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Sakis Duraladon


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Fighting Saki + venam right now. Im quite sure her duraladon is bugged.  The damage done to duralodon was done by a machamp dynamic punch with 252 att ev with 20+ iv in att and a neutral nature. Ive checked its item is a expert belt by knocking it off. Duraludon has no abilities that lower super effective fighting damage and I dont have any attack drops.  Im also up 3 levels so it seems impossible

that i'm doing so little damage. I think its base def stat must be off or it has an ability that duraludon doesnt normally have


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Dynamic Punch will only hit it on it defensive side. And on glitch field, Special stats use the highest of the two specials- in this case meaning that Duraludon has a base 120 Special stat all around. So in fact it IS pretty bulky.

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20 minutes ago, Cerise said:

Dynamic Punch will only hit it on it defensive side. And on glitch field, Special stats use the highest of the two specials- in this case meaning that Duraludon has a base 120 Special stat all around. So in fact it IS pretty bulky.

That is, if there isn’t possible to change the field.

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