Popular Post Punch Posted July 21, 2021 Popular Post Share Posted July 21, 2021 Since early-game Content got a Big~ Update in V13, i decided to make my own Rep Guide with Karma. This took longer then expected, but i hope y'all find it as usefull as i had fun making it! (Note: Only gain/loss of Karma and Rep-points are listed, you'll have to find the consequences of your actions out for yourselves!) If i missed anything or got something wrong, lemme know! (Edit: Let me also know where i missed them, Chapter Number and which part of the Story/Sidequest it is, thx!) Chapter 1: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Mom: Dear, are you doing okay? You've been so quiet since last night... Choices: - I’m fine. (Mom +2) - ... (Mom -1) Venam: I can't believe I fell for that! Were you the one who put that wasabi in that Berry? Choices: - All me. (Venam +2) - Maybe… (Venam +1) - No, actually. (Neutral) Hangout with Melia in Gearen Park, after Abandond Sewers. (Melia +3) Melia: I always feel revitalized when i get some quality snaps! Choices: - You like photography? (Melia +1) - What are you doing? (Neutral) Melia: What about you, \PN? Do you like photography? Choices: - I love photography! (Melia +2) - I appreciate the art! (Melia +1) - It's not for me. (Neutral ) - Photography's boring. (Melia -2) Narcissa: Oh, and look... You've gone and bothered some foreigner, have you? Choices: - It was no bother! (Narcissa +1) - It was a complete bother. (Narcissa -1) Melia: And we also found this place. I will always cherish this memory Choices: - I will cherish it too! (Melia +5) - It was a good time. (Melia +2) - it was okay, I guess. (Melia -1) Beat Madelis as Melia. (Melia +1) Sidequest-Events: Chrisola Hotel Saki (Saki +1) (Wretched Music Sidequest) Rorim B. : Aiy... I could not allow that remark to pass. A humble guest such as I. Choices: - You should stop. (RorimB -1) - Yeah, he’s a jerk. (RorimB +2) - The other guests...? (RorimB +1) Karma: Beating The Bridge Thug (+1 Karma) Save Starly Sidequest (+1 Karma) Missing Mother Sidequest (+1 Karma) Hidden Library Sidequest (+1 Karma) Love Letter Sidequest (+1 Karma) Dangerous Pokemon Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle Request Sidequest (+1 Karma) Wretched Music Sidequest (+1 Karma) Defeating Rift Gyarados (+1 Karma) Chapter 2: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Ren: ...Choices: - You guys alright? (Venam -1) - Cheer up, guys... (Ren +1) - ... (Neutral) Ren: \PN, have you noticed all the Joltik in the area?Choices: - Is that strange? (Ren +1) - What about them? (Neutral) Ren: You need to get stronger too, and I think the best way to do that is to complete the Gym Challenge.Choices: - You think I can do it? (Neutral) - Where do I go next? (Ren +2) Nim: And that question is... Did I cheer you up?Choices: - Yes (Nim +2) - No. (Nim -2) Aelita: \PN can get the battle they came here for! So whaddya say, \PN?Choices: - I will. (Aelita +3) - Why me?? (Aelita -1) Keta: I have a test for you \PN. it involves a bit of traveling. Are you up for it?Choices: - I am. (Keta +2) - But i just got here... (Keta -2) Aelita: I don't know if I can do it alone. So I'm asking you a favor... Please help me look for Sensei!Choices: - Yes. (Aelita +1) - No. (Aelita -1) Beating Shadow Mewtwo (Madelis +1) Sidequest-Events: Completing Stolen Cargo Sidequest (Venam +1) Completing Hidden Library Sidequest (Karen +1) Karma: HIdden Library Sidequest (+1 Karma) Stolen Cargo Sidequest (+1 Karma) Trade Me Sidequest (+1 Karma) Fetch an Item Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle Request 2 Sidequest (+1 Karma) Beating Shadow Mewtwo (+1 Karma) Answer "Are you ok?" after the Eldest says "She reminds me so much of Vivian..." (+1 Karma) Chapter 3: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Amanda: Okay, it's up