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Help with Hazuki?


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Her Chandelure keeps its ghost typing but that's all I know. I would teach Taunt to your Lycanroc or any Pokemon that outspeeds Chandelure, and use a Z-move that can oneshot Corviknight. That lets you stop Chandelure from using trick room. Or if your Jolteon and Arcanine are able to oneshot it. In my case, I had an A-Raichu use its signature z-crystal to get rid of it. To be honest Aegislash is worse, you want to get a burn on that pokemon, or play smartly.

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I believe Chandelure is Ghost/Electric.
I used moves like Flash since it's amplified and spammed the everlasting shit out of Nature Power with Meganium and Aurorus, used her Trick Room against her. But oneshotting the Corviknight is essential. Personally I used Heat Rotom's Overheat but anything that can OHKO her Corviknight is fine.
Nature Powers works since both  Sacred Sword & Moonblast hits hard and against her team. 
Meganium Crest because of reduced damage and the recovery at the end of each turn.

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