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Pokemon: Aftermath. Prologue (CLEAR)


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Having given a poffin to the Drapion, Aruma once again considered the overall situation: apparently, the quarreling people had calmed down, and finally some tension was starting to be relieved.

Wanting to help carrying on a more relaxed conversation, Aruma couldn't help but notice the conversation going on between Kael and Lupus. And of course, she loved it.

Oh, so the parents of both of you guys used to have a passion for Dark types? Well in such a case we are all some sort of big family! Darkness unites us like the embrace of an old, caring mother, and makes us all alike! Mind if I take a seat with you, sweeties?

Then, realizing the way both guys glared at her, possibly due to that "sweeties", she immediately clarified

Oh don't worry guys, I wasn't talking to you... I was talking to these two adorable bad guys here! I am sure they won't mind if I join them...

And in saying this she sat down right in the middle of the floor, between the Luxray and the Houndoom which, being Pokemon, didn't pay much attention at the way her strangely designed skirt fell aside like a waterfall whose course is blocked by a big rock, giving everybody a breath-taking view of her legs... It was quite likely, however, that their respective owners wouldn't have been so indifferent, then again, Aruma was so expert in matters regarding the behaviour of Pokemon that she had almost completely forgotten even the basis of the behaviour of humans, specially of young males locked together in a small room, with tension rising, suddenly faced with the vision of legs like those...

So, tell me more about your families: did they specialize in Dark Pokemon the way I do, or did they just happen to like the specific exemplars? And did you have some more species aside for those you mentioned? Because if you still have some Pokemon that escaped the requisitions I can give you some tips on how to properly raise them... I could maybe start from this cute Houndoom, or from this Luxray, which belongs to a species that, in my opinion, could and should have been partly Dark...

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Lobo gives one of his big grins as he sees Aruma sit down, he bounds over and decides to sit next to her. He is in a friendly mood after making friends with Kaine. He feels more open-minded then before, maybe this Aruma isn't too bad.

"Hmmm, we used to live in Lavender Town, not sure if you know it, it is out in the Kanto Region, it was more known for it's ghost types due to the Pokemon Tower......." mused Lupus to Aruma "Holy shit I talked to her!" he thought in his head. "My dad loved Dark types, he had a Terrifying Bisharp. and a quite stubborn Hounchkrow. He also had an Umbereon...." said Lupus, seeming to struggle on the last one. "My mother however, she preferred Ghost types. Fitting I guess. She had the most Beautiful Froslass, it was very quiet and shy. And she had this bully of a Gengar. He enjoyed picking on any Pokemon he knew was weaker than him, that was until my dad's Bisharp was around." "But enough about me." he said as he shifted back to take a seat in a nearby chair. " I feel I am going to be quiet for a little while, can't go spilling the beans on everything about myself, what else would we have to talk about?"

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A soft smile graced Kael's lips as he sat down beside the two dark type trainers. "My parents used to breed Mightyena and Absol. They managed to keep one of each when Dawn's lackeys came through. They moved to Mt. Pyre after they lost the farm. Apparently they make good money in the grave digging business, with all the weaker pokemon that get worked to death by their owners in the name of the Church of Dawn." the male bitterly murmured as Kaine laid down beside her Master and rested her head sadly in Kael's lap.

A sad smile passed over his face as he wrapped an arm around his companion and began to scratch her neck. "Yeah, you'd think Luxray would be dark/electric, wouldn't you? Especially with that sort of personality and fur coloring. At the very least Kaine here knows a couple of dark moves that would put a poochyena to shame." He added, earning a proud smile from Kaine.

Kael raised an eyebrow when Zeke mentioned that he lived in Lavender town. "Huh, so do I. I wonder why we've never met before; I mean, Lavender isn't that big of a town." he murmured, reaching out to let Lobo smell his scent before cautiously stroking his head. He was in no mood to get burned.

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"Hmmm, probably because I was a pretty shy child. I didn't leave the house much. At one point we even moved away. Why we moved I am not willing to talk about right now, since it is a bit complicated...." Said Lupus in a very stern voice. Luckily for Lupus he was still wearing his aviators. They hid the small twitch from what he had just said. He tried to hide the emotion in his voice, but he thought he sounded a bit pained, he decided to continue on. "I am sure if I met you, I would remember you Mister Kael, your not a person that would be easy to forget." Lobo lets out a low grumbling sound, enjoying Kael petting his head. He starts to pant a little feeling calm and relaxed around his trainer and these other 2, to Lobo they all feel as if they were cut from the same cloth......all wayward souls.