to you now \PN. Good luck down there.Choices: - I'll get it done! (Karrina +2, Aelita +1) - ... (Neutral) - I'm kinda scared... (Karrina -2) Luca: \PN... Say it isn't so.Choices: - Hi Lucha. (Venam +1) - You're Venam's friend? (Venam +2) - Have we met? (Neutral) Give Marianette an Orenberry in the dining hall (Marianette +7) Marianette: Wh-Why would anyone want to do such a thing? I don't get it.Choices: - To instill fear. (Marianette +2) - Who knows? (Marianette -1) - It's a fun hobby! (Marianette -3) Marianette: Y-You're so cool!Choices: - Yeah, I am. (Marianette -1) - It was nothing... (Marianette +2) - You flatter me... (Marianette +1) - Say it again. (Marianette -2) Marianette: That stupid Dusknoir was all "I'm going to drag you to heck" and we were like, "Not without a fight!"Choices: - It was cool. (Neutral) - Calm down. (Marianette -3) - You were a great help! (Marianette +3) Marianette: The type of soul I have... Is it really a timid one?Choices: - You're growing. (Marianette +2) - Yeah, you are. (Marianette -2) - You can change that! (Marianette +3) Marianette: Wh-What do I do?!Choices: - I'll be fine! (Marianette +1) - HURRY AND FREE ME! (Marianette -4) - It's okay, stay calm (Marianette +4) Marianette: I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you in trouble like that!Choices: - You did well. (Marianette +4) - You cut it kinda close... (Marianette -2) //If Marianette Rep-points >=5// Marianette: But before that, I ask that you forgive me. Please? Choices: - It's okay Marianette. (Marianette +8) - I don't know... (Marianette -12) Sidequest-Events: Did the Karrina gang fight Sidequest in Amethyst Cave. (Aelita +2) Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 4: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Aelita: Maybe we should take a look around and get something to eat, huh?Choices: - I'm starving... (Aelita +2) - No distractions! (Skips Cutscene/Neutral) Ren: Anyway, you wanna go to Goldenleaf Town? Why?!Choices: - A Gym Battle! (Ren +1) - Wanna see the sights~ (Ren +1) - No reason... (Ren -2) Narcissa: If you help me, even if we're not successful, I'll show you the way to Route 4.Choices: - I accept! (Aelita +2, Narcissa +4) - I dunno... (Aelita -1, Narcissa -2) Aelita: What about you, \PN?Choices: - It was nothing.. (Ren +2, Aelita +2) - Kinda uncomfortable. (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - Uhh what's happening? (Neutral) Mosely: Lemme guess, you wanna go to Wispy Tower and take down Team Xen?Choices: - How'd you know? (Neutral) - I want to go home. (Mosely -2) - Time to whoop ass! (Neutral) Narcissa: And considering Gregory's presence, it all lines up properly.Choices: - Gregory? (Neutral) - Sirius hid this. (Neutral) - You seriously didnt know? (Mosely -2, Narcissa -2) Ren: \PN, what do you think about all of this?Choices: - This will work. (Ren +2) - I'm unsure... (Ren +1) - It's a stupid idea. (Ren -2) Ren: Please, that's all I ask.Choices: - Go ahead, Ren. (Ren +4) - No. (Ren -4) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Befriend Espurr (+1 Karma) Defeat Rift Gyarados v2 (+1 Karma) Chapter 5: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Aelita: Tubular! We're making record breaking time!Choices: - You okay, Nim? (Aelita +1) - You're acting weird... (Neutral) Saki: So how'd you get stuck here in this dump?Choices: - How did you? (Neutral) - You know, the usual. (Saki +1) Neved: I rarely, truly, feel fear, but that day...Choices: - Where's Aelita? (Neutral) - Are we done here? (Aelita -1) Adam: Wait a sec, this kit has the name "Billy" written on the side of it.Choices: - I won it. (Neutral) - I stole it. (Adam -1) Beauty: All three of you are just completely useless!Choices: - Calm down. (Adam +1) - You're useless! (Adam -2) Saki: But you solved it! You're a genius!Choices: - It was barely