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Unusually Fast Roserade (spoilers?)


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Throughout several of my attempts of the fight against Fern in Fiore Mansion, his Roserade has been consistently outspeeding and OHKOing my Alolan-Ninetales with Sludge Bomb. This is perplexing, because unless the information on the wiki is grossly wrong, Alolan-Ninetales should be outspeeding Roserade.


Thanos's Speed stat is 153. This is his level (and his Speed) BEFORE even getting into the fight, so this isn't me miscalculating his Speed or anything. Thanos has not suffered a speed drop in any of my attempts of this fight so far.


According to the wiki, Fern's Roserade in this fight is level 70, has 10 Speed IVs, has no Speed EVs, does not have a Speed-boosting ability (like Chlorophyll), and is not holding an item. I've confirmed in-game that its level is indeed 70, and I've also confirmed that it's not holding a choice scarf, as it was able to turn around and one-shot my Alolan Dugtrio with a neutrally effective Giga Drain immediately after it one-shot my Alolan Ninetales before it could set up Aurora Veil. Even if the wiki is wrong about Roserade's ability, Roserade's possible abilities are Poison Point, Natural Cure, and Technician, none of which can boost Roserade's effective Speed.


According to Smogon's damage calculator, Roserade's Speed should be 138 if it has a Speed-neutral nature. If its nature is truly "random", then it should have been outsped by my Alolan Ninetales in at least one of my several attempts.


Even if Roserade's nature is tied to my trainer ID or something and it always has a +Speed nature for me, Alolan Ninetales should STILL be outspeeding it.


Even if the wiki is wrong and Roserade's Speed IV is not 10, Alolan Ninetales should still be outspeeding it if it doesn't have a +Speed nautre.


The only explanations I can think of for this are the following:

1. Fern has EV trained his Roserade, and the wiki doesn't document this.

2. The wiki is wrong about Roserade's IV total AND its nature is always a +Speed one for me for some reason, despite being "random".

3. The Reborn devs have stealth-buffed Roserade's base speed stat.


Does anyone have ideas as to what could be causing this oddity?

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Roserade in that battle should be Timid with 252 Sp.ATK and Speed EVs and IVs of 20 across the board - the wiki stats must not be filled properly

(there's a chance that this also isn't perfectly accurate since I checked this from the files of the beta version of E18)

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38 minutes ago, Dreamy said:

Roserade in that battle should be Timid with 252 Sp.ATK and Speed EVs and IVs of 20 across the board - the wiki stats must not be filled properly

(there's a chance that this also isn't perfectly accurate since I checked this from the files of the beta version of E18)


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Yeah the wiki has the wrong info for a lot of trainers' nature/IV/EV spreads (I think random nature 10 IVs no EVs is the default if no info is added or something), but you can see the correct info on Fern's own wiki page in this case, at least:


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On 6/27/2021 at 10:52 PM, stibarsen said:

Yeah the wiki has the wrong info for a lot of trainers' nature/IV/EV spreads (I think random nature 10 IVs no EVs is the default if no info is added or something), but you can see the correct info on Fern's own wiki page in this case, at least:


So thaaat's why Ferns a walk-over in this gauntlet.. I never could understand why he was this easy with his team, I never knew his EV/IV's were so poor outside of Roserade and Decidueye..

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