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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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you evidently forgot quite a bit in your Post where you asked if you forgot anything, then. And what was that i saw about Illusion and Healing in your Post? i've got Offensive and Defensive in mine.

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That's why she calls herself "Alina Teh Serp", and also why she has a Title of "Alina The Serperior". It's as clear as a window that she likes Serperior!

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Mind. BLOWN!

But your theory is wrong. Allow me to explain.

(Sorry I'm in my not -_- mood)

Deviantart was created long ago, in the time of generation 5 of pokemon. The creator of this wonderful strange society of *cough* weird artists, was known as gawd. He was gawdly. After 7 days of creating a useless website, he shifted the space time continuum to make babe Ruth hit the grand slam, therefor preventing N from completing his plan while at the same time releasing a powerful army of evil absols by accident. Babe Ruth had to defeat this army of absols to regain his 3rd base steal into home, this sudden inevitable defeat to the opposing team caused the absols to be revived. Suddenly a UFO landed and a young lady named Alina stepped out commissioned by the saiyans to conquer deviantart with her army of super saiyan serperiors. As she almost succeeded the army of absols attacked and babe Ruth and Alina had to team up to defeat them. Babe Ruth died halfway through causing Alina to empower herself to super saiyan and destroyed all but one absol (me). That absol swore revenge as Alina claimed deviantart for the saiyans and took the title of "Alina teh Serp".

Nobody knows the location of the final absol, who does not live on the gulf coast.

That's the RIGHT story. K_H ur such a moron -_-

(Now reverting back to -_- prick mode)

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Mind. BLOWN!

Deviantart was created long ago, in the time of generation 5 of pokemon. The creator of this wonderful strange society of *cough* weird artists, was known as gawd. He was gawdly. After 7 days of creating a useless website, he shifted the space time continuum to make babe Ruth hit the grand slam, therefor preventing N from completing his plan while at the same time releasing a powerful army of evil absols by accident. Babe Ruth had to defeat this army of absols to regain his 3rd base steal into home, this sudden inevitable defeat to the opposing team caused the absols to be revived. Suddenly a UFO landed and a young lady named Alina stepped out commissioned by the saiyans to conquer deviantart with her army of super saiyan serperiors. As she almost succeeded the army of absols attacked and babe Ruth and Alina had to team up to defeat them. Babe Ruth died halfway through causing Alina to empower herself to super saiyan and destroyed all but one absol (me). That absol swore revenge as Alina claimed deviantart for the saiyans and took the title of "Alina teh Serp".

Nobody knows the location of the final absol, who does not live on the gulf coast.

this is the most random ass thing I've seen from you yet, Absol XD

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Now that I think about it, do you guys think Im kinda like a mary sue in real life?

I do gymnastics, tai kwon do (well used to at least), dance (x 4 genres), singing, piano, am a math geek, loves writing and science, gets straight a's, can clear a pokemon game in 18 hours or less if I try, and is one of the top 1000 (out of almost 2 million) players on Howrse?

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Kinda yeah, but music won't give you a

Snowballs chance in hell against me unless you're a jigglypuff. I'm tough as nails and that's more than enough to make a Mary Sue. I can lift a 220 pound man to my waist while he's on the ground. However that man is my dad and he's a Krav Maga master. No matter how flexible you get he'll still break your rotator cuffs in ten seconds flat. XD Mary Sues are everywhere, they just need traits that make them better in certain ways, and don't think i haven't taken some of my old man's moves, I can break some rotator cuffs too >.>. I'm a wonderful shot, can take quite a few hits, and enjoy fighting. But flexible people could definently get the better of me at times, I just hope they don't let me punch them xD. If I fought someone like you in real life I would get pissed at all your dodgy nonsense and just plain try to smash you, good opportunity to trip me? Not at all, no matter how mad I get I still have a brain. But I'd have to be careful of the constant flying arms and legs...

I haz studied tai kwon so I know the fighting style, simplest counter is to get behind the person and lock their arms and legs as quickly as possible.

The only thing that you could use to help yourself against someone like me would be to use your gymnastics, dance, and whatever pressure points and core breakers (like the evil gut punch) you've learned in tai. I might be young but I'm still strong enough to do things quite a few others in my school/classes can't. I doubt there's many untrained kids my age that could beat my dad in hand to hand, he's just too good... I get by his moves only because I'm strong too, besides that he knows how to beat back anything i hit him with other than just beating on him, and even that doesn't work... He just mashes your hand's bones together and rubs them back and forth... (It doesn't sound like it hurts... BUT OWEEEEE IT DOES!) if my dad got really buff again like he used to be it would be even harder to beat him. Everyone has something with them that gives them the Mary Sue ticket.

And I'm smart, but who cares about that in this day and age, tons of people are! They might be math geeks, while I hate math, but love science and literature. Although I've got book smarts, I lack common sense, but I excel at being clever. I can make up ways to win arguments real quick : 3

But if there's anything I'm best at, it's tricks and strength. I can sneak up on my people from an exceptional distance without a sound, and I can hit hard while adapting To many things well. But that doesn't automatically make me a sue. I have a bulky body build, meaning speed isn't my best spot (but I'm not slow whatsoever) my weakest traits by far are my common sense, lack of inspiration, speed, and general flexibility. I feel there's a good chance you could beat me in a fight grass.

It would only take one move...

The Glomp... : O

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I once had a black belt in taekwon do... but that was several years ago and I'm out of practice and quite certain my fighting skill has diminished considerably since then...

hell, my greatest strengths right now are probably only a Rampant Ambition, Determination, and a set of people skills which are virtually non-existent unless i have to speak in front of public (You'd be surprise how easy it can be to win the entire crowd over to your favor...), and my ambition... wait, did I already put that? good. just making it known.

anyways, it's pretty much impossible for someone to be a Mary Sue IRL. You may have all those strengthes going, but trust me, You've got more than enough weaknesses and flaws as a person to make up for them, and there are a few I can spot right now, off the top of my head.... that's how it works in this world, if you get a strength, you also get a weakness to balance it out automatically, even if you don't know you do.

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^again, more than enough weaknesses to balance it all out...

and to answer the question, a one handed cart wheel

For me, anything that's two hands or no hands is easy. I have far too little arm muscle to support all 110 pounds of me on one arm

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I weigh 170 and I can support my entire body with two arms for an extended period of time. (Having crutches for so long gave me strength) I can use one for about 2 seconds, seeing as not just anybody simply just uses one arm to do so in anything other than climbing.

I have planned on becoming a gymnast to become more flexible like I need to be. It would give me a tremendous advantage on and off the football field.

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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