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Wolf Plays Ace Attorny 5!


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As the title states, I got to play the newest Phoenix Wright!


I gotta get ready for work as of right now, but I'll post more details later




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The story starts with a fucking beautiful anime into...

A bomb blows up the courthouse...

Phoenix Wright then says "these are Dark times."

The scene now changes to Wright and Co. Law Offices. Wright is talking on the phomme one with a who knows who. He is talking to someone who is apparently pursueing a target...

He then says "Don't worry! I got a Trusty new Partner on boad!



I mean... they show her doing work on a holographic computer, look epic, and derp.

After her derping, the scene changes back to Wright, he says "this is why I have returned, time to bring this to an end"

Epic music plays as he suits up and leaves for court.

The last scene is a mysterious figure standing in the rumble of what used to be a courthouse, the camera pans around revealing that it is Apollo Justice! He is wrapped in badges, he clenches his fist and looks into the sky. The Moon reflects in his eyes, despite it being daytime.

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Scene 1:

The scene opens up with a mysterious man holding what looks like the bomb that blew up the court room he says

"He he he, the best thing about bombs is that they destroy without discreation"

Wright is as Nervous as ever XD. That's when his assistant shows up, Wright introduces her as Athena Sykes. She mistakes his "pre court jitters" as a "Strong Positive Image" so he plays along.

HERE COMES A NEW- oh its the Defendent


Her name is Juniper Wood and is Athena's best friend since childhood

And look who also shows up


He seems injured... and refuses to go to the hospital until this case is over.

We hold court in what appears to be a not destroyed courtroom, visuals are impressive as fuck and hermmaigod! Can't wait til the full



As I am taking in the amazing new visuals and music... the judge Says "we have been REBORN so to speak"

DAMMIT! Can't we ever escape this pun?

And I am kinda digging Athena's personality, she always hypes up Nick to be bigger than what he really is XD

She then exclaims that her boss (me) can get a not guilty verdict in 10 minutes or less... FML

The Judge of course agrees...


What's that supposed to mean?

The procecutor tells us that the bomb was hidden inside a stuffed animal

Law is Srs Business


And to include in the evidence, the tail had traces of the Defendent's finger prints...

Another important piece of evidence is that the Plushie's name is Phony Phanty!

Well... fuck...

The Procecutor then calls his first Witness to the stand, Ted Tonate!


The cross examination beguins

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