Lupus continued a bit "Maybe you knew my older sister, Isabella. She was the outgoing one in the family. She always had her Manectric, Fulmine, with her at all times." " He was a bit of a clown, and really clumsy, but he would protect her no matter what...." Lupus added in after a bit of a pause." Lupus went to adjust his glasses a bit. Not noticing he exposed his scar for a split second, He did not completely expose his eyes, one of which was a Bright and brilliant Blue, the other....the one with the scar, was milked over. It was a dead white haze. Maybe the others would notice, but Lupus hadn't for now.....

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Odin leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. She had no clue how she had even gotten here. But that was of no matter. A chance to destroy Dawn? She'd happily take this. Twilight the Mismagius ominously floated beside her. They were all chatting, which was only natural - they were apparently a team.

"Hey. My name's Odin. This is Twilight," Odin gestured to her Mismagius, "and I guess we're a team now." Odin leaned back against the wall, deciding not to talk for a while. She scoped out her teammates. There were eleven others. The man named Lupus was sitting next to two others, talking about his family and a few other things. He was accompanied by a Houndoom, apparently named Lobo. The one next to him, Kael, had a Luxray. She looked around and saw a few others, but couldn't really identify any. She hadn't been paying attention until now. She let out a sigh, knowing she'd eventually have to get used to this. She didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"Lupus. Why do you have that scar?" Odin asked. She had a keen eye, and she had seen he was hiding something. And he had exposed it for a split second. "And why are you hiding it?"

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For a second, Lupus lost his cool. A visible reaction came over his face for the first time this entire time. A reaction of fear, somebody noticed the scar underneath his glasses, he had no idea somebody was watching him that intently, mostly since he didn't actually see her, he had no idea this girl was watching him for the left side of the room. However, Lupus then starting thinking "Only she saw it I presume? Then I can probably blow it off, I mustn't let them know that I am blind in my left eye, for they may think that I am weak, a liability...", he recovered almost instantly, it would take a trained eye to even see his slight falter, let alone what emotion it was.

Lupus started to think of how he could describe it without letting on to his impairment, and without telling the tragedy behind his scar. "It is insignificant, Miss Odin, I presume?" Zeke said in a plain uninterested voice. "I got it a long time ago, and it is not something that matters, it just so happens to rest underneath where my glasses lie." Lobo is visibly upset, he feels that this one, may be going after his master, he leaps from where he was sitting in front of Lupus, that over-confident grin wiped from his face. It had turned into a mask of pure hatred......his muzzle twisted grotesquely, while a bit of black smoke poured out of his nose. "Lobo, calm yourself!" Lupus snapped. In an instant, the look from Lobo was gone, his grin came back, though he still stood there, in the same ready position."I am sure Miss Odin, means me no harm Lobo" Lupus said in a soft voice, as he started to stroke Lobo's head. Lobo sat down, and began to pant as his master petted his head. His big red tongue lulled out of mouth once more as he started to feel relaxed.

"I am sorry about him Miss Odin, he is very protective of me." said Lupus, back to his very uninterested tone. "He was there when I got the scar you see, though he was only a Houndour then. I think he feels that he failed me then, and he keeps trying to make up for it."

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"I understand that. But Lobo, I don't mean any harm - I would never harm anyone on the same side as me." She walked over beside Lupus and sat down. "You obviously don't like talking about it, so I won't push it much further. But why do you hide it? If it is of no importance, there's hardly a reason to hide it." As Odin got a closer look at his face, she noticed something. Was it white? Odin didn't know. She merely leant back, and Twilight hovered over to her. That scar had to mean something, and the face he had pulled when she had noticed it? Fear. ..Wait. White? Fear? Scar?

"..Oh my goodness." Odin gasped. She quickly recovered, and regained her composure. She decided not to say anything. "Twilight? Go find some things for tea, please." Twilight vanished for a while, before coming back, levitating a teapot and a few cups. She poured some out and gave it to Odin, who happily took a drink. She then resumed looking around at the other people. Hopefully, they wouldn't find out what she now knew. She had no clue what they were like - it could go bad. But she had to confirm. "Lupus? Could I talk to you.. over there?" She pointed at the hallway.