a riddle. (Neutral) - I was stumped. (Saki +1) Piano Lady: But no, it's you! That means they got you too...Choices: - We're getting out. (PainoLady +2) - I'm here to help. (PainoLady +1) - We're screwed. (PainoLady -1) Aelita: \PN... I... I didn't want you to see me like... this.Choices: - Are you okay? (Aelita +3) - I looked for you... (Aelita +2) - We gotta get to the top! (Aelita +1) - No time to catch up! (Aelita -1) Melia: I came to this island to rescue my friend. A friend that rescued me so long ago.Choices: - You came to save me? (Neutral) - Thank you... (Neutral) - I could've done it myself. (Aelita -1) Adam: I don't let no one intimidate me. If I were there, maybe things would be different.Choices: - ... (Neutral) - Don't feel guilty. (Adam +1) - Maybe so. (Adam +2) Melia: I'm sorry.Choices: - It's okay. (Melia +2) - I don't know... (Melia -1) - ... (Melia -1) Beat Sam and Alax after crashing @ Terajuma Island (Melia +3) Lose to Sam and Alax after crashing @ Terajuma Island (Melia -3) //Talk to Nim after the Ship gets relocated// Nim: Don't worry about me, \PN... This'll pass... I hope... Choices: - Are you okay? (Nim +2) - We're ready to go. (Neutral) Braixen: And you wouldn't? I smell a dirty little hypocrite.Choices: - I'd accept too... (Braixen +2) - Wanna do a test run? (Adam +2) - Can you two stop? (Neutral) Melia: Hm... \PN, how many badges do you currently have?Choices: - Four, is that enough? (Melia +1) - Whats a badge? (Melia +2) - Can't i just swim? (Valerie +1) Valarie: Looks like you win this one, \PN.Choices: - You're strong... (Neutral) - It was pretty even. (Neutral) - Ez. (Valerie -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Beat Madame X @ Blacksteeple (+1 Karma) Chapter 6: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Defeat the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia +1) Run Away from the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia -2) Lose to the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia -1) Terajuma Jungle event while you and Melia wait for your friends to gather to speak with Crawli. (Melia +2, Aelita +2) Melia: By the way, I just wanted ask... How are you doing?Choices: - I'm alright. (Melia +2) - Could be worse. (Melia +1) - Terrible. (Neutral) Melia: With everything going on with Angie, the task force's power has been focused on that solely.Choices: - So.. We're on our own? (Melia +1) - Well, that sucks... (Neutral) - Can we ask again? (Melia +2) Venam: \PN, you'll help out too, right?Chioces: - Get me out. (Melia +1) - I have a Relic to get. (Neutral) - A + A = B - B + 3. (Venam +2) Aelita: Dunno where else he'd be. Rorim said it's somewhere here.Choices: - It smells here... (Melia +1) - Let's have a picnic! (Aelita +1) - Crawli needs our help. (Neutral) Melia: How did it go, \PN? Did you win?Choices: - I sure did. (Melia +2) - It was a tough battle... (Neutral) - I lost. (Melia +4) Sidequest-Events: Beat Rift Gyarados v2 (Melia +1) //While befriending Growlithe interact with Aelita// Aelita: That looks like a ton of fun... Can I play too?Choices: - Join me! (Aelita +1) - Nope. (Neutral) Karma: Clear the way Sidequest (+1 Karma) Bandit At Large! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Building Bridges Sidequest (+1 Karma) Find it...! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle me once more! (+1 Karma) Befriend Growlithe (+1 Karma) Chapter 7: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: //Interact with Valarie when you first go through Aquamarine Cave// Valarie: Say, \PN? How do you feel about the ocean, or just water in general?"Choices: - I love water! (Valarie +1) - Water kind of scares me... (Valarie -3) - Pretty indifferent. (Neutral) Hanging out with Valarie. (Valarie +1) Venam: Yikes, I should puke all over this house to send a message.Choices: - This is Tesla's house... (Venam +3) - Can I help? (Venam +1) - Gross. (Venam -1) Tesla: But of course, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to.Choices: - Thank you... (Tesla +2) - I don't know what to say... (Neutral) - ... (Tesla -3) Amber: Wh-What do you want? You can't just barge in people's rooms like this...