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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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I could tell a person wasn't convinced when their face is extremely pissed off.

And like I explained after I edited.

Small nearly weightless creature hit by an extreme force.

Ahem, dratinis weigh almost twice as much as a pidove, and sandslash weigh 8 times as much.

And youre still not getting it


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I could tell a person wasn't convinced when their face is extremely pissed off.

And like I explained after I edited.

Small nearly weightless creature hit by an extreme force.

Grace is not pissed off, she's annoyed at her own pokemon.

Also, Angel is prepared for the incoming attack.

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Damage Powerplay Example

WRONG: Azazel charged boldly toward Baphomet, swinging his clawed fist toward the other man’s head. Azazel’s claws raked the side of the other man’s face, ripping through his flesh and causing a torrent of blood to gush from the man’s face.

WHY: This really bad roleplay is an obvious example of powerplay. Azazel’s roleplayer cannot connect an attack in the same post. Azazel’s roleplayer also cannot dictate the damage inflicted to another character.

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Quick attack= fast.

I see your logic but if I can't dodge something moving at 350+ Meters per second, and then slamming its entire body at full force into it I could see a Dratini having trouble.

If a shotgun that's slower than quick attack can throw a person to the ground. I'm sure something far larger than a bullet moving at around the same speed could do more. I know, trust me. I've watched it happen.

Don't worry the dude is still alive.

I didn't determine the damage. I just placed the attack.

Tell me grass, before I continue to waste my day typing. Would you be convinced that your plan was going along swell if the person across from you was pissed? Probably not.

Speed and weight determine power... Not the target... You learn a lot in the gun industry.

Just tell me what to change and I'll look into it.. I can understand your 'character control thing' so I'll go change that. But you can't argue with giant doves flying at the speed of the average buckshot shotgun blast.


Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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According to my calculations, if dratini hits the wall, it will hit the wall with almost twice the force of a 45 kilogram human hitting the floor from two feet up.

Physics freak. Im already studying AP physics two years early.

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According to pokemon damage calculations,

0+ Atk Pidove Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dratini: 3-4 (5.1 - 6.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever
0- Atk Sandslash Dig vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dratini: 37-45 (63.7 - 77.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
All pokemon have 31 IVs and 0 EVs, and I put in a balanced nature for your pidove and sandslash, and my dratini's nature.
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The physics say so, that force of the impact was far too much.

Speed isn't counterable very easily.

I still don't get your point.

But whatever. I said shutup because my phone kept making noises while I needed to listen to something very important.

Sorry. But seriously. dem physics don't lie.

Snake vs the force of a shotgun and then a punch of nearly 80 pounds of force isn't ignorable.

I seriously don't get you...

But whatever... I'll just deal with this...

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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This is not real life

If it was, pokemon would be dying every time theyre "knocked out"

If it was, wouldnt Sakura's fist (from naruto) be turned into mush?

If it was, shouldnt magikarp's splash OHKILL every pokemon it battles with? (the G-force of it would literally turn both pokemon into mush)

If it was, shouldnt Rainbow Dash (And every other pokemon that uses Brave Bird) be suiciding every time it uses sonic rainboom/brave bird?

If it was, wouldnt Eren's blades snap each time they hit a titan? (attack on titan)

If it was, shouldnt Sonic be dead?

If it was, shouldnt it take more than half an hour to cut 100 pieces of lumber in Harvest Moon (you get 10 pieces each time you cut down a tree)


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Lol splash kill... That sounds hilarious... And pathetic. But hilarious.

Sorry about the powerplaying thing if I did. I wasn't really focusing on what I was doing while typing. I had to make quick posts based on the plans I created.

Yes I made plans for this battle.

Btw. Doesn't protect last the whole turn? So I get to block two attacks : D!

Sorry if I made you angry.

I've literally been joking around with you this whole time.

Why on Earth would anyone like me argue about gun physics compared to a freaking bird!? Not me XD.

I'm sorry guys, honestly. I'll cut the jokes.

This was so pointless, but it was fun.

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Oh yeah, gonna be leaving for a slumber party in an hour or so, and I wont have internet until like 10 AM tomorrow morning or so

(and I think that's noon your time)

Care to make a post before I leave so I have time to think about my actions?

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