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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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I'm here... I never left really...

Now then, I see that the fights so far have been triple battles. Would you like me to put in another partner for Ethic to even it out, or just have him go in with just two?

Either one works for me. and do you already have the intro for him planned out completely? (Ex. explaination as to him being brought in late, in order to keep the story smooth)

or would you like to consult me on some points about it?

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Grass pls. And it's a little late for April Fools :/

Edit: just checked first post.

> No bird trio or Lati@s

>> Wanted bird trio or Lati@s


Wait a second, What? when.... how...

oh nevermind.

Not kidding. Now Im just waiting to see Absol's reaction (WHich will probably be an extreme happy dance)

But yeah, hopefully now that you know that, you wont be surprised by everything else thats going to happen in chapter three.


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Now that I know that seviper uses aqua tail, that means Star's in danger.

"Star, Drill run! Mohawk, dig. Get that Seviper out of the way, then focus on the ferroseed!"

Star the larvesta started spinning, then shot off like a bullet towards Politician, while Mohawk's dug a deep hole and hid himself in it.

(focused on text is in red. context in yellow. It's all colored so that it's actually visible)

You know, I really hate to be a dick about things... so sorry in advance, but...

I call Foul:

Grass, would you mind explaining to me just how in the hell can Harry's Larvesta, Star, possibly know the move DRILL RUN.

Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought you once said that Pokemon can use any move in their move-pool, so long as this clause don't get abused. Well... I checked both Bulbapedia and Serebi, as well as opened up the team builder in PO and created a Larvesta just to see it's complete possible move-pool.

And all of them concluded the same result:

Larvesta has no way to possibly learn the move DRILL RUN. not through leveling. not through a move tutor. not through TMs. and not through egg moves

but I believe you also said we could have them know any move that would make sense for them to know, like:

"It would make sense for Swanna to use Hydro Pump, even though it doesn't legitimately learn Hydro- pump in the games"

Well, I still don't really see the logic in how a LARVESTA, could or even should know Drill run. Let's take a look at the pokemon who can legitamately learn Drill run:


  • Fearow
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Rhyperior
  • Dunsparce
  • Drillbur
  • Excadrill


  • Karrablast

Move tutors

  • Nidoran MF
  • Nidorino
  • Nidoking
  • Rapidash
  • Seel
  • Dewgong
  • Goldeen
  • Seaking
  • Lapras
  • Mew (Can learn anything so really doesn't count)
  • Pineco
  • Fortress
  • Dunsparce
  • Hitmontop
  • Baltoy
  • Claydol

Now, with all those above, with the exception of Mew, who can learn any move in existance, All the pokemon that can legitimately learn the Move Drill Run have a common theme between them which is this:


Now then, a Larvesta:


Has neither of those traits. as everyone can see in the above picture.

Again, I'm really sorry and am trying not to be complete Dick about this, But when I read Harry's order to Larvesta, I kinda felt like someone had slapped me in the face.

Here I am, trying to fight fairly, going to the trouble of checking various resources to ensure that the moves and capabilities my team use are valid and possible, only to have What I feel is just Harry giving a Pokemon a completely Illegal move for it just so that they can exploit Politicians type-weakness to ground types.

Now, I do not get upset when people exploit Type weakness, that's just the way Pokemon is; it's a major aspect and strategy of battling.

However, what DOES upset me is when someone decides to go through less than forthright means in order to exploit a type weakness, like giving a Pokemon a move that really can't be justified on it.

Maybe I'll just go ahead and respond to it the way it is right now. Maybe I won't.

I really don't know right now. I need time to go and think on some things...

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*points to back*

I have crazy relation chains, which I doubt anybody but I can understand.

This was my reasoning when I was coming up with my pokemon's movepools.

Larvesta has a spiral like back >> reminds me of a screw >> screws can be used with drills >> larvesta has horns >> horn drill

And then I remembered that I made a no OHKO moves, so I changed it to drill run.

I know, Im crazy. And most of my ideas give anybody but me a WTF reaction.

Here's the current moveset:


drill run


spike cannon

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*Grumples something under breath*

Fine... I have two aces now... and a few tricks of my own up my sleeve... time to get creative

guess it really won't matter if Politician takes a KO, seeing as how nova is evolved...

Lucky I don't have Ethic miraculously "Fix" the poke ball around his neck and sent out his empoleon, but that's against the rules.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still quite pissed by this whole situation, I could go on and turn it into a big drama fest, but I'm not going to, because I'm not that guy. I'm just letting this go for now to prevent any needless conflict Like I've seen on this thread before

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Well, I currently dont have a strategy to go against an arcanine that I will assume runs flare blitz and extremespeed.

And because you are one of the few people who dont have 4 pokemon, Dragon Tail is useless.


Im on the path to a loss.

I used a random number generator to pick the characters going against each other.

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because a bug can totally use the soft and vulnerable abdomen as a piercing weapon

EDIT: What would everyone think of having an ace? As in, your designated main Pokemon. Your ace would just get to do a little better in battles, either just by RPing or grasssnake handing out a free level advantage.

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because a bug can totally use the soft and vulnerable abdomen as a piercing weapon

EDIT: What would everyone think of having an ace? As in, your designated main Pokemon. Your ace would just get to do a little better in battles, either just by RPing or grasssnake handing out a free level advantage.

I like this idea. It'd make it way more interesting to see our favorites in battle if they were able to do things just a bit better. Rayleigh would wreck EVERYTHING :D

EDIT: Also, can we finish the battles soon? I haven't exactly gotten to do much yet >>

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because a bug can totally use the soft and vulnerable abdomen as a piercing weapon

EDIT: What would everyone think of having an ace? As in, your designated main Pokemon. Your ace would just get to do a little better in battles, either just by RPing or grasssnake handing out a free level advantage.

not really any objections here...

So long as no one gives them illegal moves

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Well, you know you can take advantage over my leniency too.

Or am I the only one that thinks its alright for a slugma to have scald and a celebi to have roar of time. Or zwellious (I am 100% sure I didnt spell that right) with fury swipes and frosslass with petal blizzard or abra with focus punch or zebstrika and rapidash or serperior with horn leech or kakuna with spike cannon or metapod with bullet seed or serperior with ice fang or chansey with the elemental punches or any bird pokemon with horn drill..............


(list goes on)


I think you guys should get my point by now. If I cant find a relation, or I dont get your relation (which is hard for me not to), its not allowed.

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Zweilous shouldn't get fury swipes. Its heads would be too heavy for it to support itself on only its hind legs, especially considering its blindness. Also, you should consider typing and the literal Japanese translations when finding these relations. Petal Blizzard isn't an actual blizzard, it's just a bunch of petals being whirled around another Pokemon. Froslass has no affiliation whatsoever with flowers, so why would that make sense? Iirc Chansey can actually learn the elemental punches and Abra can learn Focus Punch, but Horn Leech is meant for Grass-types with actual horns. It seems to be a specific biological function.

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((there's so many holes in that move set list's logic that I'm not even going to bother pointing them out. screw it, I'm over the issue...))

Just to make sure...

No one has a Dragalge or Skrelp, do they? because Politician's days on the team are pretty much over...

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alrighty then... Ethic will get on that after he gets rid of politician... and this battle ends...


How would we go about switching out current party members, by using a PC, right?

And what level would Skrelp be at?

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