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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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Dammit grass i asked this twice do we know what a firearm is yet or not!? XD

If we do... I have a funny scene!

Yes. I believe we talked about that..30 pages ago.

But Em isnt a fan of them, so you wont see many guards with them.

Oh yeah, and Jory, after the battle round is done, we're gonna need your illusion work ;)

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welp,lets break that stagnation, shall we? might as well jump in here and introduce Ethic. Here goes... something.

Ethic climbed down from the lofty perch he had taken in a tree, where he'd spent several hours since morning watching Nova and Politician engage in a mock battle in the forest clearing below. Despite the size advantage that Politician had, the two were pretty evenly matched, and Ethic estimated that Nova had gone up around three levels, and Politician by two. As he descended to the forest floor, Nova ran up to him, still full of energy despite several hours of hard training.

"did we do well, master?" Nova asked with a thought. Just one of the unusual things about Ethic, ever since he was little, he could communicate with Pokemon through telepathy that ability was part of how he became among the top trainers in the world before Arriving at the academy yesterday evening, he had already beaten the leagues of Hoen, Johto, and his own home region of Cryos twice, each time refusing to accept the position as the new champion. Then a week ago his mother sat him down during his visit back home and talked to him about the family lineage, and explained the poke people. He was around 1/4 pokeperson, and his mother told him that one of the things in his late father's will was for him to attend the academy, and so here he stood.

"yeah, you did well." Ethic thought back. "would My father have been proud?" Nova asked eagerly, her Father was a shiny Arcanine nicknamed Salaam, and had been the strongest of Ethic's team back when he went around Champion stomping.

"I think he would've, but You still got a long way to go."

Nova danced around the clearing happily at that. Ethic checked his watch and realized how much time had passed, it was almost dusk; Emerald had told him to return by noon when he Asked her to cut the introduction classes that day, it was all just stuff he'd learned back in trainer's school years ago.

"you're going to make her wrath worse if you linger here, Ethic" Politician spoke up for the first time, already he was slivering back in the direction they'd came from that morning.

"come, on" Ethic thought back, "The rumors can't all be true." Politician turned to face him. "I could sense the cold heartedness flowing of that women in waves." Ethic was about to reply when he heard a stirring on the other side of the clearing. He turned and saw two men entering the clearing, they were both wearing a strange robed outfit, and had a black S emblazoned on their shoulders. The men were in a conversation and looked to be completely oblivious to Ethic and his partners.

"I told you that we were lost." said one man

"Shut up." said the other "We wouldn't be lost if you hadn't woken up late and caused us to miss the rest of the Squads deployment"

"Ho there, strangers." Ethic said. He could tell these men would be trouble, no one would dress in such ridiculous outfits if they were in their right mind. the two men stopped their arguing and finally noticed him, with a look that confirmed that Trouble was about to go down.

"you know," said one man, beginning to slowly circle Ethic like a Luxray stalking it's prey. "I think we've found ourselves a shot at redemption." "That we have." Ethic was so focused on the man circling him that he didn't notice the other one until his hand gripped his shoulder from behind. "Hand over your balls!" said the man. "sorry, they'll be kinda hard to do, if you know what I mean." Ethic heard a click, and felt the blade of a knife poke into his back." get your mind out of the gutter, you know what we want." the man replied.

he noticed that the man circling him reach for something and thought it would be a pokeball, but lo and behold, he pulled out a handgun instead. "shall we tear apart these bastards for you, Ethic?" Politician asked, he and Nova now sat watching from the treeline "Take out the one with the gun, I'll handle the goon behind me." Ethic ordered. A moment later Ethic heard a startled yelp and several gunshots, that was his cue.

While the man holding a knife to his back turned to look at what happened to his friend, Ethic whirled around and grabbed hold of the man's wrist, and in one smooth motion, shattered it and swated the knife into the forest. He threw the man to the ground and pinned down with his knee on his neck. He looked up and saw the Politician had used constrict on the other goon with Nova snarling beside him, the gun was nowhere to be seen. for the split second that he shifted his attention, the man under him broke free and stumbled to the trees, Ethic let him get away and then ordered for Politician and Nova to do the same with their captive. The second fled in the same direction as his partner.

