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Hello my fellow Reborn Colleagues


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I am new to this site.I downloaded Pokemon Reborn from this site and I got to say I am impressed with it though I am stuck finding Aron in the Underground Railnet its on the first half of the Underground Railnet but hahahaha I will get it soon anyways back on topic I hope I can enjoy this site with my new Reborn Colleagues here.And I am Male but gonna put my Gender as a female cause I see Noel Vermillion's stuff and same with Yuki Nagatos except I didn't find her hair or her shoes

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HI i'm Rotomfan63 call me whatever my avatar is at the time. so at this point my avatar is Glenn from Chrono Trigger. Anyways. I'm a 13 year old Shiny Hunter. My most loved games are Fire Emblem Awakening. Chrono Trigger. Pokemon (Whole sha-bang). Kid Icarus UPRISING. Plants Vs. Zombies. Dragon Quest 9. Mario & Luigi Bower's Inside Story. And the Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D. But i have some things to ask you. Like what yo fave Video Games? How Old are ya? And why did you come to Reborn?

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Hahaha thanks guys.I found this Avatar on render-graphics.com and I need to know how I can put different titles instead of having Youngster on top of my avi....and I will watch out whoever this person is...lol

The title changes accordingly to how much you post around here...At least it did for me XD

Anyway..Welcome...Please leave your social life, friends and sanity at the clerk desk before entering....

Edited by GenshiD
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The title changes accordingly to how much you post around here...At least it did for me XD

Anyway..Welcome...Please leave your social life, friends and sanity at the clerk desk before entering....

Oh well thank you for answering Genshi. Ok I will leave all that at the clerk desk.*Enters and forgets I left all that stuff at the clerk desk.*

HI i'm Rotomfan63 call me whatever my avatar is at the time. so at this point my avatar is Glenn from Chrono Trigger. Anyways. I'm a 13 year old Shiny Hunter. My most loved games are Fire Emblem Awakening. Pokemon (Whole sha-bang). Kid Icarus UPRISING. Plants Vs. Zombies. Dragon Quest 9. Mario & Luigi Bower's Inside Story. And the Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D. But i have some things to ask you. Like what yo fave Video Games? How Old are ya? And why did you come to Reborn?

Ok my favorite games are persona 4 golden,pokemon,halo,and etc.Well thanks for asking this question I am 17.I can explain why I came to Reborn its because I want to meet new Colleagues here and see more interesting events you guys have here.If you have any further questions and more about me feel free to ask anything through pm and I will gladly answer you Rotomfan63.

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Halo and P4G, eh? What's your gamer tag? Send and we can have ourselves some battles!

P4 is a great game but I loved P3 even more

Anyways, welcome to the pit of no return.

Hahaha ya I got Halo 4 I'll pm you my GT so I don't flood this chat even further.And yup P4G is the one I only played but I want to play P3. Thank you-wait what the pit of no return oh no.

welcome to reborn

and dat avatar


and dat signature.hahaha

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Hahaha thanks guys.I found this Avatar on render-graphics.com and I need to know how I can put different titles instead of having Youngster on top of my avi....and I will watch out whoever this person is...lol

You can buy a title changer thing with rupees too, also, hi.

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