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"I don't know if that is possible at the moment, I assume Lucas will arrive with our mission soon." he said in a rather soft voice compared to normal "However, Miss Odin I will be sure to speak to you later when we get the time, if it is really that important." Lupus has a feeling she may know something, but he figures she had let go of questioning him about it. Meanwhile, Lobo starts to sniff around Odin for a bit, he tries to decide if she is a threat or not. He feels that she worries about something, but she definitely means no harm, so he starts to fully relax. He goes and lays on the floor inbetween where Aruma was sitting and Lupus himself.

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From the shadows of a corner, there came a young man draped in black and red. "Man, that was boring. I came here to join a rebel organization, not a school club." He looked around, and everyone was conversing with each other. "Hmm..It seems it is social hour. Joy! Perhaps I can make some allies, and possibly root out the weeds that don't belong." Something shifted behind him. "I know Sedona, you also want to meet your new playmates. Soon, we shall. Just don't run with scissors okay?" Then he started to walk to the group of people. "Salutations, fellow Dusk-men and women. My name is Aeon, publicly known as the "Phantom of Red Mist." Perhaps you've heard of the Massacre of Meteor Falls? That was all me." The group looked at Aeon funny. "Ooh, the cold shoulders eh? And I shouldn't forget about my absolutely ravishing partner. Come Sedona!" Suddenly, a large red figure leaped from the darkness Aeon came from. "This is my Scizor! Isn't he just ravishing? That shining armor. That slick, agile body. Even those powerful claws of his. Is he not one of the most beautiful things you have laid your eyes on?" Aeon then looked around, and spotted the quite stunning Mismagius. "Oh, what is this?" The Mismagius was in perfect condition for a ghost Pokemon. Its color was at perfect percentage of dark, the beads around its neck shined brilliantly, the aura it radiated was pleasant yet strong, and its levitation was going at a healthy speed. "​MAGNIFICENT! Who is the trainer who owns this darling?!"

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"That would be me. " Odin said. She placed her tea down and stood up. "Your Scizor's in amazing shape, I must say. The metal is perfect. It's claws are amazingly sharp as well." Odin walked over to Aeon. "Name's Odin Tosyuko. Nice to meet you. And if you're responsible for the Massacre of Meteor Falls, I hope you haven't lost your touch. Myself? Me and Twilight haven't done too much. The best we mainly did was brainwash or hypnotise Dawn's henchman and locked them in our basement, where we left them chained up. They either died of starvation, or they were so annoyingly loud I had Twilight kill them." Odin grabbed her tea once more and resumed drinking.

(Short posts just mainly due to interaction. Post our mission Acqui :D)

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(Flirtation mode GO!)

Color was not in the greatest of moods. With two of her member trying to prove that they had the balls to stand up to her, and the fact that their so-called "leader" did not brief them up on their mission yet, the jester was not in the finest of moods. However, her salty mood did a complete three-sixty and dove off of an unknown cliff as a figure adorned in red suddenly stepped from the shadows. Her jaw dropped, her legs shook, and the vicegrip that she held on her Leafeon's pelt lessened completely.


"Leaf?" Leafeon shook her head twice, obviously confused from the red-adorned trainer and his Scizor that suddenly leaped from from its corner. She hopped to the floor, cautiously approaching the armored Pokemon. She pressed a cautious paw on its foot, tapping the armor a few times with the tips of her claws, before looking back at her obviously dumb-stricken partner.

"Leaf!" the grass eeveelution barked, trying to bring Color back into reality, but sadly it was all in vain.

"Aeon.....~" she cooed dreamily, the crimson-colored trainer gracing her vision as he spoke his name. She clasped her hands together, makeshift hearts rising from the sides of her head. "Magnificent.....~"

"Eon." a small droplet of sweat appeared on Leafeon's forehead, embarrassed by the googly eyes her trainer was giving Aeon. She must have missed the "massacre" part of his speech. He was just as untrustworthy as the rest of the trainers, and yet she was already acting utterly...stupid. Besides, Leafeon knew from experience that Color wasn't the one that fell for male trainers, she made male trainers fall for her.

"Leaf, Eon, Leafeon Leaf." the grass fox's ears lowered, a sigh escaping her lips as she remained close to the Scizor and red-cladded trainer.