He turned and stoped at the Treeline "F*** you." he said. Ethic just laughed at this pathetic attempt to regain some power over the situation, then quite verbally ordered Nova to use flamethrower. The hot flames licking at the Air was enough to scare the Second man off. Ethic noticed that one of them had dropped a greatball on the Ground in their escape. He kneeled down and picked it up.

"What have we here?" Ethic tapped the seal on the ball, a Staraptor emerged in a blaze of light. The creature attacked Ethic as soon as it regained it's vision from it's stasis inside the ball, Buffeting and attempting to slash at him with it's talons. Politician unleashed an iron tail attack that connected solidly with the right wing. the Wounded Staraptor fell to the ground and fitted about for a while, throwing up dust and dirt, after a while it calmed and just lay there. Ethic took a moment and noticed the scars marking the Staraptor's face and back; the scars weren't consistent with those that would be acquired in fierce battle, Ethic knew what those looked like from past experience, no, these scars were from abuse and neglect.

"hey there," Ethic thought soothingly, the Staraptor didn't move, but still looked at him with rage and fear in it's eyes "it's all right now, no ones going to hurt you anymore." "except for me," Politician broke into the mental conversation "if, that is, You ever come at my Master again." "Quit." Ethic scolded. he tried a few more attempts to communicate with Staraptor, but it refused to participate. Finally he stood up and pondered whether he should just smash the great ball and let it go free into the wild. Then his fathers voice rang through his head, a lesson from years ago "Ethic, never release an abused Pokemon directly into the wild, it'll just become a danger to everyone in the area, including those pokemon that live there." that left him with only one choice. Ethic gripped the great ball and activated the return function, then watched as Staraptor became engulfed in a red glow and dissapeared, and tucked the ball into his jacket pocket. He did the same with the poke balls of Nova and Politician, then started back towards the academy, it was now night.

"At least now," he said to himself in the darkness, "I have a legit excuse for being out so late."

(Ethic's current team: Nova(Growlithe F lvl23), Politician(Seviper M lvl22), Staraptor ? lvl??)

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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..Wrong Thread.

BTW, could you wait for a while for me to introduce you?

whoops... sorry, could you direct to the right one?

that's just great, now the forum won't let me delete it...

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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Just a quick note @Legendaries tamer:

1) I believe Staraptor is already taken, unless you were planning to make yours female.

2) Be careful about more sue-ish qualities such as being a champion, being skilled in close combat, and being able to speak telepathically with Pokemon. Those are all super-positive traits that, if I recall the "mary sue" thread correctly (See "Mary Sues: What They Are and How to Avoid Them"), will result in your character needing serious and meaningful flaws to help balance them.

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Just a quick note @Legendaries tamer:

1) I believe Staraptor is already taken, unless you were planning to make yours female.

2) Be careful about more sue-ish qualities such as being a champion, being skilled in close combat, and being able to speak telepathically with Pokemon. Those are all super-positive traits that, if I recall the "mary sue" thread correctly (See "Mary Sues: What They Are and How to Avoid Them"), will result in your character needing serious and meaningful flaws to help balance them.

the Staraptor is Female then, and don't worry, Ethic will have Plenty of Flaws that more than balance out his traits, The close combat skills are just part of his backstory of having a military father. I'll take out Telepathy, and reduce the magnitude of his accomplishments to make them more likely to actually happen

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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the Staraptor is Female then, and don't worry, Ethic will have Plenty of Flaws that more than balance out his traits, The close combat skills are just part of his backstory of having a military father. I'll take out Telepathy, and reduce the magnitude of his accomplishments to make them more likely to actually happen

I'm actually shocked at how smoothly that went ._. If you need any suggestions or just want to talk or something, feel free to shoot me a PM or look for me on the PO server.

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Anyone looking for spoilers?

IF everyone passes, here's the team lists:

Scout division:

(team 1)Sonny


Tamira (Tami)


Front Division:

(Team 2) Sakuya




(team 3)Shimmer



Defense Division:

(Team 4)Alina




Special Division:




Edited by grasssnake485
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Hey guys!

Sorry for being so late, I was YOLOing at a Spring Break aftermath party, it was badass.

It was held at the Kehma boardwalk, all night long, rides, music, food and drinks.

I think I've had too much for one day XD

I sort of misplaced my organs on some of the rides...

Not really, it was just horrible being in such a terrified state XD

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