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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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Sometime. I have a draft, but Im also kinda waiting on murdoc and whoever else was with you to post.

I believe the roster is
Maximus (Murdoc)
harry (grass)
Daniel (pokelord)

Jade (EXLink)
Lionel (bibs)

Other roster: (aka Lydia's crew)
Sonny (Jory)

Lydia (grass)

Anyone else I missed?

Edited by grasssnake485
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Character name: Sapphire Dachia

Magic Specialty: Illusion, Offensive

Spells: Shadow's Cloak (Invisibility), Water Katana (Forms water blades for attacking), Fog of Ignorance (Fancy way of saying extremely think fog), Heaven's Tears, (She can make it rain B)[Rain Dance])

Character name taken

Terrain-affecting spells dont exist.

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Not sure if its going to be OP or not; your character could also be borderline mary sue depending on how you play her.

But she's good for now. :3

I believe someone already took Cynthia/Sinnoh champion music. Or maybe that was the remix. Or both. IDK. Been tending to my PMD RP too much.

Anyywayy, Imma go poke Jory and Murdoc now. Once they show up its tactics meeting time. Want me to drop you in as well @ExLink?

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Great. Everyone's here.

FIrst order of business!

Anyone want a temporary free flygon?

Second order of business!

Le plan.

Student characters: You guys are going to clear out the ship, battle anyone you come across (THere's 8 grunts, and 1 leader-ish character. Control the grunts how you like, I'll be playing the leader) and get whoever you come across out of the ship. Its a three floor ship, counting the deck. The grunts would rather kill any passengers than fight you, unless youre in their way.

You will come across four dead people, one critically injured, and one (9 year old) girl who will help you if you ask persuade her very nicely and possibly bribe her. SHe doesnt have any pokemon, but her magic is strong enough to blast a hole in a wall-- and that's a WEAK spell.

Oh yeah, and Alina will be with you most of the time. MOST.

Lydia's team:

You guys take the long way around, and as I promised, you get to blow stuff up. There's a mini submarine about 3/4 of the way to the ship with ten grunts. BEAT ZEM ALL.

ambush attack by a higher up Shadow member once youre done, I'll reveal details later[

Once youre done, feel free to blow up the sub, but yeah. Alina orders you to blow up the ship since its too far demolished and doesnt want Shadow getting their hands on it. Oh, and its the only working ship the village has

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No srsly. Its really been 3 years since my friend Flo/Saph/Silver/Rainbow/Rainbowmeeper/Rainbowmeepinskarmory and I came together and went like "Ya know, we should really do a RP where there's people who can transform into pokemon!" So we did. I was 11 then. Saph was 9. It was our first RP hosted. Ergo, tons of plotholes, inconsistencies, and unthought-of errors.

So recently, Ive been working on a real backstory that's well written, (almost) plothole-less and inconsistency-less, and wasnt made in 10 minutes by two kids who obviously had little prior experience with RPing. Obviously, I'll be rewriting some of the previous "rules of the world" and stuff that you guys probably take for granted now, but hey. It'll be a bit more patched and less confusing. Probably. Makes sense to me. A friend of mine who knows nothing about pokemon except for the fact that pikachu can use thunderbolt and my favorite pokemon is serperior can make some sense out of it. At least it makes more sense than the old one.

Soooooo, do you guys want to stick to the original "backstory" and everything, or do you want to dump the old confusing stuff?

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@ absol

I seriously doubt your characters can swim two kilometers in the time Alina was taking to freeze the water. Aka about a minute.

And burn a hole, get inside, and notice a guy in there. Expect a ten minute wait, if not longer for people to notice youre not there and try to help you. Alina's telepathy reaches roughly a kilometer radius, and she's a pro.

Edited by grasssnake485
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