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Aevium/Galar-regional form evolutions.


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  On 7/26/2021 at 9:08 PM, Ghostea said:

sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where i could find a Leaf Stone? the one in Gearen Park was removed afaik and i'm not sure when the next closest one is!!


Well.. Mining is the best option
You can just always save before mining, checking with ores are there and then restarting if you don't get one, that's how I did it but be aware it's gonna take some time (unless you're lucky)

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  On 7/27/2021 at 3:33 AM, MhicKy said:

Where do I get the A-Munna tho?



  On 7/27/2021 at 3:35 AM, Ram Cxz 007 said:

a -munna in secret room of then ligo engine or something like that


A-Munna can be seen in the overworld of Axis High's basement after completing the Nightmare School story and returning to battle the gym and look for the component

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  On 7/27/2021 at 9:24 AM, Lord Drakyle said:


A-Munna can be seen in the overworld of Axis High's basement after completing the Nightmare School story and returning to battle the gym and look for the component


Oh, thanks, couldn't really understand what the other guy said

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  On 7/26/2021 at 9:08 PM, Ghostea said:

sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where i could find a Leaf Stone? the one in Gearen Park was removed afaik and i'm not sure when the next closest one is!!


You can buy Water Stones, Fire Stones, and Leaf Stones from the Lost Camp if you've rescued the right child, i don't remember who he was and where he was, but you can look that stuff up.


on another note here is some stat info : (order is HP/Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Speed)


A-Lapras's stats are the same as Lapras EXCEPT its Atk and SpDef are swapped, making its stats 130/95/80/85/85/60


A-Chandelure has 5 more HP than regular Chandelure... thats it. dunno why it does, but it does. (65/55/90/145/90/80)


now A-Paras and Sect... Paras' stats are normally the same as regular's, but after dying its stats become 15/100/25/45/25/70


And Sect's stats, before dying its stats are the same as normal Parasect, except with 5 less attack. And upon Resuscitation, its stats become 40/130/40/50/40/105


A-Munna's stats are 76/67/45/25/45/24, while A-Musharna's stats are 116/107/85/65/85/29


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is there any way to check if the alternate forms available location in the map and is there a way to scroll the map in pokedex do u anything about the new zumis quest in v13.i showed a-munna

but it is says not able.can u tell me which pokemon should be shown

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  On 7/28/2021 at 5:29 AM, Ram Cxz 007 said:

is there any way to check if the alternate forms available location in the map and is there a way to scroll the map in pokedex do u anything about the new zumis quest in v13.i showed a-munna

but it is says not able.can u tell me which pokemon should be shown


iirc, you need to show her A-Litwick, you can catch it in Saki's gym (Axis Factory), it is pretty common too.

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  On 7/27/2021 at 12:05 AM, MDM1 Beans said:

So I'm doing a new playthrough and I never played Sw/Sh. I just picked up Mime Jr. and I was debating which evolution I wanted... Am I crazy or is regular Mr. Mime better than Mr. Rime? Mr. Rime has more HP, but trades SpD for Def and trades Speed for Atk which is useles... Am I missing something here?


Also, is there any sort of consolidated list on the Aevium for pokemon's stats, learnsets, and abilities? And do all Aevium form pokemon have their new typings for all stages of evolution, or do some evolve from regular form pokemon like some Alolan and Galar forms do?


They are both bad, that said the stats Mr Rime loses compared to Mr Mime are negligible, 20 loss SpA SpD and Spe for doubling HP and 10 increased Def is worth it. Again though, both are bad, the only thing that makes Rime worth using is that a lot of opponents will try to set up screens so Rimes Screen Cleaner ability can be useful for quickly getting rid of those.

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