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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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My first White-Out was in the X/Y Elite Four's Water Specialist. but I only had myself to blame for that... I came unprepared. Also, it was the freaking GYRADOS that took out five of my 'Mons after one single Dragon Dance! And me having taken out both Wikstrom and Malva while I was at a Typing Disadvantage! Heck, I even Steamrollered AZ later on with two of my Pokemon that were of the same Species as his active ones! (By the way, I discovered that Fly is a good Move to use against a Half-over Phantom Force. we both had a Level 60 Golurk Active at low HP. the next Hit would end this part of the Battle, and AZ's Golurk used Phantom Force, which dodged my Golurk's Shadow Punch. The next Turn, I had my Golurk use Fly, which dodged the Second Half of AZ's Golurk's Phantom Force, and Fly knocked out AZ's Golurk on the turn after, ending the Second Third of the Battle. We then both switched to Level 60 Sigilyphs.)

Edited by K_H
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Slaking ohko's MY SWAMPERT. And my swampert is utterly horrible to use against slaking, it has rock smash, dig, water gun, and strength. Physical moves do nearly zero damage and water gun.. is such a weak move.

2nd highest leveled pokemon: Gardevoir, level 35. 2 psychics kills slaking. I feel glad I invested in 4 calciums.

I survived the 2nd battle due to pure chance. Linoone ohoked manectric but got paralyzed. Golbat outspeeds it and scores a KO.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE DAT SPINDA'S TEETER DANCE. And whoever says POISON STING is a bad idea, think again. It saved me.

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Slaking ohko's MY SWAMPERT. And my swampert is utterly horrible to use against slaking, it has rock smash, dig, water gun, and strength. Physical moves do nearly zero damage and water gun.. is such a weak move.

2nd highest leveled pokemon: Gardevoir, level 35. 2 psychics kills slaking. I feel glad I invested in 4 calciums.

I survived the 2nd battle due to pure chance. Linoone ohoked manectric but got paralyzed. Golbat outspeeds it and scores a KO.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE DAT SPINDA'S TEETER DANCE. And whoever says POISON STING is a bad idea, think again. It saved me.

Wait. Wut. Slaking's SpDef is higher than his Def, right? And Rock Smash would have helped you to lower his Defense again...and again...and again...and again... And also, two Psychics? Even more wut.

Edit: Oh yes, and about this.

"defensive" doesnt exist.

I am pretty sure I used a defensive spell/skill somewhere. Is it legit for me to keep that one or...?

Edited by Pineapple
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^and while we're on that subject...

I still need someone to tell me what exactly we were meant to put for these "Skills and Skillsets" I keep seeing. because honestly I have too much other work to go back and try to finish reading the first chapter in order to figure it out.

Edited by Stratos
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I am pretty sure I used a defensive spell/skill somewhere. Is it legit for me to keep that one or...?

Barriers are included in offensive.

I still need someone to tell me what exactly we were meant to put for these "Skills and Skillsets" I keep seeing. because honestly I have too much other work to go back and try to finish reading the first chapter in order to figure it out.

Pretty much same thing, skills/skillsets are pretty much how good your character is at power/accuracy/speed. Plays no role in the story except that I use it in my behind the scenes planning.

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...And ninja'd too. Sorry. Now in the edit, I'll just post the magic etc.

Magic: Offensive (decent), Healing (pretty terrible)

Skills: Power 2, Accuracy 2, Speed 4.

Spells: Air Shuriken (Offensive), Psychic Blow (Offensive), Parabolic Shield (Offensive)

Ayup, no healing spells yet.

Edited by Pineapple
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Alright, I edited the Skills section for Ethic.

And is there a list of Spells that are possible to have been mastered by characters at this point in the story?

((and as a side note, Ethic's main choice of weapon will be either his father's old combat knife, or Nova and the rest of the pokemon in his Party, assuming that we'll be able to give our pokemon Lethal/kill commands in a fight.))

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I am working on a guide, but basically, offensive has 3 categories: ability enhancing, attacking, and barriers. Get creative. Ability enhancing changes with the type and is the only one with set spells. (and again, Im not creative enough to make them all, but here's the ones I have so far)

Fire: Can absorb fire to heal, +2 attack

Grass: can turn body parts into vines, +2 special attack

Fairy: Ability to fly for short distances, +2 special defense

Flying: "turn body into wind"(more like travel REALLY fast, reference to the book the alchemist :P), +2 speed

Psychic: opens up "alternate dimension" and can travel back and forth between them. +2 sp. attack

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Oh yeah, you dont just learn healing spells in the class :3

Emerald is also kind enough to teach you about wild medicinal herbs and how to find the kind of berry youre looking for. And food pills (you can probably guess where I got that from).

