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Help with glass factory gauntlet


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I've been trying to brute force this fight with my current team and reserves (plus a lot of heart scales and shards for changing up movesets), but I suppose it's clear that I'm not getting past the third fight doing that considering I've been trying for a good week now


I've been thinking I should just add a gastrodon and a blastoise to this team like I've been meaning to, but I'd hate to go through the effort of training another pokemon from scratch after just doing it three times for the last gym and have it do nothing lol


All level 88

- Lapras / Water Absorb / Wide Lens


Ice Beam

Sheer Cold

Rain Dance


- Sharpedo / Speed Boost


Aqua Jet


Destiny Bond


- Ampharos / Static / Zap Plate - Ampharosite

Light Screen

Focus Blast


Dragon Pulse


- Toxicroak  / Dry Skin / Black Sludge

Drain Punch

Poison Jab

Bullet Punch

Gunk Shot - Brick Break


- Rhyperior / Soid Rock / Leftovers

Fire Fang


Stone Edge



- Swampert / Torrent / Assault Vest


Ice Punch


Rock Slide



Some other pokemon I already have trained up in reserves: Galvantula, Mawile, Scrafty, Braviary, Aggron, Metagross, Emolga, Mamoswine, Serperior, Lucario, Sylveon

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You really need pokemon that can set up without being one hit. I'd say Aggron and if you can get the mega stone for that then that's a big help in some of the battles due to its natural bulk. Galvantula with sticky webs could help and then anything which can set up; calm mind sylveon, sd lucario, bulk up braviary, ddance scrafty etc. The current team you have, whilst good, it doesn't have anything which can set up. 

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why do you have 3 water types? good god. I mean water is a great type, arguably the best. but 3 is overkill. I'd swap sharpedo for something. maybe a screen setter like meowstic or klefki.


if i were you, i'd hinge on Ampharos. if you teach it Discharge, coupled with the mega evo and factory field it can decimate the enemy teams as long as you pair it with a ground type (or otherwise electric immune mon). Try trick room if it's a bit slow.

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Lucario, Aegislash and Volcarona can sweep the gauntlet on their own. Nothing else to say, honestly. You could replace Lapras, Sharpedo and Toxicroak, and you'll be just fine. Also, I recommend you get the Thunderbolt TM for Ampharos in the Devon? Building at North Obsidia Ward: https://youtu.be/GTDtvB2S3KA

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16 hours ago, Gastronely said:

Lucario, Aegislash and Volcarona can sweep the gauntlet on their own. Nothing else to say, honestly. You could replace Lapras, Sharpedo and Toxicroak, and you'll be just fine. Also, I recommend you get the Thunderbolt TM for Ampharos in the Devon? Building at North Obsidia Ward: https://youtu.be/GTDtvB2S3KA

I was under the impression you couldn't get this TM after Agate City, so thank you so much! It helped a ton


22 hours ago, Lil' Sunny said:

why do you have 3 water types? good god. I mean water is a great type, arguably the best. but 3 is overkill. I'd swap sharpedo for something. maybe a screen setter like meowstic or klefki.


if i were you, i'd hinge on Ampharos. if you teach it Discharge, coupled with the mega evo and factory field it can decimate the enemy teams as long as you pair it with a ground type (or otherwise electric immune mon). Try trick room if it's a bit slow.

Literally just getting a meowstic to set up trick room changed up so much for me. Still stuck on the third gaunglet but it's more of a strategy issue than anything, so at least I'm not stuck on the first one anymore and can get past pretty easily. Thank you!

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On 6/14/2021 at 10:10 AM, Lil' Sunny said:

why do you have 3 water types? good god. I mean water is a great type, arguably the best. but 3 is overkill. I'd swap sharpedo for something. maybe a screen setter like meowstic or klefki.


if i were you, i'd hinge on Ampharos. if you teach it Discharge, coupled with the mega evo and factory field it can decimate the enemy teams as long as you pair it with a ground type (or otherwise electric immune mon). Try trick room if it's a bit slow.

Can Discharge Rotom-wash (Painsplit, charge, max SPA max defense) coupled with a VA Lanturn (Tbolt/Shockwave - Charge beam-Scald-idk) do the trick? That or a Lighting Rod fast mon or something? 

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3 minutes ago, JDMM said:

Can Discharge Rotom-wash (Painsplit, charge, max SPA max defense) coupled with a VA Lanturn (Tbolt/Shockwave - Charge beam-Scald-idk) do the trick? That or a Lighting Rod fast mon or something? 

I did it with rotom-frost and mamoswine. Anything with discharge and good speed/spa (or bulk in the case of ampharos) does the job

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24 minutes ago, Lil' Sunny said:


I did it with rotom-frost and mamoswine. Anything with discharge and good speed/spa (or bulk in the case of ampharos) does the job

I have a few good Ground types, namely Moxie Krookodile and Swampert(my Starter, and idk where is the megastone, tho id need a Rain Dancer if i wanted to Mega it up), also a Excadrill id need to train up and a Camerupt i could Mega up if i got the Mega Ring before doing the fight since i already got the Cameruptite. Rotom has both bulk, SpA and decent enough speed

Also have a Golem, a Donphan and Nidorina(could evolve into Nidoqueen if i wanted) but those are underleveled as crap xD..

Maybe couple Rotom with Krook and try a Moxie sweep with EQ (Krooks moveset is EQ, Power Trip, Bulk Up and Brick Break i think)? Since it wouldnt affect Rotom because of Levitate,...

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I beat it!!!!


Got rid of sharpedo and toxicroak (I'm usually reluctant to get rid of sharpedo bc destiny bond comes in handy so often) and replaced them with meowstic (who i really only used for trick room and helping hand) and aggron (who's thunder wave and heavy slam/fire punch were a blessing for sweeping in the final section)


I appreciate the advice!!


Update: my game got bugged so i have to redo it lol, but at least it won't be a struggle like before

Edited by myslexia
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