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"This Aeon fella, I don't like him. He seems like a pompous ass" Thought Lupus to himself "I kinda get a feeling he may be either a nuisance or actually have a place on this team... We will see" Lobo cares not about this trainer, however he is enjoying seeing all the pokemon he can burn to a crisp. He licks his chops a little thinking about some nice tasty Scizor. but otherwise doesn't move from the spot where he is lying on the floor.

((Just to clarify without posting in here, Italics are what Lupus is thinking. and on top of that he wears sunglasses so it is pretty much impossible to actually see his eyes.))

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Josh with Bruiser (who was released form his ball once josh got back to his place on the wall) watch as the other people in the room started to chat with each other. Josh was glade that no one had approached him after all he needed to keep himself at a distance form every one he was not going to be responsible for people this time around. Josh taking the group and there Pokemon started to make plans on how the group could work together but stopped himself by reminding himself that he was not the leader this time around. So instead just thought on the people in general.

First was the girl named Rin and her Pokemon the Drapion named Furcht. Josh new better then to trust her and that fake smile that she used given it simile to the one he himself used though unlike his which was to hid as an idiot hers was to hid here real thoughts. next was the man named Karl and his Luxray Kaine. Josh did not have much on them but he guessed that he was a relive friendly person same with his Pokemon. After that was the man who called himself Lupus and his Houndoom Lobo. The only things that josh though was that the Houndoom was a showoff and that the man tried to hard to hid his face which is not a good thing in a group. Next was the boy Daniel and his Gardievor Lenna like Josh they rather just watch then interact for now. the one thing Josh was unconformable with was teh telepathy that they shown Josh hated people trying to get into his head.

Next was Color and her Leafeon Josh had a lot of worried about her mainly coming form her aggressive attitude and anger. Josh was worried that she could become a liability if she did not listen to the group and did her own thing. Next was Jory With Shredder, Josh liked this kid he was brave and knew what they where fitting for but he was a little naive but he probably will grow out of that the older he got.

Next was Aruma who did not show her partner but gave its name Fluffy and said that its ability was not one you want to have in a small room. Josh had a guess on what it was taking in what she said about its ability and her love for dark types. The girl herself Josh found a bit off like she was not to use to people and her eyes where interesting but nothing compared to some of the weird things Josh had seen before. After her was the man Bereft who Josh had some of the same concerns about him as he did Color though he seemed a bit more controlled then Color.

The last two who introduced themselves her a Girl named Odin and a man by the name of Aeon and there Pokemon a Mismanguse named Twilight and a Scizor named Sedona. The girl seemed liked she had a good head though the habit of killing people because she got annoyed was not a good thing in his eyes. The man Aeon Josh did not like he could car less if he killed because he needed to but someone who just enjoyed killing like he seemed to are the kind of people who piss Josh off and where the ones pron to causing major trouble with in a group. But Josh would work with him because for better or worst they where part of the same team here.

Josh glanced around well waiting for either Lucas to come back or someone else to introduce themselves. Ready to get moving so they could start there attempt to stop Dawn.

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"Hmm..Torture was a fun way of interrogation. Often they cough up more info than blood." Aeon was beginning to think Odin could be an excellent combo as Sedona has the moves to cover mono ghost. "The skill in her eyes intrigue me..she is also quite the beauty too." Then he looked towards a young man named Lupis. From the look of his eyes, it was clear that Aeon made a bad impression to him. "Hatred..so disgusting." he thought. But might as well earn some trust while he can. That Houndoom not only was quite strong, but also the possibility of Flash Fire was very valuable to Sedona. "Come now, do you think me as, what did you think now? Oh yes, pompous ass?" Lupis was bewildered. "I have you know, though I kill often, most of the excitement isn't the killing. Rather, it is part of my oath. Make the world as beautiful a rose, by removing all of the weeds, and color it red." Then Aeon grinned. "Oh, and I do believe your Houndoom has the potential to defeat Sedona. However I must assume you are an experienced battle and you must know the physical limit to Houndooms. So one clean Superpower is enough for the kill. But so is the faster Fire move. But my it does have Quick Attack and Bullet Punch, much good that'll do. Hmm..I might be at disadvantage, much indeed. But, I will not battle you, anytime or anywhere. We are partners from now on, and we must work as a unit to remove the ultimate weed, Dawn. It's the least I can do for my..mentor." "Cowardice and lying does not befit you.." Even dead the old man haunts Aeon. He turned his attention to a girl with a Leafeon. "Obviously, she is captivated by my beauty. I so wish to know you too." For now, he must be patient. Even though friendship and allies are a beautiful part of the world, he must remember, they are all truly disgusting in the inside, a fact that Aeon acknowledges and accepts, for even he was flawed. "But that is what makes us all even more beautiful."

