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Ad- Tournament III


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So, T3 isn't actually a Pokemon Tournament. I'm sorry guys. Yeah. I've sunk low. T3 is an advertising tournament, hence why it's going to run parallel to Tournaments 2 and 4-7.

The simple fact is, tournaments require people to be successful, and people is something that we, being a new site, are low on.
Therefore, I encourage you all to go out and convince any and all of your Pokemoning Friends, be they competitive-worthy or otherwise, to join--


1. Each person you get to join must post in this topic saying who roped them in. Only then does it count as a point for you
2. If there's a tie in points, both people will get that prize
3. Anybody who earns a point will be authorized to run a tournament of their choosing, if they so please. The winner may also choose any Pokemon, with moves, an item and stats as they please to be given to them.
4. Cut-off date is Saturday, July 17th

As selling points, you have the promise of Tournaments 2 and 4 already, plus the Reborn League challenge, and of course all of our smiling face- um, avatars.

Have at 'em. I'm going to go and try to barter my soul back from the devil.
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