\| Choices: - Are you okay? (Neutral) - Stop being a child. (Amber -3) Amber: I dunno, but I feel a lot better. So, thanks.Choices: - I'm here to help. (Amber +2) - Whats next? (Neutral) Defeat Madelis and her ally Grunt when they are trying to kidnap Amber. (Amber +1) Melia: I dunno, what do you think, \PN? Is Venam scared?Choices: - Yes. (Melia +1) - No. (Venam +1) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 8: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Aelita: Hey \PN, are you proud of me?Choices: - Yes. (Aelita +2) - Uh... (Aelita -1) Aelita: Eldest, you agreed?!Choices: - but why? (Aelita +1) - A good decision. (Aelita -2) //Storysplit choices after not getting Magma drift and after defeating Kyogre// Venam: But I should try and change that next time I see her.Choices: - Don't wait till it's too late. (Venam +2) - Be kind to her. (venam +1) - ... (Venam -2) Saving Amber with or without Venam (Venam +1, Tesla +1, Amber +1) //Storysplit after not getting Magma drift.// Ignored Venam @ Chamber of Awakaning and went straight to Valor Cliffside (Venam -2) Crescent: Her fate is the same all Team Xen members shall face eventually.Choices: - You're cruel. (Venam +3) - ... (Neutral) - She deserved it. (Venam -4) Melia: You've all decided that you want to help me?Choices: - We can do this togehter! (Melia +3, Venam +3) - Sorta like that, yeah. (Melia +1, Venam +1) - Team Xen is all I care about. (Melia -2, Venam -2) Melia: I think... I think I'd appreciate it if you did.Choices: - Yes. (Melia +2) - No. (Neutral) Transform Ambers field into "Snowy Mountain" aka freeze her Magma (Amber -2) //Amber Gym Battle// Low Hype (Amber -4) High Hype (Amber +3) Sidequest-Events: Saving Reina @ Valor Mountain (Reina +3) Karma: Lighthouse Dilemma Sidequest (+1 Karma) Quiz! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Defend Me Sidequest (+1 Karma) Research Sidequest (+1 Karma) ??? Sidequest (+1 Karma) Do all Help requests in Kristiline Town (+1 Karma) Choose "Keep it." after beating Cera's Groudon. (+1 Karma) Chapter 9: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Amber: Um, but that whole Team Xen business is over, right? They're not coming back, r-right?Choices: - Probably. (Amber -1) - They all died. (Amber +3) //If you answered "A Forrest" when Venam asked about the Valor Mt. door// Venam: Just how did you know that?Choices: - Intuition. (Venam +2) - Read about it. (Venam +1) - Been here before. (Neutral) Melia: Yeah... That must've been super awkward.Choices: - It's okay! (Venam +3, Melia +3) - Sorta awkward. (Neutral) Melia: Sooo... How do I look?Choices: - Beautiful! (Melia +2) - Stylish! (Melia +2) - It's alright. (Melia +1) - Yikes. (Melia -2) Venam: What about you? Did you enjoy the food or is my taste just garbo?Choices: - It was excellent! (Venam +2) - It was alright. (Venam -1) - Awful. (Venam +2) Venam: I have your back, do you have mine?Choices: - Yeah! (Venam +2) - Nah. (Venam -1) Venam: Care to be my partner in crime for a bit?Choices: - Let's do this. (Venam +4) - What about Melia? (Neutral) - I dunno... (Venam -2) Venam: I was.... I was so...Choices: - Worried? (Venam +2) - Scared? (Venam -2) - Taking too long to find me? (Venam +3) Venam: \PN! I need you to help me here. What should we do?!Choices: - Save Maria (Anathea +4) - Save the Officer. (Makes Gardevoir angy / Neutral) Venam: So... Question. \PN, Melia... On a scale from 1-10, how mad is Karrina?Choices: - About a 5. (Neutral) - About a 3. (Neutral) - About a 