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V13 new mons locations


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  On 8/31/2021 at 1:30 PM, Sinon said:

No as I wrote before you need exactly 10k no more no less.


Yes, which is probably some sort of bug. Personally, I believe it's supposed to be 10k or more, but I'm not a dev, so I can't be sure. Currently, you can only get it if you have 10k exactly, this is a fact.

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Don't know if this is from the new patch, but there is a hidden metal powder now available to get before leaving for GDC. I do not remember the location, but when I went to the secret HQ room it said I had everything to get Ralts and this was right after valor mountain. 

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Hey, I have a few questions as to the locations of Pokemon that were moved. The Sandile line is nowhere to be found, Cottonee is not in the black market, and I cannot find the Klink, Painward and Drilburr lines (though I know Drilburr is unobtainable). Also, anyone know where Deino is? I’m currently starting Chapter 15, so if any of these Pokémon are afterwards (or before) do tell.

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  On 9/9/2021 at 9:26 PM, DroopyB said:

Hey, I have a few questions as to the locations of Pokemon that were moved. The Sandile line is nowhere to be found, Cottonee is not in the black market, and I cannot find the Klink, Painward and Drilburr lines (though I know Drilburr is unobtainable). Also, anyone know where Deino is? I’m currently starting Chapter 15, so if any of these Pokémon are afterwards (or before) do tell.


Sandile has been relegated to sand stream cave, and cannot be found anywhere else

You can't catch cottonee, but you can catch Whimsicott in route 2. It replaced the flabebe that were there in V12

Klink is a 2% encounter in east gearen city on the right side, but you can get klang at like 20% in west gearen, and then just breed with ditto

Pawniard is in Castle Goomidra, after a cutscene after the reveal of the Goomelda's royal secret and after a fight, along with solosis i think?

To get deino is a tricky process, but to do so:


Obtain Gible in Zone zero (guide)


1: Go to floor 6 (or 5, might get my numbrs wrong, maybe even 7) and approach the scary woman and show her gible

2: You receive the dark piece

3: Go to Kristiline town

4: Go to Isle of Angels (North)

5: Go to one of the islands (on one of them is an altar)


7: Interact with the altar

8: catch



Idk if drilbur can be obtained through mystery egg, but even still double battles become super easy with sand rush swords dance

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  On 7/30/2021 at 3:12 PM, Yahiro said:

So this is my mistake. There is a sprite in graphcis folder and

  Reveal hidden contents

Also uses it in their battle. But apparently there is no backsprite so it is not available to players atm.


Thats not avian pikachu, its the cosplay pikachu thats in oras, but I don't think its available yet.

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  On 7/22/2023 at 2:57 PM, R.A.M CXZ 007 said:

how to obtain ralts in rejuveation


If you do the optional Kyogre battle in valor mountain, someone gives you a key. you can take this key to the lab in Sheridan Swamp, and use it to take the train inside. In this new place you can interact with a machine at the back and give it a Metal powder, Cell Battery and Pokeball to get a Ralts if I'm remembering right.

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  On 9/1/2023 at 2:11 AM, trickroom said:

If you do the optional Kyogre battle in valor mountain, someone gives you a key. you can take this key to the lab in Sheridan Swamp, and use it to take the train inside. In this new place you can interact with a machine at the back and give it a Metal powder, Cell Battery and Pokeball to get a Ralts if I'm remembering right.



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