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Aevium/Galar-regional form evolutions.


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Sup, mates!

Someone knows how to evolve one pokemon, someone knows how to evolve another.... so title says all.

Let`s do a list of evolution methods for Aevium/Galar forms.


Aevium forms:

Litwick => level with Zap Cannon(if don`t have that, you can buy RM in TM shop in Kristilline town or relearn) to get Lampent => ThunderStone to get Chandelure. Shoutout to Zumi`s quest :D (Electric/Ghost).

Munna => Nightmare Fuel to get Musharna. (Dark/Fairy).

Paras => Xen Waste(right now it`s unknown where to find that item). (Bug/Poison and then in zombie mode it's Ghost/Poison with it's base speed being higher in zombie mode, zombie mode occurs when you faint it during battle (meaning you gotta beat it twice). Thanks to Lord Drakyle for finding and sharing information! Update - guide for finding Xen Waste.


Feebas => Prism Scale+Link Heart to get Milotic. (Poison/Fairy).

Misdreavus => Leaf Stone for Mismagius (Ghost/Grass).

Mareep => lv15 => lv30  (Ice/Electric).

Budew => Friendship for Roselia => Sun Stone for Roserade (Ground/Fighting).

Toxitricity => Use Fire Stone on a Toxel. (Fire/Poison). Right now it cannot learn ANY TMs at all. It cannot even learn TMs normal Toxtricities can, like Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Magma Drift(yes the regular Toxtricity can learn this for some reason) Credits to user OldSoulja for that information.

Lapras(don`t evolve) - Rock/Psychic.

Sandygast => lvl 42 to get Palossand. (Ghost primary type/secondary type depends on energy crystal of Mt.Valor(Ice/Rock/Fire).



Mime Jr => lvl in Evergreen Cave(North-Icy and have Mimic) => lvl 42.

Yamask => Take at least 49 HP in damage without fainting while in the Wispy Ruins. 



Who knows something, don`t hesitiate to share ;)


Have a nice farm/hunt/anything!

Edited by Dark_mist-X
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  On 7/19/2021 at 7:46 PM, Dark_mist-X said:

Don`t sure about that cuz don`t have Koffing right now but try to get lv35 in some corrupted cave like in Carotos Mt. or safari zone. Maybe it works ;)



Yeah, right after I posted this, I checked the Discord and people were saying West Gearen. Now, I don't know if there's an item there or a place where you need to level it up, but that location has something to do with it, apparently.

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  On 7/19/2021 at 7:16 AM, Dark_mist-X said:

Sup, mates!

Someone knows how to evolve one pokemon, someone knows how to evolve another.... so title says all.

Let`s do a list of evolution methods for Aevium/Galar forms.


Aevium forms:

Litwick => level with Zap Cannon(if don`t have that, you can buy RM in TM shop in Kristilline town or relearn) to get Lampent => ThunderStone to get Chandelure. Shoutout to Zumi`s quest :D

Munna => Nightmare Fuel to get Musharna.

Paras => Xen Waste(supposed to be found in cave where is Paras but need to confirm if someone found it earlier). Thanks to Lord Drakyle for founding and sharing information!

Feebas => Prism Scale+Link Heart to get Milotic.

Misdreavus => Leaf Stone for Mismagius

Mareep => lv15 => lv30

Budew => Friendship for Roselia => Sun Stone for Roserade



Mime Jr => lvl in Evergreen Cave(North-Icy and have Mimic) => lvl 42.

Yamask => Take at least 49 HP in damage without fainting while in the Wispy Ruins. 



Who knows something, don`t hesitiate to share ;)


Have a nice farm/hunt/anything!


the only thing i know regarding the Paras is the Xen Waste evolves it, not where the item is 'supposed' to be, i was guessing where it's likely we would find it based on it's description

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  On 7/19/2021 at 7:49 PM, RonomakiK said:


Yeah, right after I posted this, I checked the Discord and people were saying West Gearen. Now, I don't know if there's an item there or a place where you need to level it up, but that location has something to do with it, apparently.


West Gearen Sewers probably. There are poison mons and corrupted field.

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  On 7/19/2021 at 7:16 AM, Dark_mist-X said:

Sup, mates!

Someone knows how to evolve one pokemon, someone knows how to evolve another.... so title says all.

Let`s do a list of evolution methods for Aevium/Galar forms.


Aevium forms:

Litwick => level with Zap Cannon(if don`t have that, you can buy RM in TM shop in Kristilline town or relearn) to get Lampent => ThunderStone to get Chandelure. Shoutout to Zumi`s quest :D

Munna => Nightmare Fuel to get Musharna.

Paras => Xen Waste(right now it`s unknown where to find that item). Thanks to Lord Drakyle for finding and sharing information!

Feebas => Prism Scale+Link Heart to get Milotic.

Misdreavus => Leaf Stone for Mismagius

Mareep => lv15 => lv30

Budew => Friendship for Roselia => Sun Stone for Roserade



Mime Jr => lvl in Evergreen Cave(North-Icy and have Mimic) => lvl 42.

Yamask => Take at least 49 HP in damage without fainting while in the Wispy Ruins. 



Who knows something, don`t hesitiate to share ;)


Have a nice farm/hunt/anything!



One a side note, would it be possible to put the typings of the new regional forms? I only know Feebas' and Milotic's typing...

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There are 3(?) Aevium variants of Sandyghast/Palossand. All of them are found at Valor Mountain:


Ice/Ghost Variant

Fire/Ghost Variant

Rock/Ghost Variant


They can be found during the different mountain "moods" calm for ice etc.


They seem to evolve the same as normal Sandyghasts as each evolved after a single level up in a pokecenter from exp candies at level 47/48.

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  On 7/19/2021 at 8:54 PM, RonomakiK said:



One a side note, would it be possible to put the typings of the new regional forms? I only know Feebas' and Milotic's typing...


Paras and Parasect is Bug/Poison and then in zombie mode it's Ghost/Poison with it's base speed being higher in zombie mode, zombie mode occurs when you faint it during battle (meaning you gotta beat it twice)
Lapras: Rock/Psychic
Litwick line: Electric/Ghost
Ampharos is Ice/Electric (dunno about the whole line though)
Musharna is Dark/Fairy iirc
Roserade is Ground/Fighting

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Xen Waste can be obtained in the den where you originally can get Shadow Beldum's at. While I didn't test it much, I initially filled Beldum's den with 15k Red Essence which you get from doing the Max Raid battles in Route 4. You'll have to go through the process of getting Beldum to obtain Xen waste.



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