed a Ninetales -A with FreezeDry(aready have a Vulpix and a Vanilite family mon, 

Another good option seems Raichu-Alola 

Also bringing Vikavolt and Magnezone (i already have those as well)


where can i get Lotad and a Pikachu?


Edited by JDMM
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Honestly, I find Amaria one of the easiest fights in Reborn, including non-gymleaders. Not the easiest period, but certainly up there thanks mostly to her field effect also making it easy to exploit her Electric weakness. A solid Electric mon should cut through most of her team like a hot knife through butter, with a Grass type working for her Ground/Water type no matter if you chose Singles or Doubles (you mentioned FreezeDry Alolatails which should also do the trick). Alolachu is a top pick because Surge Surfer doubles it's speed on the Water Surface field + Electric moves get a nice boost both on Surface and Underwater (it can even handle Lanturn easily with Psychic). Just outspeed and zap her and you'll be good to go!

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  On 6/8/2021 at 10:34 AM, Kixur said:

Honestly, I find Amaria one of the easiest fights in Reborn, including non-gymleaders. Not the easiest period, but certainly up there thanks mostly to her field effect also making it easy to exploit her Electric weakness. A solid Electric mon should cut through most of her team like a hot knife through butter, with a Grass type working for her Ground/Water type no matter if you chose Singles or Doubles (you mentioned FreezeDry Alolatails which should also do the trick). Alolachu is a top pick because Surge Surfer doubles it's speed on the Water Surface field + Electric moves get a nice boost both on Surface and Underwater (it can even handle Lanturn easily with Psychic). Just outspeed and zap her and you'll be good to go!


Also Grass Knot for Swampert 

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  On 6/8/2021 at 10:34 AM, Kixur said:

Honestly, I find Amaria one of the easiest fights in Reborn, including non-gymleaders. Not the easiest period, but certainly up there thanks mostly to her field effect also making it easy to exploit her Electric weakness. A solid Electric mon should cut through most of her team like a hot knife through butter, with a Grass type working for her Ground/Water type no matter if you chose Singles or Doubles (you mentioned FreezeDry Alolatails which should also do the trick). Alolachu is a top pick because Surge Surfer doubles it's speed on the Water Surface field + Electric moves get a nice boost both on Surface and Underwater (it can even handle Lanturn easily with Psychic). Just outspeed and zap her and you'll be good to go!


The fun thing about Freeze-Dry is (I'm doing the Zekrom route) 4x SE on Ludicolo, Swampert and the probably scariest one, Kingdra, it's only not SE damage on  Lapras 

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  On 6/8/2021 at 10:34 AM, Kixur said:

Honestly, I find Amaria one of the easiest fights in Reborn, including non-gymleaders. Not the easiest period, but certainly up there thanks mostly to her field effect also making it easy to exploit her Electric weakness. A solid Electric mon should cut through most of her team like a hot knife through butter, with a Grass type working for her Ground/Water type no matter if you chose Singles or Doubles (you mentioned FreezeDry Alolatails which should also do the trick). Alolachu is a top pick because Surge Surfer doubles it's speed on the Water Surface field + Electric moves get a nice boost both on Surface and Underwater (it can even handle Lanturn easily with Psychic). Just outspeed and zap her and you'll be good to go!


Can i control if Pika evolves into normal or Alolan Raichu?

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What about Rotom-Wash? Seems a good option too



Meowstic-M for Light Screen support


A-raichu (Magnet/Zap Plate) Surge Surfer Max Speed Max SPA (Modest or Timid)

Electro Ball

Grass Knot

Nasty Plot


Vikavolt (Magnet/Zap Plate) Max SPA Max Speed? (Modest or Timid)
Buz Buzz



Air Slash


Or Ludicolo (Big Root, Expertbelt or Miracle Seed) Swift Swim, Timid/Modest, Enough Speed to outspeed her team, Max SPa, the rest in HP
Giga Drain

Energy Ball

whatever else



Electro Ball


Pain Split



Togedemaru (Sturdy-Custap Berry or Amplified Rock) Max Attack (Electric Terrain Suicide )
Electric Terrain

Zing Zap


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  On 6/8/2021 at 2:52 PM, JDMM said:

Can i control if Pika evolves into normal or Alolan Raichu?


Yes, use Thunderstone on Apophyll.


Also, wow you didn't need to post all that separately. Kinda bombarded me with notifications when I got on.

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  On 6/8/2021 at 2:56 PM, JDMM said:

What about Rotom-Wash? Seems a good option too



Meowstic-M for Light Screen support


A-raichu (Magnet/Zap Plate) Surge Surfer Max Speed Max SPA (Modest or Timid)

Electro Ball

Grass Knot

Nasty Plot


Vikavolt (Magnet/Zap Plate) Max SPA Max Speed? (Modest or Timid)
Buz Buzz



Air Slash


Or Ludicolo (Big Root, Expertbelt or Miracle Seed) Swift Swim, Timid/Modest, Enough Speed to outspeed her team, Max SPa, the rest in HP
Giga Drain

Energy Ball

whatever else



Electro Ball


Pain Split



Togedemaru (Sturdy-Custap Berry or Amplified Rock) Max Attack (Electric Terrain Suicide )
Electric Terrain

Zing Zap

Or Magnezone 
Same thing except a Special attacking set



  20 minutes ago, JDMM said:




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Meowstic-M > Prankster, Light Clay, Screens

Vileplume (or Venusaur) > Chlorophyll, Amplified/Heat Rock, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Giga Drain

Charizard > Solar Power, Miracle Seed, Solar Beam. (And Air Slash for the Ludicolo. - Oh, and Dragon Pulse for the Kingdra.)


Didn't need anything else. Amy becomes a sitting duck in sunny grassy terrain. No attack, no speed. Surf does less than 50% on Charizard despite it having no spedef investment (and it got hit only because I misclicked).

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  On 6/18/2021 at 12:50 PM, Fiasom said:

Meowstic-M > Prankster, Light Clay, Screens

Vileplume (or Venusaur) > Chlorophyll, Amplified/Heat Rock, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Giga Drain

Charizard > Solar Power, Miracle Seed, Solar Beam. (And Air Slash for the Ludicolo. - Oh, and Dragon Pulse for the Kingdra.)


Didn't need anything else. Amy becomes a sitting duck in sunny grassy terrain. No attack, no speed. Surf does less than 50% on Charizard despite it having no spedef investment (and it got hit only because I misclicked).


I chose Mudkip and don't have either Zard or Venusaur(and I don't wanna find them and grind them up) 

For her Starmie I'm thinking of SPDef- HP Prankster Klefki with Choice Band (Trick turn one then Screens, then either set up Sun or chip it with Dark Pulse(or both)), then send A-Raichu, Nasty Plot and sweep (Or Swift Swim Modest Miracle Seed Ludicolo if Swampert comes in)

 for Kingdra I'm bringing either Granbull or Clefable (bait the Zmove then kill it with either a Max Attack Adamant Play Rough or a Modest Moonblast respectively) 

Tho I admit that Grassy Terrain+Sun also bodies her

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