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October 1st, 20 AD

Lucas enters the room where you wait.

"I'm pretty sure I asked you to get acquainted. There feels like there's more hostility and tension right now than there was before. Ergo, something clearly did not happen."

He shakes his head and sighs.

"Screw it, we don't have the time. The first mission for Unit S is here."

Switching on the projector, he lays a thin file on the table and begins to pace. After a brief hesitation, he speaks.

"The first target we need to hit is Eterna City."

A map of Sinnoh appears on the screen.

"As you can clearly see, Eterna is the closest city to Mt. Coronet. If we want to expand our sphere of influence, we must start there. Taking control of Eterna will let us have a forward base and a better position to launch our offensives from. How we take it back? That part is surprisingly simple."

Lucas allows himself a tight-lipped smile.

"You defeat the gym leader. Here is where Dawn's rule of power aids us. The gym leaders are the strongest trainers in the region, and are hence in control of the cities. If you can prove yourself stronger than the Gym Leaders, they are required by law to cede power to you. Also... in a rare oversight, there are no rules restricting the seizure of power by a group of people, rather than just one individual. So if you, as a group, can defeat the leaders, they will be forced to cede their position to Team Dusk as an organisation. That's how we'll take back Sinnoh."

Lucas crosses his arms.

"But it's not going to be easy. In each city, there are a varying number of Conclaves of the Church of Dawn. Before we take on the gym, we have to clear out the convents. Dealing with the Gym Leaders and Gym trainers will be difficult enough without the other church members interfering. Besides, if we leave the Conclaves untouched, they might interfere with future operations. It's simple, really. If you can defeat the Conclave Mother of each Conclave, they will accept your rule. That's how the world is now. So you have to defeat the Mothers before fighting Gardenia."

Lucas frowns slightly.

"Gardenia herself is not going to be easy to handle. But I'll brief you on that when it's time to take her on. For now, we need to move to Eterna to get ready for the assault. To avoid attention, we'll be going in smaller groups, and leaving here at different times. In future missions, you may have to split into these smaller groups to pursue split objectives. These are the squads which you will be travelling with,"

He snaps his fingers, and a list appears on the screen.

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"I'll head out first to scout the area. Squad 1 will leave after 15 minutes, followed by Squad 2 after 14 minutes, then Squad 3 will depart 22 minutes after Squad 2. Rendezvous at the Ancient Statue in Eterna; it should be impossible to miss."

Lucas glares at you.

"Do not, I repeat, do NOT draw attention to yourself. If a Church member chances upon you, don't engage in battle. We don't want them to know we are on the move. In the event that a Church member bumps into you, apologise and show deferment; it's not time to attack yet."

Lucas looks pointedly at Aeon.

"And, of course, don't kill anybody. Yet. A trail of dead bodies will not do anything to let us get by unnoticed. We have wiped your records from the Church database, so they shouldn't be able to recognise you. So AVOID CONFRONTATION. I'm serious."

Lucas picks up the mission brief and shuts off the projector.

"Well then, I'll be off first. Follow after according to the plan. Dismissed."

He walks out of the room once again.

Mission notes:

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Squad 3

After finishing her treats Rin sees most of everyone making chit chat and make their introductions as well. Odin and her Twilight seem like the fancy type of killers, not really my cup of tea. And that Aeon, did I hear right about him being the reason for the Meteor Falls Massacre, ha, I doubt it. As much as I would love to take this guy down right now it seems like our dear old Lucas has finally returned.

One mission explanation later

So it looks like my squad going last, ugg this is so boring, and even more with nobody to kill yet. But it looks like I'm with the two people with psychic types, this ought to be fun. I should at least know what type of people they are, just to know how to manipulate them, but maybe later when we're alone. Since that Aeon guy isn't leaving for like half an hour, why the shit not start something, it'll keep me entertain until then.

