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Pokemon Reborn Nuzlocke - Need Help beating Aya


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Throh's pretty helpful against her; it gets wide guard at 37, which shuts off her sludge waves and makes her toxapex almost totally irrelevant.  Other than that, maybe bronzor or sandygast?  Steel/Psychic is pretty much ideal vs poison, and sandygast gets earth power at 45, which is IIRC the most powerful available ground type move that isn't penalized by the wasteland field effect.

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2 hours ago, R.B said:

Throh's pretty helpful against her; it gets wide guard at 37, which shuts off her sludge waves and makes her toxapex almost totally irrelevant.  Other than that, maybe bronzor or sandygast?  Steel/Psychic is pretty much ideal vs poison, and sandygast gets earth power at 45, which is IIRC the most powerful available ground type move that isn't penalized by the wasteland field effect.


Edited by zaneyrxnf
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It is basically as R.B said mate. When you think of Poison, one of the most imediate thoughts is: i'll use ground moves on her! Well, the Wasteland Field doesnt allow you that (if they are physical moves btw).

You know, this was one of the few gym leaders which the tip give by Ame comes really handy: focus on their secondary type or go psychic. Also, i think Levitate ability can come really handy here, dont you think?

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Bronzor, especially if it's Levitate, because of Stomping Tantrum on Venusaur, Numel(Hope for Solid Rock and delay evo for Earth Power and Flamethrower) and Sandygast.. Swampert is okay, just switch out on her Venusaur, Jynx is also OK, it is a bit on the frail side tho.. Maybe Raticate if it's Guts with Speed investment, If it gets poisoned or you can poison/burn it on a wild mon it can do some good damage, buy Facade in the Game Corner for it as well since she has no Normal resist(Maybe combined with Wide Guard Throh?) 

Also maybe even Trubbish since she has very few Ground moves, no Psychic moves AND it is a Poison resist(idk about its moveset but it is a resist after all

Diglett is unfortunately useless since it's a Physical Ground type and EQ is garbage for her battle, it is also pretty frail 

Edited by JDMM
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  • 3 weeks later...

bronzong, palossand, camerupt and swampert. keep throh in for wide guard and save toxapex for last, playing type advantages on her other mons/double teaming them and you shouldnt have any trouble after a bit of grinding. for your sixth id use jynx or maybe guts raticate if jynx dies too easily

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