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Doing a nuzlocke, what would be my best team for corey


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Facade Raticate/Gumshoos, Psybeam Vivillon, Growlithe, and Pidgeotto (Gust to remove the mist, also another Facade user) will all put in huge work. Bronzor is a solid answer to Crobat, which should stop you from getting swept, and Marshtomp is another Poison resist. I believe Growlithe gets Flamethrower at 35, which is insanely strong on this field and won't ignite it like Flame Burst does so you don't die for using it.


Either use Gust to change it to just a Corrosive field, or embrace the Corrosive Mist and give all your physical attackers Facade. You can also status your mons before battle to activate Facade, but using the field effect is far more convenient.


22 minutes ago, Gastronely said:

Use Guts Raticate too. It's op. Even better if you burn it before battle, buy the Facade TM from the Onjx Arcade, give it a Metronome, and sweep

The only wild mon up to this point that can burn you is the unrepeatable Shuppet event in Beryl Cemetary that can instead choose to kill you with crit + poison Gunk Shot (or even just poison to prevent a burn). Not a great idea to go for burn, unfortunately.

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