7. (Venam +1) - About a 10. (Venam +2, Melia +1) Erick: Also now that you found your friend... You're not gonna leave me, are you? :(Choices: - Bye. (Erick -2) - We're here to help! (Erick +2) //Storysplit choice. If you have Wierd Diary// Erick: What do you think?Choices: - Let's save Garbodor! (Venam +4, Melia +4) - Ugh... Why me? (Melia -4, Venam -4, Erick -4) - How about tomorrow? (Erick +1) Erick: ERICK: Whaddya say \PN? Wanna battle?Choices: - You're on! (Erick +2) - Gotta go... (Erick -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Finished all West Gearen City Help requests (+1 Karma) Chapter 10: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: If Venam Rep >=8 after going on Grand Express (Venam +3) Venam: Besides, after everything we went through recently, I thought it'd be nice.Choices: - Thank you! (Venam +1) - I don't like soda. (Neutral) - I didn't ask for this. (Venam -1, Melia -1) //If Venam <8 Rep points// Melia: Thanks, Venam!Choices: - What about me? (Neutral) - What about Kanon and I? (Kanon +2) - You're gross. (Melia -2, Venam -3) If "You're gross" was selected, next event- Venam: How about we forget that happened over a can of soda?Choices: - Sounds good. (Venam +2) - No thanks. (Venam -2) //While hangout with Melia @ Route 7// Melia: Anyway, despite not remembering that much about the city, I will always remember one thing...Choices: - Hapi? (Melia +1) - The food? (Melia -1) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Yui's Ranch - Miltank Sidequest (+1 Karma) Oshawott Sidequest (+1 Karma) Chapter 11: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Huey: Oops, yeah. Sorry, \PN! Love ya!Choices: - It's fine. (Lavender +1, Huey +1) - You guys dating? (Lavender +2, Huey +2) If Darchlight Cave with Florin, exposed Flora when given the chance, and had tried to tell Cassandra (Erin -2) Aelita: Do you judge me for this?Choices: - Of course not. (Aelita -1) - Well... (Aelita -3) - I'm not a judge, so... (Aelita +2) Aelita: I really don't think she'll be pleased with me when she finds me again...Choices: - I'll go with you. (Aelita +2) - I know Erin. (Neutral) - Maybe... (Aelita -2) Aelita: Hah, all it took was one mediocre lie to fool you two.Choices: - Don't be so harsh... (Aelita -2) - Stop being ignorant! (Aelita -4) - You did what you had to do. (Aelita -1) Sidequest-Events: //Classified Information Sidequest// Melia: It was pretty uncomfortable... Even if they tried their best to be nice to us.Choices: - I was terrified too... (Melia +2) - It's standard procedure. (Melia +1) - Grow up. (Melia -2) Melia: Glad I could help in some way!Choices: - Glad to help. (Melia +3, Erick +2) - I kinda got baited into this... (Erick +3, Melia +2) - Eh... (Erick +1, Melia -2) Completing Kimono Girl Sidequest (Erin +1) Karma: SPU Delivery Sidequest (+1 Karma) Defeat Rift Ferrothorn (+1 Karma) Classified Information Sidequest (+1 Karma) Kimono Girl Sidequest (+1 Karma) Chapter 12: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Damien: Surely you know who I'm talking about?Choices: - Uh... Yeah. (Damien +1) - No clue. (Neutral Risa: I just got out of a really intense final, and I need a battle, yeah? Whaddya say?Choices: - You're on! (Aelita +1, Adam +2) - Uh... No thanks. (Aelita -1, Adam -2) Melita: Okay... Well, good luck Kanon. You know I'm always rooting for you.Choices: - You'll be okay. (Melia +2, Kanon +2) - This is stupid. (Kanon -2, Erin +2) Vivian: What do you say? Is this interesting to you?Choices: - Yes (Vivian +1) - Uh... (Vivian -1) Lose to Deoxys (Aelita -1, Vivian -1) Run from Deoxys (Aelita -2, Vivian -2) Melia: ...Choices: - You okay? (Melia +2, Erin +1) - Ready for tea?! (Erin +2, Melia +1) Erin: I believe we all are willing to. Choices: - I'm in! (Neutral) - Can i think about it? (Neutral) - Gotta go... (Melia -2, Aelita -2, Erin -2) Vivian: What is the most important thing in your life?Choices: - My friends (Aelita +2) - My family (Aelita +1) - Myself (Aelita -1) - I'm not sure (Neutral) Vivian: Would you sacrifice your life for the sake of others? The ones you love?Choices: - Yes (Aelita +1) - No (Aelita -1) Melia: ...Choices: - You okay? (Melia +2) - What's up? (Neutral) - Can we leave now? (Melia -1) Melia: Was it really a good idea to just put her up there like that? Choices: - We needed a new sail... (Melia +2) - She loves her new job. (Melia +1) - Yes. (Neutral) Melia: Are we working towards destroying this one, or will it co-exist simultaneously?Choices: - Who knows... (Melia +1) - Why does it matter? (Melia -2) - It's necessary. (Melia +2) If Melia Rep >=5 @ S.S Paradise (Melia +5) Kenneth: Tesla...Choices: - We must press on (Melia +2, Keta +2) - It's hopeless... (Melia -2, Keta -2) Getting to Melia @ Blacksteeple before timer is up (Melia +4) Melia: I've been thinking...Choices: - About what? - Sigh (Melia -3) Melia: Thank goodness...Choices: - Are you okay?! (Melia +2) - uh... You good? (Neutral) - What happend? (Neutral) Mosely: But I don't want them to go...Choices: - We have to go. (Neutral) - It was fun. (Neutral) - Where's the exit? (Mosely -2) Melia: \PN, how are you feeling? Do you remember?Choices: - I remember! (Melia +2) - What are you talking about? (Melia +1) - We have to save Vivian! (Melia -1) Melia: We did it together, and I think we grew closer as a result.Choices: - We make a good team! (Melia +2) - I did all the work. (Melia -2) Melia: What to do with you... You certainly can't stay here...Choices: - Catch it! (Melia +1) - Leave it in the wild. (Neutral) If >=45 Melia Rep @ Route 4 after talking to Spacea / Tiempa (Melia +4) Erin: Why?Choices: - Are you okay? (Erin +2) - He doesn't matter. (Erin -4) Erin: Now I have a direct opportunity, and I won't let it go to waste.Choices: - Let's save Aelita! (Melia +3, Erin +3) - Can't Erin just go? (Erin -3, Melia -3) Erin: Alright, you are not okay. Let's chill outside for a bit.Choices: - You sure you're okay? (Melia +1, Erin +1) - ... (Neutral) Erin: I see... That means we need to work hard on bringing her back.Choices: - Let's save Venam! (Melia +3, Erin +2) - ... (Neutral) Cella: As you can see, she's made an incredibly speedy recovery.Choices: - Welcome back! (Aelita +4) - Too speedy... (Erin -2, Aelita -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 13: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: If saved Reina @ Valor Mt. (Reina +1) If didn't save Reina @ Valor Mt. (Reina -1) Defeat Ren in the Voidal Chasm. (Ren +1) Alexandra: Excellent! Finally, what do you think, \PN?Choices: - I wish for peace. (Ren +1, Alexandra +3, Ryland +1) - I don't know... (Ren +2, Alexandra -1, Ryland -1) - ... (Ren -1, Alexandra -1, Ryland -1) Alexandra: Please, \PN. Please cooperate with Ren. Even if it's just for a little while. Of course, this isn't without reward.Choices: - Alright... (Ren +1, Alexandra +1) - No Thanks. (Ren -1) Depending on Melia's Relationship points with the player, Erin will gain or lose Relationship PointsAnswers: - If <0 Rep points | Melia: There's no way. I can't trust \PN at all... (Erin -6) - If >=0 Rep points | Melia: I can't say much about that, but they haven't been horrible to me at least. (Neutral) - If >=10 Rep points | Melia: I do trust them. (Erin +2) - If >=45 Rep points | Melia: With all my heart. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here right now. (Erin +6) Defeat the unknown man when you first gain control of Ren. (Ren +1) If Cop saved - Defeat Dimensional Rift Gardevoir. (Ren +3, Reina +3, Huey +3, Venam +3) If Maria "saved" - Defeat Dimensional Rift Gardevoir. (Ren +3, Reina +3, Huey +3) Sidequest-Events: //Do the sidequest "Badland Baddies".