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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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Um... not to sound rude in case I've overlooked someone... but who's Tamira???

Also @Murdoc way to steal my strategy (that I stole from X III: Last Stand).

Edited by Jory
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Two new characters just because!

Name: Tamara (Tami)

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Beautifly(F, 21,Prisma), Pichu (M,19, Plasma) Bayleef (M,22, Petallia)

Rank: Student

Tami is a happy-go-lucky teen who prefers pokemon companions over lots of friends. She has a couple of close friends, but not many. Tami is very nature-centered, and DOES NOT support using trees as target practice. As a long-range expert, Tami is not skilled in close range defense.

Magic classes: Illusion and Psychic

Mastered spells: invisibility, telekinesis, teleportation, and telepathy.

Skills: archery, knife throwing

Name: Harry

Gender: male

Pokemon: Scraggy (m,22 Mohawk) Larvesta(f, 21, Star) Larvitar (M, 18, Tera), Noibat, (F, 20, Josephine[dont ask])

Rank: student

Harry is a VERY competitive battler, and he is always trying to learn form his losses. Needless to say, he tries his best to coordinate his pokemon's moves and abilities.

Magic classes: Offensive and psychic

Mastered spells: Fire Barrier, Dark prison, telepathy, Dragon Fang

Skills: Good 'ol kung fu.

I'll draw these characters sometime..

There. I dug out my other characters for ya.

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Alright, so I wasn't quite correct.

-1 0+ Atk Absol Play Rough vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy: 212-252 (87.9 - 104.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO


0 Atk Metang Bullet Punch vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy: 31-37 (12.8 - 15.3%)

Not saying the math has to dominate the RP, but 4x supereffectiveness cannot be ignored.

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To simplify the divisions in realistic terms

Scouts: mappers, snipers, and recon.

Either carry a sniper rifle or a light carbine rifle, along with binoculars, and a high power tactical sidearm.

Some carry radios to call in first division for surprise attacks.

First division: guard team and soldiers

Guard areas of friendly ground and/or the first line boys.

They carry radios to call in second division support teams.

Carry heavy assault rifles and sometimes sidearms and grenades.

Second division: here come the big boys!

Called in by radio by first division or issued to attack by commanders and generals.

Carry big bad assault rifles and high power sidearms with grenades, sometimes riot shields and/or body armor.

They can call in special divisions with radios if things get too rough > : 3

Special division: shit gets real when these guys get called in, these dudes are THE assault team, armed to the teeth with everything and more, some with grenade launchers, others with sub machine guns and very high quality armor. They even have strong sidearms to boot. If these guys can't handle it, nobody can.

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Special division: shit gets real when these guys get called in, these dudes are THE assault team, armed to the teeth with everything and more, some with grenade launchers, others with sub machine guns and very high quality armor. They even have strong sidearms to boot. If these guys can't handle it, nobody can.

I would just like to say that if this is what we are then things will blow up all over the place.

Also it would be known as the lazy people who do the best. Just sit around and wait until needed, kinda sounds like me in school

Edited by AquaWind
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Incorrect, the Assault Team is trained the hardest, and are called in for attacks on enemy bases.

Believe me, these guys have it pretty bad, they get thrown into every single major event. And then train all the time later on.

Generally assault teams and scouts are best buddies in the line of fire, sniper and recon handle these guys when they're in trouble, recons are the sneaky dudes and snipers... It's pretty obvious. When an assault dude is in the field these two scout divisions are there best bets at surviving, snipers get rid of people around them that could ambush, and recons handle enemies around the area while with the assault team.

You've got the best division XD

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Alright, so I wasn't quite correct.

-1 0+ Atk Absol Play Rough vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy: 212-252 (87.9 - 104.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO


0 Atk Metang Bullet Punch vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy: 31-37 (12.8 - 15.3%)

Not saying the math has to dominate the RP, but 4x supereffectiveness cannot be ignored.

You're completely correct, however, you forgot some things. One: Scraggy got two Bulk Ups. Two: When you hit Scraggy with Play Rough, Reflect was still up. Three: Your Metang used Brick Break, not Bullet Punch. Four: Night Slash isn't super effective against Mime Jr., since Psychic/Fairy. (Dunno if this relevant here, lol) So actually...

-1 0 Atk Absol Play Rough vs. +2 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy through Reflect: 22-26 (44 - 52%) -- 5.9% chance to 2HKO


0 Atk Metang Brick Break vs. +2 0 HP / 0 Def Scraggy: 16-20 (32 - 40%) -- 96.9% chance to 3HKO

So that's, at best 92% of Scraggy's HP that is gone. Sorry for having to correct you so many times, but if you defeated Scraggy already, you would just have killed my strategy. Buuuut...following this, I can use a serious counter against your team. Literally.

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Um. Wow. You triple hit my Scraggy before he was able to use Bulk Up? Also, I think I missed the Bullet Punch in your post...

Edit: Oh. It's in the post above. You could have reposted >.>

Edit edit: And I also think Scraggy could have gotten the time to use Bulk Up before Absol attacked him, especially after slowing him.

Edited by Bibarel
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