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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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Amethyst wasn't the one to put him on it. I was, and it was the general consensus of auth to do so. If you prove that you've changed and will stick by it you will be taken off of it, until then well.. This also isn't really the place to talk about that, so hopefully after I post this you can PM me or any other auth and talk to them about it. Get back on your RP OOC topic

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  On 2/10/2014 at 3:44 AM, KingMurdoc said:

If you're having trouble getting long RP posts approved, you could just PM me with them and I could post them for you. (Assuming that's okay with you, Mashew. It's for the good of the RP [which you should totally join].)

I almost cried from happiness when I saw your proper use of bracketing.

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  On 2/10/2014 at 3:44 AM, KingMurdoc said:

If you're having trouble getting long RP posts approved, you could just PM me with them and I could post them for you. (Assuming that's okay with you, Mashew. It's for the good of the RP [which you should totally join].)

Totes pagoats gonna join the RP maaan. It's actually funny because Nyrias and I were talking about joining RPs we're just lazy to make characters <<>> and yeah I mean if there's a post needed and no one approves it shoot me a PM on the server and I will.

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  On 2/10/2014 at 6:58 AM, Mashew said:

Totes pagoats gonna join the RP maaan. It's actually funny because Nyrias and I were talking about joining RPs we're just lazy to make characters <<>> and yeah I mean if there's a post needed and no one approves it shoot me a PM on the server and I will.

We're in need of moar guards. As in 2 more ;)

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Rival battle? Now I have to come up with one. . .

Sarcus's character theme, btw.

Max's rival battle. (Except vs. Sarcus, since they hate each other's guts.)

(I love Gen 3 fyi, if you couldn't tell.)

edit: holy shit ghetsis's theme is badass

Edited by KingMurdoc
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I got my hates XD

Alina's theme IT BURNS!

Just like the fairies... ;_;

Em's theme is LIEK

Much emotion

Such move

True unexpected


Lol actually I saw something around these borders coming. Em is so much like me but so different. Like a parallel universe that seems so much like home...

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Two new characters just because!

Name: Tamara (Tami)

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Beautifly(F, 21,Prisma), Pichu (M,19, Plasma) Bayleef (M,22, Petallia)

Rank: Student

Tami is a happy-go-lucky teen who prefers pokemon companions over lots of friends. She has a couple of close friends, but not many. Tami is very nature-centered, and DOES NOT support using trees as target practice. As a long-range expert, Tami is not skilled in close range defense.

Magic classes: Illusion and Psychic

Mastered spells: invisibility, telekinesis, teleportation, and telepathy.

Skills: archery, knife throwing

Name: Harry

Gender: male

Pokemon: Scraggy (m,22 Mohawk) Larvesta(f, 21, Star) Larvitar (M, 18, Tera), Noibat, (F, 20, Josephine[dont ask])

Rank: student

Harry is a VERY competitive battler, and he is always trying to learn form his losses. Needless to say, he tries his best to coordinate his pokemon's moves and abilities.

Magic classes: Offensive and psychic

Mastered spells: Fire Barrier, Dark prison, telepathy, Dragon Fang

Skills: Good 'ol kung fu.

I'll draw these characters sometime..

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  On 2/11/2014 at 5:34 AM, Absol-lutelty awesome! said:


I got my hates XD

Alina's theme IT BURNS!

Just like the fairies... ;_;

Em's theme is LIEK

Much emotion

Such move

True unexpected


Lol actually I saw something around these borders coming. Em is so much like me but so different. Like a parallel universe that seems so much like home...

Did yo forget the wikipedia article I threw at you 38 pages ago?

here it is again in case you forgot

And in case you forgot this too, in japan, fairy type is light type.

Why I wish i was japanese -.-"

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  On 2/12/2014 at 5:17 AM, grasssnake485 said:

Did yo forget the wikipedia article I threw at you 38 pages ago?

here it is again in case you forgot

And in case you forgot this too, in japan, fairy type is light type.

Why I wish i was japanese -.-"

Grass I'm aware of you throwing Wikipedia articles at me rudely like usual! -__-

I already know why

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waiting on you, grass

also, could you repost your character description/team, Absol? After that (and Sonny's description), the character files should be done, so Grass can add them to the OP

EDIT: Look what I found.

Edited by KingMurdoc
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Fine... I'll make it specific too XD

Name: Jake Kurai

Age: 13

Description: Jake is a 5.8 foot, slender, and well built. (Like a tiny little six pack, working out pays off people XD)

He has tan white skin and deep gray blue eyes.

Sandy blonde hair (almost to the point of eyebrow length bangs)

He chooses to usually wear a thin long sleeved shirt. They are almost always dark colored (black, navy, pine green etc.)

and never have turtlenecks.

He's found wearing jeans almost all the time. Ranging from normal blue jeans to dark navy. There are no chains hanging from his jeans.

Wears black and red Nike running shoes. (All black with red streaks running to the toe)

Loves to wear a playful smirk on his face.

Personality: normally frisky, comedic, and quite and calm, he suffers from mild to moderate mood swings causing him to change from a normal personality to something unusual, or even similar to his normal persona. They can range from a simple quite mood swing to a fretting, frilly, panicking variant.

Jake is NOT Goth!


Houndour (demon) 20

Ability: flash fire

Current moveset:





Sneasel (Whisper) 20

Ability: pickpocket

Current moveset:


Ice beam



Riolu (Soul) 17

Ability: steadfast

Current moveset:


Quick attack

Power up punch


Deino (Z) 21


Current moveset:


Dragon rage

Dragon rush



Houndour (Demon)

Quick to anger, hard fighter.

Sneasel (whisper)

Clever, much like Jake himself.

Riolu (Soul)

Justified and often Jake off when he's going against good ethics.

Deino (Z)

Hungers to fight deeply, stares off into space imagining battles, but is angry that he is unable to see causing him to anger quickly.

There. Happy?

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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I'll post mine in a tick, but Deino doesn't get Guts. It gets Hustle.

Also, what's with everyone having more than 6 Pokemon?

Also, Sarcus, you have a LOT of pseudos planned for your team.

Username: Jory

Character name & gender: Sonny (Male)

Affiliation: Village

Rank: Guard


You already have this, but Nemea is still a Litleo. She won't evolve until level 35.

Future members:

Maverick (Staraptor, M)

Sloth (Snorlax, M)


Spells: Illusions (Illusion), Concussion Blast (Offensive), Flame Blast (Offensive), Frenzy (Illusion), Berserker's Rage (Offensive)

Personality: Warm, loyal, and accessible, but a bit of a trickster.

Height: 5'10"

Age: Halted at 18

Likes: Battling, Nature, Normal-types, climbing trees

Dislikes: Team Shadow

Crush: Alina

Other: Emerald is the only person aside from Sonny who knows how long he's been in the Village of Clouds. He uses exclusively Normal-types, but loves all Pokemon regardless of type.

Sonny is skilled in the use of Offensive Magic and is descended from a line of Berserkers, Poke-People who employ physical boosting magic through the Offensive branch instead of the Psychic branch. This can occasionally cause them to lose control in battle, although the presence of friends helps curb this effect.

Sonny's weapon of choice is a hand-and-a-half sword called "Necessity." It is a simple arming blade forged in a manner similar to that used for katana. He prefers to use his fists, but will draw his sword if the need arises. Emerald and Alina are the only two in the village who have seen him wield his blade. Sonny often employs his offensive magic and his Pokemon's abilities to add additional strength to the blade.

Skills: I have no idea what these are for.

Edited by Jory
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