Rin then stood up, walking in front of Aeon and his Scizor with her Drapion, then as she approached him she said, "Oh so you were the Meteor Falls Massacre guy. Huh, tell me, is your Scizor red from the bloodshed of its victims, because Furcht was also red for that reason, you know until she cleaned herself."

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Squad 2

"No killing eh?" Aeon was disturbed by this. He had made several scenarios for each death, careful placements and cremation spots he could use, but no. What was worse was that the Boss put blames on HIM. Sure, Aeon hated the Church, but even an amateur assassin knows that dead bodies hanging around is like saying "I'M YOUR ENEMY! KILL ME!"

But Aeon looked at squad postings. "Clever, Boss.." It was clear that Lupis hates Aeon, and neither did Josh, but what they see uncouth narcissism in Aeon, he saw perfect team synergy between their Pokemon. "Might as well pack things up and see what happens."

Aeon noticed someone walk up to him, and say the most rude things about Sedona. "Very rude. Red is the natural color of Scizor. And I make sure the blood is washed off everytime I kill. And I assure you that I am. Otherwise, the Sootopolis Rain Badge and the meteorite of Professor Cosmos would not be in my possesion. And I am not here to make more enemies than I have. Simply put, I don't care about your little opening chat with me." He then glanced at the Drapion. "This Drapion seems far more powerful than you realize. Its fullest potential is yet to be uncovered by you, and only you can unlock it. I will say no more about it." Then before he left, Aeon said one last thing. "In order to achieve the Meaning of Birth, one must sacrifice all things human to them, their life if need be. Only then true power can awaken."

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Squad 2

"Even though this Aeon is pretty full of himself, I feel he will be a powerful ally, glad he is in my squad" Thought Lupus to himself. "Not just that, his Scizor and my Houndoom, while the 2 could destroy each other easily, they are also each others foil. Houndoom can absorb fire, and the Scizor resists Houndoom's weaknesses, the Venusaur and the Luxray only add to our synergy" "I feel this leaves the other squads much weaker, especially Rin's. They have a bit to much overlap to me, but I guess Lucas and White have their Reasons".

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Squad 1

Jory looked at the list on the screen and smiled. It appeared that even after their bickering, he and Color would be in the same squad. Hmm... I suppose if her Leafeon knows Aerial Ace that could be a boon, but I doubt it. Shredder has the potential to help our squad a lot, especially given his Shadow Claw and immunity to Ghosts. Odin's Mismagius covers my weaknesses perfectly, but I don't know what this "Fluffy" is. I'll just have to hope Aruma can come through for us. Jory turned to the rest of the people who would be in the same squad as him for the rest of the mission and smiled. "Well, here goes, right guys?"

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Squad 2

Josh was a pissed to say the lest, he had no problem with being on a team with Kael and Lupus for the most part but Aeon or "The Phantom of Red-mist" or whatever it was that he called himself. He was the kind of person that Josh hated the most not for the narcissism he could care less about that no what he hates are people who have no feelings about killing people and Pokemon to Josh they where just as bad as Dawn and her church. Though one thing Josh did know was this between his own Venusaur, Aeon's Siczor, Kael's Luxray and Lupus' Houndoom that the team should be able handle almost anything that was thrown at them. So he would put aside his hate of Aeon after all if he was as good as he acted Josh would rather be on the same team then against him.

Josh pushing and waving for Bruiser to fallow him walked over to where Lupus and Kael were at, Aeon was not that far away either and said"So it looks like we will be working close together for now. So why don't we get to understand each other a bit better if you guys don't mind. So if you want you can ask me anything and I will answer it to the best of my ability as long as its not to personal." He said his face a looking ever so slightly more serious then his usual expression.

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Squad 1

"WHATTTTT????!!!"" Color howled with anger as she abruptly stood up from her chair. The metal collided with the floor, ringing in the air as two smoke-colored eyes bore straight into the team list reflecting on the projector. The two people that fucked with her, the two people she DID NOT want to be on her team, and behold Lucas does the "fuck you" routine and placed her with the two people that she absolutely despised. Leafeon hopped from her trainer's lap, yawning softly as she took her back leg and began to itch her long, leafy ear.

