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Hanging Script Explains: Elder Scrolls Creation Story~

Hanging Script

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Today I feel like telling you a story. Now all this information can be gathered in the games, though not in any single game, but not in a straight forward way. It is scattered in many different books and NPC comments. I am going to break it down so that fellow Elder Scrolls fans can get a better idea about how the world of Nirn came to be.

It all started with two energies. These two energies were the only thing that existed in an otherwise blank and lifeless void. The first was Arn, which represented chaos and change. The other was Padame with represented Order. These two energies were constantly flowing against each other, like an unstoppable object hitting an unmovable wall. Eventually ''divine blood'' was spilled between the two.

This divine blood formed into consciousness. Think of them as free floating thoughts. They had no physical form at all, just loose cognitive thoughts. Eventually one of these managed to make itself a physical form, thus was born Akatosh. As an unintended side effect of the process of creating his physical form, Akatosh created the flow of time. This time flow is what helped the other Gods of the Elder Scrolls universe create physical forms.

At this point we have an untold number of Godly spirits floating around. Eventually one named Lorkhan becomes bored and decides he wants to create something, his own plain of existence that he could fill with untold creations. He found he did not have the power to create something of that magnitude by himself, so he began to enlist the help of other God spirits to help him in his endeavor. He began to create the plain of existence where the Elder Scrolls universe exist, known as Mundas.

Eventually the God spirits who were helping in the process of creating Mundas began to notice that they were losing much of their divine powers. The process of creating Mundas was draining all of them of their power, and many of the God spirits who were helping in the process began to flee the plain of existence, Mundas, and return outside the physical realm. The few beings that stayed to finish the creation of the physical realm found that they were to weak to ever leave it.

Now in Elder Scrolls lore we have two different paths of thoughts:


The races of man in the Elder Scroll universe believe that the remaining Gods decided to use their remaining power to create life in Mundas. Thus creating Nirn and all the races. Thus the Gods are the creators.


They believe that the Gods who finished the plain of existence decided they had to begin interbreeding in order to survive. Thus they gave birth to Nirn and all the races that live upon it. Thus the Gods are the Ancestors.

In the Elder Scrolls Elven language Aedra= Ancestors while Deadra= non Ancestors.


Here I have explained the back story of the creation of the Elder Scrolls Universe and shown the difference between the Aedra, or the 9 divine, and the Deadra. Every one of those untold number of beings that did not stay to finish the creation of the physical realm are considered Deadra in Elder Scrolls. We know of the 9 Divine of Elder Scrolls lore, but all of these Godly figures are considered so weak that they are nearly mortal. Compared to the God Spirits that either left the creation project or choose not to participate they would be ants.

Now in Elder Scrolls lore we know that the 9 Divine and the 12 Deadric Princes are constantly having some influence on the people and/or events. The 9 Divine, being as their energies are part of Nirn, can influence it easily. They try not to as it drains them of their already weakened powers. Thus the only time we see or hear of a Divine actually physically influencing events is in The Elder Scrolls 4.

Now the 9 divine are the only God beings that exist in the physical plain of existence, Mundas. The 12 Deadric princes exist outside of that plain. There are multiple plains of existence in the Elder Scrolls universe.

1: Aetherius: This is where most of the God Spirits exist. Sovngarde exist somewhere within this plain. When you look up at the night sky in the Elder Scrolls your not seeing what you think you see. You see billions of holes that were punched into the very fabric of creation by Gods as they fled the creation project. The sun in the Elder Scrolls universe is also actually just a giant hole between creation and this plain. It was created by the God spirit Mechnaz who discovered the loss of his powers early on.

2: Mundas: This is where most of the events of the Elder Scrolls take place. The planet that exist there, Nirn, is where all life within the physical realm exist.

3: The Void: This is where the Deadra we know and love exist, This is the opposite plain of Aetherius. Why did they choose to leave to this side is unknown. All the Deadric realms we know of exist here. This is why it is so difficult to go to a plain of Oblivion...it is literally in a separate dimension.

Now the Deadra we see are nothing more then a projection. They are not really there. In face, the form they take are not their real form, simply a projection of their individual personality.

All God Spirits in the Elder Scrolls universe were born from either Padame, Arn, or from both. Those born of Padame are totally incapable of good. Those born of Arn are incapable of evil. Those born of both are capable of both. The Deadra we know are all born of Padame. . Most Deadra do not care about Mundas. It is simply a curious thing, much like we might watch an ant pile for a little while. Most, such as Azura, like to interact with it out of curiosity and mean the people no harm. Others, like Dagon, want to destroy it from time to time our of the same curiosity. So none of the Deadra we see in the Elder Scrolls are evil like we think of evil. They are Gods trying to entertain themselves.

I hope I have made the complex back story of Deadra and the 9 Divine a little more clear then the books and comments in the game do.

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