Healing (I cannot "name" stuff right now XC)

General healing spell: Heals external wounds, burns, scrapes, bites, etc.

Poison absorbing: extract poison, poison can be used in making antidotes, etc, or can be used to heal yourself.

Regeneration: Can only be applied to user, regenerates large wounds in a short amount of time, but drains a lot of magic energy

General draining spell: Virtually identical to giga drain/reverse healing, only applies to user.

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I'm gonna learn draining once my healing improves...


Maybe I could blind someone... Or... Maybe make them lose their train of thought and disrupt their magic energy? Kind of temporarily block their ability to use any sort of skill...

Btw my plan of skills is

Accuracy 5

Speed 3.5/4ish

Strength 3 (improves significantly)

Mark is

Accuracy 4

Speed 2

Strength 5

(As you can see mark is clearly better than jake, but he is bulkier and slower)

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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I'm thinking.


Maybe dark could....


Kinda like shadow sneak, but when the shadow hits an enemy it disrupts their energy, and steals some of it? Obviously the shadow is weaker than the user. +1 attack and speed?...

I HATE creativity.

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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I'm thinking.


Maybe dark could....


Kinda like shadow sneak, but when the shadow hits an enemy it disrupts their energy, and steals some of it? Obviously the shadow is weaker than the user. +1 attack and speed?...

I HATE creativity.

Shadow clone? Sure.

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I had thought that I'd posted Sonny's stuff, but oh well.



Accuracy- 2

Agility- 6

Strength- 5 (Plus Berserker Strength [+3])


Illusion- Grand Illusions, Unnoticeability, Muffles

Offensive- Enhancement Magic master, not so good at the ranged stuff.


Rayleigh (Sawsbuck, M)

Maverick (Staraptor, M)

Toru (Snorlax, M)

Chess (Zangvile, F)- For this I will need an art. Grass can you pretty please? :D

Zangvile Details:

Zangvile (Zangoose/Weavile Fusion)

Type: Normal / Ice

Ability: Immunity / Toxic Boost

Base Stats:

HP- 70

Attack- 118

Defense- 60

Sp. Attack- 45

Sp. Defense- 85

Speed- 122

Total- 500


Start- Shadow Claw

Start- Metal Claw

Start- Dragon Claw

Start- Night Slash

1 - Scratch

1 - Sharpen

4 - Quick Attack

9 - Fury Cutter

15- Icy Wind

22- Crush Claw

25- Hone Claws

31- Detect

35- X-Scissor

44- Ice Shard

49- Swords Dance

55- Close Combat

62- Icicle Crash

TM01- Hone Claws

TM06- Toxic

TM07- Hail

TM10- Hidden Power

TM12- Taunt

TM13- Ice Beam

TM14- Blizzard

TM15- Hyper Beam

TM17- Protect

TM18- Rain Dance

TM21- Frustration

TM22- Solarbeam

TM24- Thunderbolt

TM25- Thunder

TM27- Return

TM28- Dig

TM30- Shadow Ball

TM31- Brick Break

TM32- Double Team

TM33- Reflect

TM39- Rock Tomb

TM40- Aerial Ace

TM41- Torment

TM42- Facade

TM44- Rest

TM45- Attract

TM46- Thief

TM47- Low Sweep

TM48- Round

TM52- Focus Blast

TM54- False Swipe

TM56- Fling

TM63- Embargo

TM65- Shadow Claw

TM66- Payback

TM67- Retaliate

TM68- Giga Impact

TM75- Swords Dance

TM80- Rock Slide

TM81- X-Scissor

TM84- Poison Jab

TM87- Swagger

TM88- Sleep Talk

TM90- Substitute

TM94- Rock Smash

TM95- Snarl

TM97- Dark Pulse

TM98- Power-Up Punch

TM100- Confide

HM01- Cut

HM03- Surf

HM04- Strength

As you can see, Sonny is a close-up, in-your-face kind of fighter, hence his use of a bastard sword. His Pokemon team, which now includes a fusion Pokemon, is designed to reflect that.

Also, the type thing for Normal should be some kind of HP or Attack enhancement.

Attack- attacks create shockwaves on impact, +2 attack

HP- super-effective hits become neutral hits, +2 HP

Edited by Jory
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