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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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Me? I taught myself how to lucid dream after getting daily nightmares of getting killed when I was 11. You wont be a problem.

Oh yeah, and my dream powers increase with the number of animes and games I watch/play. So yeah, Ive got all three dojutsu, three keyblades, ninjutsu, Ivy the Alicorn (She's a custom horse I made for another game, and I named my creator's copy Ivy) an arceus, serperior, zygarde, ninetales, psychic powers, teleportation, my extreme flexibility when I was in 3rd grade (literally, everyone called me scary since I could stick my head between my legs- backward), all the basic kung-fu I know (whatever, I attended this random course when I was in first grade)ability to shift into a demon cat (aka nekomata), ultimate healing powers, ability to block out all pain(while draining my energy), the extremely lightweight sword Alina has (spoiler, its a titanium-aluminum alloy), a 3D gear, alchemy, and to top it all off, flight.

You could say I am extremely sue-ish in my dreams.

The other day, I dreamt about Ao Oni appearing in my room, and I cut its head off. No problem

Another dream, Darkrai corrupted palkia and dialga, (like in PMD EoS) and I had to fight in a death match 1 on 3, while in mudkip form. I was somehow unable to shapeshift into arceus, so, I just OKHOed them al with a hydro pump ^w^

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Yep. And I read about it on wikipedia, and its extremely lightweight but strong(as in the fact its durable). The only downside is that its light. Apparently a heavier blade does more damage (according to Kirito in SAO)


THis is what I drew it to be like, but me not using a ruler = unstraight lines (is that even a word?) and apparently the middle of the sword is 6 pixels wider than the hilt.

Edit: Apparently somehow I drew the sheath to be perfectly straight. which is what its supposed to look like.

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A well built titanium sword with reinforcement from a stronger metal in all key areas is the blade of the future.

However if it is straight it has almost no cutting power unless the edges are fine serrated.

See gun places teach you about swords and knives too.

Hell, my blade weapon of choice is a Gerber survival and combat knife. My guns my parents keep for home defense are my dad's twelve gauge.

My mom's Walther p22

And my very own Remington .22 with a sniper scope and a 10 round magazine. That baby is a beautiful shot. And while anybody that thinks that a .22 is a 'weak' gun... You're an idiot.

Jk I don't want to be mean.

A .22 is an assassination round. That thing is one of the most quiet rounds. And one of the best low power high penetration rounds. I bet in a movie you've seen a dude with a .22 sniper rifle, and when he shot, the bullet ricocheted all over the place? Yes, the .22 round is known to do that. Including inside the human body. You can shoot a guy in the shoulder with this thing and have it come out their hip.

Weapons are my thing!

Btw grass, how do you lucid dream? Is it sleep paralysis training? Or wat?

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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A light straight blade is bad, since straight blades are crushing and piercing weapons, not cutting.

Design was slightly based off Asuna's sword in SAO. Its made with a "speed material". (And according to Lizbeth, the extremely light sword that kirito accidentally broke was made of a "speed material"

A well built titanium sword with reinforcement from a stronger metal in all key areas is the blade of the future.

However if it is straight it has almost no cutting power unless the edges are fine serrated.

See gun places teach you about swords and knives too.

Hell, my blade weapon of choice is a Gerber survival and combat knife. My guns my parents keep for home defense are my dad's twelve gauge.

My mom's Walther p22

And my very own Remington .22 with a sniper scope and a 10 round magazine. That baby is a beautiful shot. And while anybody that thinks that a .22 is a 'weak' gun... You're an idiot.

Jk I don't want to be mean.

A .22 is an assassination round. That thing is one of the most quiet rounds. And one of the best low power high penetration rounds. I bet in a movie you've seen a dude with a .22 sniper rifle, and when he shot, the bullet ricocheted all over the place? Yes, the .22 round is known to do that. Including inside the human body. You can shoot a guy in the shoulder with this thing and have it come out their hip.

Weapons are my thing!

Btw grass, how do you lucid dream? Is it sleep paralysis training? Or wat?

Honestly Absol, I have no clue what the hell you just said. And I honestly dont remember how I taught myself how to lucid dream. All I do is pay attention to dream signals, and bam, once youre aware that you are dreaming, you gain control.

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Morning... I have an idea that's actually a good one...

Friend code exchange anyone?

However, be warned everyone... We all know how much I hate them... FUCKING FAIRIES MAN!

And I will just say... My safari wasn't anything good... No poison, or ghost, or dragon...

I got FUCKING FAIRY!!! Why!?

Idk. But lets exchange codes anyway.

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Mornin guys.

Apparently there WAS internet.

So I watched SAO again

Apparently every blade there was straight, minus Silica's dagger(Me: *idiot moment*)

Also, my mom, who's a physics major, said that the effect f the quick attack would not be as drastic as you said.

And, how did your sylveon ignore IRON HEAD

0+ Atk Honedge Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 74-90 (96.1 - 116.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
Absol,what pokemon do you have in your safari? I already have a fairy one.
Mine has wartortle, panpour, and (one friend said azumarril and another said froglider)
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But that's impossible. Wat. A giant bird slamming into a small nearly weightless snake at 350+ meters per second is bound to knock it of the shoulder of something.

I didn't say the quick attack threw dratini into a wall or anything. It just knocked it off Sakura's shoulder XD it's not like something traveling that fast with that much mass will just bump into you.

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By the way,,,,

And, how did your sylveon ignore IRON HEAD

0+ Atk Honedge Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 74-90 (96.1 - 116.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
Absol,what pokemon do you have in your safari? I already have a fairy one.
Mine has wartortle, panpour, and (one friend said azumarril and another said froglider)
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THis is my calculated HP levels so far:

Dratini: 34/58

Honedge: 20/60

Florges: 46/78

Sylveon: 0/74 (should have been OHKOed from that iron head)

Sandslash: 20/66

Pidove: 21/21 (...Absol, is this thing only tandem battling? From my calculations, it only does 1-3 damage each turn)

Oh yeah, one pokemon cannot use protect more than twice in a row without failing.

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Mark's themes. Yeah. They're even better than Jake's XD.

Normal, outside battle.

Serious (liek angreh) outside battle


Wow so serious outside battle (like my serious outside battle theme for Jake, but it's different.)

Wild battle theme


(X and y plus ruby sapphire and emerald. Why not?)

Normal battle

Rival battle

Secret RP battle thingy.

(Yes same as Jake's for a reason)

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You know, youre hitting through light screen and reflect. Each move pidove makes does 0-1 damage (as calculated, and its much more likely to do 0 damage.)

I thought it was impossible to deal 0 damage with an attack.

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...Absol, you should be the one keeping track of your own pokemon. And I completely forgot, youre only allowed to USE three pokemon You lost Sheer, therefore you cannot call out onyx. I only switched Prisma for Petal in my last battle because I had to. I did not call Prisma back out.

Desert is still underground. Making Onyx use earthquake will knock out Desert since he's at less than 1/4 HP. Onyx cannot move twice in one turn. Desert also cannot move twice in one turn.

My team has +2 Spdef, -33% damage on all physical and special attacks, and Guardian is still under protect since not all of your pokemon attacked yet.

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