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Help with Amaria / team improvement reccomendations


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Hi there am having some trouble with Amaria


My team Currently consists of:

77 Alolan Raichu Surge Surfer, Naive , Thunderbolt Psychic Nasty Plot Thunderwave,

86 Snorlax, Thick Fat, Adamant, Belly Drum Rest Wild Charge Heavy Slam,

86 Blastoise, Lax, Protect, Surf, Brick Break, Toxic,

85 Primadonna, Liquid Voice, Docile, (Primarium Z) Surf Misty Terrain Moonblast Sparkiling Aria,

and am leveling up a toxicroak for the dry skin and sludge wave. Altaria is purely for flying and not used in battle

Please let me know what items i should use

On the bench i also have some useful things like: 

82 Feraligatr Sheerforce Adamant Waterfall, Ice Fang, Crunch Superpower,

86 Metagross Clear Body Adamant Bullent Punch Meteor Mash Psychic Brick break

as well as not ideal for this fight 84 Delfox Bashful Magician Psychic Flamethrower Lightscreen and Will o Wisp


have also attached my various other pokemon i have caught on this playthrough

Am happy to grind and level up pokemon as i have been stuck on this fight for 2 days 

Is only my first playthrough so any tips would be really helpful thanks!

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Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 17.54.14.png

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Make use of the elemental seed when she uses Dive. Changes your typing to Water.


Just looking at your team I feel like Raichu, Snorlax and Blastoise looks like your weakest links. Imo, even Primarina I think is too slow to keep up. Also too fragile on Amaria's field.


Get some Grass types, Mega Venusaur is available to you. Tangela is very strong.


Where exactly is it the fight is going wrong for you? Which of her members is causing you problem and which of your members isn't pulling it's weight?


Swift Swim users are also very strong. Poliwrath is one I recently used and it did a lot of work for me against her.


Some strong Electric types with the Elemental Seed on Underwater Field can end up sweeping the fight for you.


The best, as well as easiest strategies, is to use the field effects against the gym leaders and to your own advantage. The damage ramp-up in this game is very unbalanced and you can abuse certain fields, water surface and UW being some of them, to a pretty disgusting degree. So make use of the Elemental Seed when the field is changed to UW and make use of Swift Swim users.


Alternatively is to change the field altogether. You can use Blizzard and freeze the field and then use the appropriate seeds for the new field to your advantage. +2 Speed from Elemental Seed on Icy Field can allow you to sweep pretty easily with some strong Electric types.

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1 hour ago, Siv said:

Make use of the elemental seed when she uses Dive. Changes your typing to Water.


Just looking at your team I feel like Raichu, Snorlax and Blastoise looks like your weakest links. Imo, even Primarina I think is too slow to keep up. Also too fragile on Amaria's field.


Get some Grass types, Mega Venusaur is available to you. Tangela is very strong.


Where exactly is it the fight is going wrong for you? Which of her members is causing you problem and which of your members isn't pulling it's weight?


Swift Swim users are also very strong. Poliwrath is one I recently used and it did a lot of work for me against her.


Some strong Electric types with the Elemental Seed on Underwater Field can end up sweeping the fight for you.


The best, as well as easiest strategies, is to use the field effects against the gym leaders and to your own advantage. The damage ramp-up in this game is very unbalanced and you can abuse certain fields, water surface and UW being some of them, to a pretty disgusting degree. So make use of the Elemental Seed when the field is changed to UW and make use of Swift Swim users.


Alternatively is to change the field altogether. You can use Blizzard and freeze the field and then use the appropriate seeds for the new field to your advantage. +2 Speed from Elemental Seed on Icy Field can allow you to sweep pretty easily with some strong Electric types.

Managed to beat her, as before it was always double battles however when i went in it was a single battle and managed to clear her up. Before the vaporeon and seismitoad would wreck havok with the double surf water absorb combo. Made fairly easy work of her with snrolax wild charge and primarina z move sparkling aria on the swampert as well with raichu thunderbolt along with a couple of revival herbs. thanks for the help!


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