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-possible MINOR spoilers- I need help finding the brains in Axis High University V13


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As you can see in the picture below I need to find 4 student brains. I've spoken with everyone I can and there is no one with a brain to give. Before I reached this point in the game I did get like 2 brains or something like that. A NPC in the game also says his brain is in the cafeteria but I can't find it. Can someone help me? Am I being stupid or is it a glitch?



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I found out, lol idk if i skipped some text or something but if u go up to the guy who lost his brain and u press "A", then group investigation then cafeteria you will find it. Not sure if it was "A" on my keyboard since I was smashing it though. 

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  • 3 months later...

I passed this part but I don't know what to do after the password I already had the group talking in the classrooms but I have no idea what I should do to access the left door or open the colored door. It's hard to play this game cause there's a severe lack of guidance and you have to search the stuff all the time or just give up cause you can't proceed.

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  • 2 months later...

First, try searching online for tips or walkthroughs related to the specific game or software you are playing. Often, there are online communities or forums where other players share tips and strategies for finding and collecting rare or hidden items. If you're having trouble locating the "brains" specifically, try exploring different areas of the game or software and interacting with different characters or objects. Look for clues or hints that may lead you to the "brains" you're looking for. If you're still having difficulty, consider reaching out to the game or software's developer or support team for additional guidance. They may be able to provide more specific information or help you troubleshoot any issues you're encountering. Well, here I would also like to mention https://fixgerald.com/plagiarism-checker-for-students link where students can get their writing work checked and it is a cool tool when you have no idea how to pick your grammar mistakes.

Edited by AnjaliMory3
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