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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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I swear to god you make me want to blow my brains out sometimes.

I'm just gonna put this bluntly:

Stop being an inconsiderate prick.

Editing to clarify.

You've consistently shown a lack of regard for other roleplayers and the feelings of other people on the forum in general. Remarks like the one quoted are incredibly rude, which, again, you have a history of. It's insensitive, to boot. I won't claim to be innocent of saying offensive things (I frequently use the word 'retard' in real life), but at least attempt to consider the other person's reaction when you post.

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I swear to god you make me want to blow my brains out sometimes.

Suicide isn't funny and shouldn't be joked about. I don't get why it is so often, especially as someone who has considered it more than once.

Edited by Jory
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i know that we've already moved on to Chapter Two, but is it OK if i join in on this RP?

(I'm asking before i just jump on in.)

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I'm tough skinned too, look at that another thing in common. I'm a prick in general. That's just who I am. Not a bully, but just a short tempered prick a lot of the time. I can't believe you think I would actually kill myself. joking about the blowing my brains out... I've considered it too but then I called myself weak and got over it. I get nagged way to much.

Murdoc, I've gotten that a lot. I'm not actually mean. I just get pissed a lot over things outside forums. You don't have to put everything bluntly as you say if you don't even understand my feelings before you say I don't understand anybody else's... Think before you leap friend... I don't need clarification about the things I am.

And I know exactly how you're going to reply to this. Because I know you. So please, save it. Seriously. I already know who I am. But you don't know me outside a forum. I don't know you outside here either. But if anybody knows how to read peoples feelings, it's me.

And now I can see a reply from Murdoc saying "no you don't shutup."

I just don't get what is wrong with me lately...

I didn't get enough sleep today. I'm just gonna go real quick before we end up arguing over something else stupid.

Jory. Don't parent me up over suicide. I've trained my brain to be in one state at all times. I'm stable all the time. After all those thoughts about suicide I forced them to go away. I'm sure using a figure of speech wouldn't suddenly make you angry at me over something as stupid as suicide. I see it as stupid because when i considered it, I immediately stopped. I found it pointless.

And I know you're going to say.

"But it is serious. You're a prick. I actually did feel to suicide." Or something like that...

But that's you.

And I'm me.

And I can't get along with anybody it seems.

So I just need to... Think. For a while... I promise I won't hurt myself or anything. I just need to stop and think. I need to stop forcing myself to not feel sympathy for anybody else for a while to stop being a prick. I know exactly what's wrong with me and everything I say but for some reason... I can't ever get any of it right. I'll be back soon as a new person. Hopefully I can sort out my ridiculous concept of controlling myself.

-promise I will come back as a new person.

With semi-love you bunch of rascals.


Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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i know that we've already moved on to Chapter Two, but is it OK if i join in on this RP?

(I'm asking before i just jump on in.)

... Not unless you would like to join as a guard. But other than that, new characters are gonna mess up my plans until we move to chapter three.

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I'll wait until Chapter Three, thanks. Also, from which Pokemon generations are Original Partners allowed in the RP? i want to make sure that my Pokepartner is allowed in before posting my Signup Post. (I'm going try to be a Trainee.)

Edited by K_H
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Yes. If you'd look at the date my post was made, I posted it before the evolutions of chespin, fennekin and froakie were revealed. Hence, I said you could use all pokemon in existence, all revealed 6th gen pokemon (which EXCLUDE the event legendaries) and you are free to make up any mega evolutiuon for a pokemon in your team, BUT, you are limited to one hidden ability pokemon, one mega evolution, and one legendary per character.

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Well, might as well get this out of the way now...

Since I noticed Ethic is in the match following this one, just out of curiosity, what level would it be appropriate for his partners to be at when he's introduced?

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Current lists: ( moved some people around)

Scout division:

(team 1)Sonny




Front Division:

(Team 2) Sakuya




(team 3)Alice




Defense Division:

(Team 4)Alina




Special Division:




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OK, thanks. hope it's good. here goes:

Username: K_H

Character Name: Kenny

Character Gender: Male

Partner Pokemon:

#1 (Ace Pokemon): Riolu, Level 10, Male, Ability: Inner Focus, Name: "Ryu";

#2: Eevee, Level 10, Female, Ability: Adaptability, Name: "Eve";

Rank: Trainee

Personality: somewhat shy, but very friendly once you get to know him better.

Appearance: Tall (5' 11"), Short Brown hair, Blue eyes

Crush: doesn't have one.

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I'm back after a lot of considering.

You wouldn't BELIEVE the stress I endured! I did homework! Ate pasta! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! And then... I played Metal Gear Solid!


But seriously. I did actual consideration. I need to open up to you guys instead of being so hostile. Maybe Murdoc is right... Maybe I have to consider what people might feel...

I am a new person. No more total prickiness.

And yes Grass. You did it. You understood something I said. Mark threw the match XD. However the storyline between Jake and Mark will show you why he didn't care.

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OK, thanks. hope it's good. here goes:

Username: K_H

Character Name: Kenny

Character Gender: Male

Partner Pokemon:Oshawott, level 10, Male, "Otto"

Normal Links: Zoroark, Samurott, Pikachu, Lucario (Mega Evolution link)

Legendary Link: Latios

Rank: Trainee

Personality: somewhat shy, but very friendly once you get to know him better.

Appearance: Tall (5' 11"), Short Brown hair, Blue eyes

Crush: doesn't have one.

You sure you read everything thoroughly? There are no Legendaries or Megas yet at this point.

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OK, thanks. hope it's good. here goes:

Username: K_H

Character Name: Kenny

Character Gender: Male

Partner Pokemon:Oshawott, level 10, Male, "Otto"

Normal Links: Zoroark, Samurott, Pikachu

Mega Link (When it becomes available): Lucario (Mega Evolution link)

Legendary Link (When it becomes available): Latios

Rank: Trainee

Personality: somewhat shy, but very friendly once you get to know him better.

Appearance: Tall (5' 11"), Short Brown hair, Blue eyes

Crush: doesn't have one.

All trainees start out with 2 pokemon at level 10. No legendaries, or megas are available at this point. Latios is not available as a legendary. You may or may not even be allowed to get a legendary. Your partner pokemon becomes your primary link and the only one you can semi-shift into. After the conclusion of this chapter, I am not introducing any more male characters because there are only three current PCs that are female and *counts* 8 male PCs. I am not introducing any more male characters until the gender ratio is at least 3:4.

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I guess that since the Gender ratio isn't adequate, i won't be joining. i shall wait until then, and Edit my Signup Post in the meantime.

[EDIT]: Signup post edited.

Edited by K_H
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