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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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  On 2/6/2014 at 3:38 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

Dammit Grass you're stupid as usual.

How to give a cat a pill

1) order custom cat food from some random ass company, whatever mr.whiskers wants.

2) tell the company to put the pill inside a piece of the cat food box.

3) tell the company to put an antiemetic inside the cat food.

4) pay big dollars

5) feed cat

-__- use the bit of intellect you have left in your head Grass, I'm 13 and you're... However old you are... And I came up with some way that's not completely brutal.

>the joke

>your head

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Perhaps this is a little more amusing?

10:00 pm Gather sleeping bag; alarm clock and three back copies of favorite Equestrian Magazine. Head for barn.

10:01 pm Return to house for bag of chips and a 32 oz Pepsi.

10:10 pm Back to barn. Flashlight goes out half way there. Figure you can make it by memory. Pat faithful ranch dog’s head as he pants and slobbers alongside.

10:11 pm Remember suddenly you have no ranch dog.

10:11 pm Run screaming to house. Change flashlight batteries. Change underwear. Return to barn.

10:15 pm Establish foal-watch headquarters in empty stall next to broodmare.

10:16 pm Enter broodmare’s stall for the 5,687th inspection of the reproductive parts.

10:16 pm Broodmare flattens ears for the 5,687th time.

10:17 pm Sigh audibly, leave stall and head for house. Dial veterinarian just to make sure he’s home.

10:18 pm Replace receiver on phoneicon1.png base rather than where suggested.

10:19 pm Return to barn and squirm into sleeping bag. Set alarm for one hour and shut off light.

10:20 pm Forty thousand sets of tiny feet become active as entire mouse population in the county begin wind sprints in your barn loft.

10:25 pm Sit up when something with not so tiny feet joins wind sprints in loft.

10:26 pm Flick on light – listen to absolute silence.

10:27 pm Flick off light.

10:28 pm Wind sprints resume. Big foot is winning.

11:18 pm Finally fall asleep.

11:19 pm Alarm goes off.

11:20 pm Peek through knothole at broodmare. Mare pins ears.

11:21 pm Reset alarm and flick out light.

11:23 pm Flick on light. Realize 32 oz Pepsi was a mistake. Head for house to “eliminate” problem.

11:26 pm Resist urge to phone veterinarian.

11:27 pm Trot back to barn. Left boot is sucked off in mudhole. Hobble three steps before getting stopped.

11:28 pm Return to house and change one sock.

11:29 pm Walk to barn.

11:30 pm One last check of broodmare though knothole. Ears pinned.

11:30 pm Set alarm for one hour. Turn out light.

11:40 pm Wake suddenly. Check knothole. Mare is lying down!

11:41 pm Enter broodmare stall carrying Ye Olde Foaling Manual, 3 pounds of clean rags, iodine and a tetanus shot. Mare breaks wind and gets up. Pins ears.

11:42 pm Return to sleeping bag. Flick out light.

11:52 pm Flick on light. Remove flake of hay that has accumulated in bottom of bag. Flick out light.

12:01 am Can’t hear clock. Flick on light. Clock is fine. Remove hay from ear. Flick out light.

12:29 am Fall asleep.

12:31 am Alarm goes off.

12:32 am Eyes feel like somebody put sand in them. Stagger to knothole. Extreme close-up of mare’s rear end. No change in reproductive parts. Can’t see ears. Assume pinned.

12:33 am Back into sleeping bag. Set alarm and flick out light. Left foot cramps. Shove foot against bottom of bag to relieve cramp.

12:38 am Cramp over. Relax foot.

12:39 am Left foot turns into a pretzel. Struggle out of bag and hobble around for 5 minutes.

12:44 am Cramp over. Return to bag. Right foot starts to quiver.

01:10 am Fall asleep.

01:39 am Alarm goes off. Sleep right through it.

6:30 am Wake up. Glance at clock. Attempt to leap from bag. Become part of huge polyester/fiberfill wad in hay. Crawl to knothole. Peer into broodmare stall. See TWO sets of pinned ears.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 4:10 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

Amusing on 16 levels, far superior to that of Murdoc's attempt. You have successfully proven a sense of humor, Murdoc has shown not to have one as of the current point. IQ tests have no amusement value.

I sound like a fucking robot. XD

I have an unusual sense of humor. I laugh my ass off at things that people just look at me oddly for.

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Two things:

1) Absol-Lutely, class is over. If you have something to ask Sonny, just walk up to him.

2) Murdoc, please post Sarcus and Max's teams below.

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Gallant (Gallade, M), level 21, Justified

Absolution (Absol, M), level 22, Pressure

Blues (Pawniard, M), level 21, Defiant

Metang (Metang, X), level 21, Clear Body

Chomp (Gible, F), level 9, Sand Veil


Primary members:

Tiberius (Arcanine, 25, M, Intimidate)

Remia (Mightyena, 18, F, Moxie)

Ignatius (Combusken, 19, M, Blaze)

Argentia (Aron, 18, F, Rock Head)

Celeste (Feebas, 5, F, Swift Swim)

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WE should all pick two battle themes for our characters, preferably from Pokemon or a remix of something for Pokemon.
edit: themes for Sarcus are on the first page

Max's themes are still being worked out, thinking this will be the one for most battles

serious battles
Edited by KingMurdoc
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I don't wanna pokemon theme XD

If I had any damn theme it would be something like Rules Of Nature.

Now THAT is one badass theme.

And Stains Of Time!


And Red Sun?

Not bad...

Also... No wonder Jake can't heal for shit XD

BUT must it be pokemon, (sorry I'm on my phone)


Normal battle theme


Dat serious battle


Secret battle in RP that would spoil my plot if I told you >: 3

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Now I want you both to tell me some things...

What's your favorite handguns?

What's your favorite brands? (gunmakers)

What's your favorite rifle?

What's your favorite combat knife?

You like shotguns?


Would you learn CQC technique if you could?

What would be your primary weapon?

What would be your sidearm?

Do you have a secondary sidearm?

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  On 2/7/2014 at 3:40 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:

Now I want you both to tell me some things...

What's your favorite handguns?

What's your favorite brands? (gunmakers)

What's your favorite rifle?

What's your favorite combat knife?

You like shotguns?


Would you learn CQC technique if you could?

What would be your primary weapon?

What would be your sidearm?

Do you have a secondary sidearm?

I'm incapable of answering like 70% of those questions.

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