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The Shrouded Islands -Poke-people RPG (OOC thread) REGISTRATIONS OPEN


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... God it's like nobody gets the hints I'm dropping...

Legendary pokemon...

Strange team...

Sent to kill somebody...?

Huh? Nobody?...

I'm not trying to be awkward, I'm trying my best to drop hints : P

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Little randomness, but this year's PE is gonna be FUN

Sophomores get to do wrestling, swimming, martial arts, and aerobics. Have no idea what aerobics are, but everything else is fun ^^"

Much better than basketball and football and tennis and softball last year.

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... I get to do football, and wrestle with my dad who cheats with his godd*** police and military techniques... Great exercise, and really pushes my limits but oh god my neck and arms hurt so bad after all that.

Everyone... I have bad news...

I've watched an anime episode...

(This is my reaction, except I got a drink of water and tried to forget what I saw)

Aerobics=stretching lulz

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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I dont have much muscle, but I tend to be trippy and slippery. You cant really hold onto me for a long time. Oh, and opponents, better watch out where you put your feet.


I am a competitive swimmer

Martial arts:


Unfortunately, in 10th grade, they dont split you up into girls and guys anymore.

..Which i think is not the best decision.

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Guys from 6th grade up are dumb.

The end.

Children from 6th grade down are dumb

The end.

Girls and boys in the same room from 6th up is dumb

The end.

Don't put me in the same room as weird girls. I grow extremely angry with anything annoying quite quickly.

The end.

I hate societies ideas of what's cool, teaching us about computers over how to pummel someone in a football game.

I would love to wrestle, you just can't gain any weight,

Or else you get rekt. Just remember, the bigger they get, the less slippery you seem.

Man I hate my school.

They'd arrest me for wearing one of my keepsakes.

*a 50 caliber ball point bullet*

They don't pay enough attention outside of the office to notice people smoking.

And they don't have any sort of fighting.


I'm super jealous... I don't care if it's you or Bruce lee, I'll take em on. I'm the most headstrong person you'd ever meet.

This song... It's... The most inspirational thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

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Man I hate my school.

They'd arrest me for wearing one of my keepsakes.

*a 50 caliber ball point bullet*

They don't pay enough attention outside of the office to notice people smoking.

And they don't have any sort of fighting.


They'd send people wearing anything that seems inappropriate (some kid wore "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something sweet to eat" and got in big trouble) to the office for detention,

and leave the girls wearing oversized armpit holes, overly low V-necks, and strapless shirts to school alone. And dude, I saw 3 freshmen get creamed and 7 others get floured on the first friday. School tradition for the seniors to play pranks on the freshmen on the first friday, dubbed "freshmen friday". Even though the school said that "freshmen friday" is totally a rumor and not true, and whoever attempts it gets in huge trouble...

NOPE. Total lie.

I (almost) got freshmen friday-ed, someone dumped a whole bunch of cream on the stairs, and people were slipping like crazy. Yeah. Turned right around when I saw that.

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We've got a similar-yet-different problem in my school: FF doesn't happen, but the Senior Pranks get really out-of-hand on the last week of Classes before Summer Vacation.

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True dat.

My school is like.

oh wrestling is too dangerous.

Oh, prescription pills are dangerous.

Touch them just because your friend has to tie his shoe and get suspended.

Oh, your literally useless empty bullet is a dangerous weapon.

And the girls? They'll talk about boys for months and then dump them after a week.

I'm liek.

Mah sig vid. So mad...

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I have a necklace shaped like a miniature sword (asuna's rapier from SAO), and a teacher saw it and confiscated it "for being possibly dangerous"

Now what about that golf cart that was parked on my driveway? It belongs to the school. Some kid(without a driver's license) was driving it around the neighborhood when it ran out of gas. Dumped it on the nearest driveway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My school is up everyone's rear about some things (e.g. being totally on edge about me bringing in some fencing equipment for a demo) but frightfully lax about other areas of security.

martial arts club gets to bring fake swords and show off during lunch. (fyi, all our performing arts clubs get to perform on fridays during lunch -- and im in almost all of them xD)

pokelord, weba. please, pretty please, stay for a while this time!

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They will arrest me... For wearing an empty bullet as a necklace... I hate how stupid people can be. Yet today, to prove teachers don't pay attention to anything unless it's in front of them, my friend and I slammed our fists together with a milk carton in between and made a giant rain of milk.


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Now that I think of it, it would be more logical if everyone was speaking Japanese with English as a secondary language. In Grace's case, it would be a third language, since Kalos is France.

EDIT: And I seriously have to get around to doing a drawing of Sarcus sometime. Picture my trainer sprite but higher quality standing on a Metagross and looking like he was directing troops, wind blowing his hair in the night.

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I'm Murdocs lost twin. XD.

I'm the worst at drawings. Believe me... Could you maybe deviant my char if possible Grass?... If you don't wanna idc really.

What does it look like?

Not guaranteeing anything btw. I still have like 2+ months backlog of art orders.

Oh, and I completely LOL'd at your post.

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As a base, my character is just like me irl. Tall, slim and bulky. About 5.10. Wavy Eyelash Long dirty blonde bangs with a spike that always sticks up in the back. Slate gray eyes. Clothes are generally just dark colored sneakers, denim blue jeans, and a long sleeved black shirt with an absol logo. If ya' need more info just ask away.

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