// Damien: You all deserve what happens to you. There's nothing else to say.Choices: - Convince Damien. (Damien +2) - Evict them. (Damien +1) Speak to Damien outside afterwards. (Damien +1) Do all events related to Mosely and Mamam's Abode. (Mosely +999) Karma: Legend of The Void Sidequest (+1 Karma) Badland baddies Sidequest (+1 Karma) ^If "Convince Damien" was selected (+1 Karma) ^If "Evict them" was selected (-1 Karma) I need to be stronger! Sidequest (+1 Karma) My Sister Fell! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Aquarium Sidequest (+3 Karma) Pokeball Conundrum Sidequest (+1 Karma) Forest Restoration Sidequest (+1 Karma) Mall Opportunities Sidequest (+1 Karma) Stolen Pokemon Sidequest (+5 Karma) ^-(Its in Carotos Mt. It's where you find the Passwords for SEC with Aelita. There is an opening on the right side.) Chapter 14: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Amber: What if... What if she got caught in the blast?!Choices: - Reassure Amber. (Amber +2) - Leave her be. (No change.) Nastasia: So, what do you say. Will you form a temporary truce with us?Choices: - Fine... (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - There's no way. (Ren -1) Aelita: When, and if that moment comes. Will you help me?Choices: - We're a team! (Aelita +1) - You have to do it alone. (Aelita -1) Defeat Eli and Sharon. (Ren +2, Aelita +2) Defeat the two grunts with Aelita. (Aelita +1) Defeat Risa as Aelita. (Ren +1, Aelita +1) If finished "House sit" Sidequest (Melia +2, Erick +2) Ren: You doing okay?Choices: - Sure! (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - Define "okay". (Ren +2, Aelita +2) Defeat the defense mechanisms as Ren. (Allen +1) Lose to the defense mechanisms as Ren. (Allen -1) Defeat the defense mechanisms as Aelita. (Allen +1) Lose to the defense mechanisms as Aelita. (Alice +1) Win the duel as Allen. (Allen +5, Alice +5) Lose the duel as Allen. (Allen -3, Alice -3) Venam: How have you been doing?Choices: - I've been great! (Venam +3) - It's been going. (Neutral) Reina: It'll be fineeee, I'm literally just going to be on the couch practicing for my future when I become a potato. Choices: - Full-time? (Reina +1) - Part-time? (Neutral) Sidequest-Events: Finished Goomidra Sidequest (Ben +6, Goomink +6) //Castle Zygara Sidequest// Karen: So let's team up for a little while? What do you say?Choices: - Yeah, sure why not? (Karen +1) - Maybe tomorrow. (Karen -1) Karen: You're leaving? But I need your help.Choices: - No, nevermind. (Neutral) - I'll be back soon! (Karen -1) Find the hidden Bookcase Door in Castle Zygara. (Karen +2) Finished Narcissa's Sidequest (Narcissa +6) //Talk to Florin @ Botanical Garden after the Eclysia Pyramid Events// Florin: Instead, I'm going to strive for actual change. When elections are up, I'm running for mayor.Choices: - That's great, Florin! (Florin +2) - You? Mayor? (Florin -2) Florin: With Bladestar on a new path, I feel like I'm going to need all the help I can get!Choices: - I'd love to! (Florin +2) - Sorry, I'm busy... (Florin -2) Karma: Goomidra Sidequest (+5 Karma) If Karen dies in Castle Zygara Sidequest (-5 Karma) Chapter 15: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Alexandra: And what about you, \PN? My friend?Choices: - Count me in! (Melia +3, Aelita +3, Ren +3, Venam +2, Alexandra +6) - I'm scared... (Ren +2, Aelita +2, Erin +2, Damien +2) - What are we talking about? (Erin -3, Melia -3, Ren -3, Aelita -5, Damien -6, Alexandra -6, Allen +3) Venam: But that can't be true... After all...Choices: - You mean Marianette? (Venam +2) - My third badge? (Neutral) - What? (Neutral) //Talk to Melia after battling her// Melia: I just don't really know how to feel about it.Choices: - Jenner was your father. (Melia +3) - That's kinda cool! (Melia -3) //Talk to Ren on first MC Training day// Ren: She saw right through me and