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best ivs/natures


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I've been wondering what y'all look for whenever catching/obtaining pokemons that you plan to use for long term. I don't want to breed for IVs too much, so I've been having a bad time whenever I try to catch Pokemon rather than SRing for them. I know EVs and natures matter more in the long term than IVs, but what do y'alls teams IVs look like.

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Usually ~25 or better in the important stats and ~15 everywhere else is sufficient for IVs long-term (obviously not counting things like Attack on a special mon, Speed on a Steelix etc., those can be whatever). Natures are irrelevant since you can fish for Luvdisc to get Heart Scales and then change the nature to whatever you want starting after Radomus.


IVs early game are completely irrelevant, you only need to pay attention to them starting around levels 40-50, and they only really become game-changing at like, 80+. If you're using something like a Mightyena or Kricketune to get through early game just worry about its nature.


Of course, it's a different story entirely if you want a specific Hidden Power type for something like Serperior or TR Cofagrigus...

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13 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

Usually ~25 or better in the important stats and ~15 everywhere else is sufficient for IVs long-term (obviously not counting things like Attack on a special mon, Speed on a Steelix etc., those can be whatever). Natures are irrelevant since you can fish for Luvdisc to get Heart Scales and then change the nature to whatever you want starting after Radomus.


IVs early game are completely irrelevant, you only need to pay attention to them starting around levels 40-50, and they only really become game-changing at like, 80+. If you're using something like a Mightyena or Kricketune to get through early game just worry about its nature.


Of course, it's a different story entirely if you want a specific Hidden Power type for something like Serperior or TR Cofagrigus...

What do you do when you're catching pokemon rather than SR'ing for them - do you just catch a lot of that pokemon or do you breed for them ? 

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11 minutes ago, TotallyNotLuck said:

What do you do when you're catching pokemon rather than SR'ing for them - do you just catch a lot of that pokemon or do you breed for them ? 

Depends how rare it is, usually it's easier to catch but if it's something like Scyther or Sandile your best bet is probably breeding.

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