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[SPOILER] Has anyone else run into this problem? Hardlocked at 2nd gym


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[EDIT/UPDATE]: I went back to an even further save(around 2 hours) and redid everything, got to the fight and no longer get the error... I don't really know what was different this time around, only difference I spotted was Novae wasn't in front of the Cherry Blossom Inn when I started the battle against Keta?


When starting the 1st fight against Keta, the game crashes and I get this error:


Exception: ArgumentError
Message: comparison of String with 5 failed
Game_Event_:195:in `<'
Game_Event_:195:in `block in refresh'
Game_Event_:182:in `each'
Game_Event_:182:in `refresh'
Particle_Engine:596:in `refresh'
Game_Event_:21:in `initialize'
Particle_Engine:591:in `rescue in initialize'
Particle_Engine:588:in `initialize'
Game_Map_:50:in `new'
Game_Map_:50:in `block in setup'

I've tried going back to a save from an hour ago and redoing everything until that point and still ended up hitting this error, I reinstalled the game and same result. Has anyone been able to find a fix or workaround?


Edited by Fenrinir
Solved the Issue
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