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Kanto Starters Team Members Suggestions


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Hello, so I am planning on making a team on Reborn using the Kanto starters, but unsure what other 3 members (Maybe Garchomp) should I put on the team. Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks.


Charizard -  Air Slash, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Solar Beam     Item- Charizardite Y (if released in E19)


Blastoise- Surf, Icy Wind, Shell smash, Dark Pulse                Item- White Herb


Venasaur - Giga Drain, Hidden Power Fire, Sludge, Growth Item- Life Orb

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Not necessarily. I only ever used 6 mons when playing Reborn, cause that's how I always played pokemon. You can totally make it work, but the Kanto starters aren't that strong pre-mega, so stuff like Garchomp isn't a bad idea lol. I feel like Umbreon works on many teams, because it can toxic stall most difficult matchups, which your other teammembers can't deal with.

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Beware that Reborn will stay on Gen 7 for the moment, so Shell Smash Blastoise won't be available since it's a Gen 8 feature.


Otherwise, Charizard with Solar Power and Venusaur with Chlorophyll work well under the sun, whereas Blastoise is good only when he mega-evolves with Dark Pulse and Aura sphere. Without mega-evolving, Blastoise won't perform well in Gen 7. I think you should drop Mega-Garchomp who is not that good compared to plain old Garchomp who is faster and break noses no matter what.

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Also, since you have to wait a long time for your mega-charizard, it will be very weak and won't be able to provide sun for your chlorophyll venusaur. Consider getting a ninetales, so your venusaur can sweep more easily. Stealth rocks or spikes would be nice to have also imo

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It's definitely doable with 6 mons.


You already have the makings of a Sunny Day team. Solar Power Charizard and Chlorophyll Venusaur would definitely be strong, so add in a good Drought user to activate them. Ninetails or Torkoal.  On second thought, I would probably find a strong bulky support and teach it Sunny Day instead is what I would do.


Then I would look into your Electric weakness and either get a Lightning Rod user or a solid Ground-type.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 5:37 PM, fatman12 said:

Great thanks for everyone response. I will use regular garchomp and blastoise might be my mega in this case. I think of a bulky pokemon to set up sun then.


You could look for a bulky support with access to Tailwind or Sticky Web for some speed control, teach it Sunny Day and add Typhlosion to your roster, it's Eruption under Sunny Day does insane damage and with Tailwind/Sticky Web you can do some crazy sweeps.


And since Charizard is Flying it's your only big weakness to Ground, that just means you need to cover Electric and Rock weakness.


Togekiss could be an option with your Garchomp to take care of Electric types. Wish, Sunny Day, Tailwind, Dazzling Gleam move-set for pure utility could be interesting. Teach Sunny Day to your Charizard also.


Starters / Chomp / Togekiss / Typhlosion?


Some of these have a slow start, but Charmeleon can take you a long way early-game with a bit of support and the level cap ramps up quick enough for the others to catch up, I think.


Garchomp covers Electric weakness and Togekiss covers Fairy weakness. Blastoise and Typhlosion reists their Ice weakness, a bulky Blastoise purely to cover Ice weakness and lend some support could be very useful. Then that just leaves a big Rock-type weakness, so I guess the Lycanroc-twins could prove problematic, as well with their Solrock/Lunatone combo. Garchomp does resist it but I don't know if that's enough? Venusaur is neutral and does SE damage which is good, so I guess you might be able to lean on him and Blastoise to get you through those fights. Blastoise also has access to Flash Cannon when you get to the move relearner, perfect for right before Serra.


I guess alternative could be a Sylveon, who happens to be a favourite of mine (after Umbreon ha): doesn't have the Ice nor the Rock weakness and it's Steel weakness is covered and the rest of your team is neutral to Poison, so you're good. Also gives you access to Screens, Heal Bell, Wish, proper Toxic stall and Baby-Doll Eyes something that is incredibly useful throughout Reborn. Potentially some Swagger shenanigans. And also packs a wallop with Pixilate Hyper Voice. Also some Cute Charm stuff to be tried out. You're losing out on the Tailwind potential but I think that's okay.


Another alternative could be a Steel-type. Like Bronzong. with Levitate to counter the Ground weakness. Resists all the things you don't like including Dragon and Fairy to cover Garchomp and it's weaknesses are covered, except for Dark, but that's okay. Gives you access to Gyro Ball and learns Sunny Day.


Metagross is there too.


Another personal favourite of mine is Whimsicott. Has Prankster and really good support. Also potential for some proper SubSeed/Protect/Toxic shenanigans. But has the Ice weakness..


Lastly, if you're feeling experimental, there is Lopunny. Check out it's Sp.D and it has access to Magic Coats which is suuuuper useful especially in the glass factory, has access to Fighting-type attacks to break the Rocks and you can teach it Sunny Day. I used this on my last run through Reborn. You can use it offensively early game as it has great Attack but non-Mega falls off, so you switch it up and take advantage of it's awesome defense and use it as a support. Also has access to Entrainment fun. Normal-typing is also pretty advantageous. Genuinely not a bad pick for a support.


Having said all of that I would go for Sylveon personally.

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