"Are you kidding me?! Does Lucas have a death wish?! First, he takes me to this dump and now this SHIT!" Color slammed her hands on the table once more, threatening to break it from her sheer rage as the suspender that fit snugly around her shoulder slipped down. She pulled it up, the muscles in her legs going taunt from the sheer distress that flashed across her features. But mostly it was because she was pissed off from the lack of choices her "leader" made.

"This is utter horse shit." the acrobatic snarled, as she snapped her fingers and turned violently towards the door. Leafeon trotted closely behind, giggling quietly as her trainer threatened to bite anyone's head off that got to close to her. This was one of the few moments where the grass eveelution enjoyed being around her trainer. The sudden mood changes that the trainer has, absolute gold when the Pokemon was bored. This is definitely going to be an amusing time for Leafeon.

She eyed the Zangoose carefully, catching his attention just enough so she can toss him a cute wink before turning her head back towards her trainer's legs, and trotting along quietly.

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Squad 2

Kael rose to his feet and leaned back against the wall as he and Kaine listened to the mission details. A takeover of Eterna, eh? Sounded like a blast. A cruel little smirk appeared on both trainer and luxray's lips at the thought of tearing into the local gym leader, backed by these other powerful pokemon and their masters. His smirk faded as Lucas told them that they couldn't kill or pick fights with the church--what fun was there in a citywide takeover if no blood was spilled. Kael shrugged; whatever, perhaps next time.

He glanced over at Lupus with a grin as the teams were posted; while he didn't care much for Josh or Aeon, their pokemon would make great weapons if combined with Kaine's wicked electric attacks and Lobo's firey wrath. At least Lupus seemed friendly enough; maybe if they both just kept quiet and let Aeon be the narcissist that he seemed to be, they wouldn't have to bicker during the mission. "Let's just get this mission over with as soon as possible; that way, we won't have to deal with Aeon for too long." Kael murmured under his breath to Lupus, while Kaine nuzzled her face up against Lobo's cheek, emitting a slight jolt of electricity from her mane.

//If he's going to call himself 'The Phantom of Red-mist', then I'm Lavender Town Syndrome.// Kael thought sarcastically to himself.

Edited by Skullkin
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"I concur, I just want to see him in action. I want to know if he can back up his claims." said Lupus to Kael. Lobo seems to be unphased by the the electricty from Kaine, He is so smitten that he doesn't even notice the shock. He lets a small breath of flame and howls a little. Afterwards his big grin returns (a bit bigger than before). Lupus gives an audible sigh "What I am going to do with this mutt?" Lupus says jokingly.

Lupus then sees Josh wander towards them. after listening to his little speech Lupus tries to think of something to say to him. "Mister Eldars, you want to take charge of our squad I presume?" "Remember it is a great responsibility to do so." said Lupus in a rather dry voice. "Though we should just run with the flow of this group, we have quite the personalities together here."

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  On 10/6/2013 at 3:26 AM, Hukuna said:

Lupus then sees Josh wander towards them. after listening to his little speech Lupus tries to think of something to say to him. "Mister Eldars, you want to take charge of our squad I presume?" "Remember it is a great responsibility to do so." said Lupus in a rather dry voice. "Though we should just run with the flow of this group, we have quite the personalities together here."

"Actually I have no interest in being an leader i only said something earlier so the silence would stop and to ease the tension from that fight that almost happened someone had to anyway. And please just call me Josh none of that mister stuff it is a little annoying." Josh says to Lupus' question "I agree that we should just group flow on there own it will make things much easier then someone trying to control it."

He said rather bored sounding." Though whatever your hiding on your face i suggest you share with the group so we don't think your hiding anything that could potentially cause a problem later." He said quite seriously.

( ooc see i can post short things too)

Edited by rustytengo
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After Aeon left Rin began to walk to where Daniel and Bereft was, thinking I don't get how a simple badge and meteorite proves anything, so I still have my doubts about his story. And the thing with Furcht, hey if she can be strong it's fine by me, although I don't see how she can be more of a badass. And as for the meaning of birth thing, sacrifice things that is human, easy, my life, if the past one counts then sure, I ain't no school girl Goddess serving idiot anymore.

When she approached the two others in her squad, she began talking as a leader would, "So we're squad three, we got shit tons of time, we should probable know each other some more." Even if you'll become my meat shields she thought when she was finished talking to both of them.

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