knew I was on the wrong path.Choices: - Talk to her next time (Ren +2) - You need some work... (Neutral) Erin: Are you excited to train?Choices: - I'm pumped. (Erin +2, Damien +2) - I'm excited, I guess... (Erin +1) - Eh... (Erin -1, Damien -2) Aelita: You must know what I'm talking about, right \PN?Choices: - ...The statues? (Aelita +2) - The Soul Stone (Aelita +1) - I have no idea... (Aelita -1) Aelita: If this really was your doing, you must have your memories of doing this, yes? Choices: - I don't remember... (Neutral) - It couldn't have been me... (Neutral) - ... (Damien -2) Aelita: Maybe one day I can settle back there permanently again.Choices: - You'll be the Sensei too! (Aelita +3) - What about GDC? (Aelita -1) Aelita: W-We'll do our best to make sure we're successful in our mission!Choices: - Thank you, everyone! (Melia +2, Ren +2, Aelita +3, Damien +1, Alexandra +3, Erin +1) - I can't believe it... (Melia +1, Aelita +2, Ren +1, erin +1) - Cool... I guess. (Aelita -1, Melia -1, Alexandra -2, Erin -1, Venam -1, Ren -1, Allen +5, Alice +5) _________________________________________________ ||Diamond Route|| If interacted with Erin @ Magnolia Library (Erin +2) Book event in Anju's Office (Erin +4, Kanon +4) _________________________________________________ ||Pearl Route|| - _________________________________________________ ||Platinum Route|| Aelita: Hey, \PN! Did you know that Sheridan used to have its own school?Choices: - I had an idea... (Aelita +2) - Nope! (Aelita +1) - School sucks. (Aelita -1) Lavender: Oh Huey... I doubt that. They're probably here to visit you!Choices: - That's right! (Lavender +2, Huey +2) - Uh.... (Lavender -2) - Not really, no. (Huey -3, Lavender -4) - Where's Reina? (Neutral) Aelita: Yeah, I do! What about you \PN?Choices: - I trust you! (Amber +6, Aelita +3) - Uh... (Amber -2, Aelita -1) ----- Path 1 | Aelita's Group ----- - ----- Path 2 | MC's Group --------- Risa: ...Choices: - Give her space. (Saki +2) - She has amnesia. (Saki +1, Amber +1) - ... (Saki -2) Zetta: You think you got the strength to continue like this?Choices: - Of course (Amber +2, Saki +2) - Um... I'm scared! (Saki -2, Amber -2) Saki: Good luck! Don't die! Choices: - You got this Amber! (Amber +3) - Good luck. (Amber +2) - ... (Amber -2) Amber: I'm so happy...Choices: - I'm happy for you! (Amber +2) - ... (Amber -1) Risa: Ah... So that's what that pain is.Choices: - Are you doing okay? (Amber +2) - What happened? (Neutral) - You done? (Saki -2, Amber -2) Saki: Isn't that right, \PN?Choices: - What? (Neutral) - Yes. (Saki -2) Amber: How was your rampage?Choices: - My body screams for more. (Saki +5, Amber +3) - It was awesome! (Saki +3, Amber +2) - It was... interesting. (Amber +1) - Eh. (Amber -2, Saki -3) Amber: You can do it.Choices: - Kick ass, Saki! (Saki +3) - Uh... Good luck? (Saki +/-2) Saki: And... All that stuff that happened to me... It did happen to me, right?Choices: - It did. (Neutral) - I don't know. (Neutral) - I'm hungry. (Saki +2) Aelita: \PN... I'm... I'm sorry.Choices: - Don't let her get to you. (Aelita +4) - It's alright. (Aelita +2) - Watch what you say. (Aelita -2) ------- After SON----------------- Choose the wrong Erick (Erick -4) Choose the right Erick (Erick +6) Choose the wrong Aelita (Aelita -4) //If the wrong Aelita was chosen// Clear: And forgive the wound. It's just business.Choices: - Aelita, I'm sorry... (Aelita +1) - Could've been more clear! (Aelita -2) Lose to Clear @ Hidden Axis Lab (Aelita -1, Adam -1, Braixen -1, Erick -1) Aelita: Maybe so! Still, I made up my mind. We have friends in there we need to save.Choices: - I'm going too! (Aelita +3) - I hate this. (Erick +3) - Uh... on second thought... (Aelita -2) Lavender: \PN, have you seen Huey?Choices: - Whoey? (Lavender +1) - Sorry... (Neutral) Amber: ...I, I was?Choices: - Kinda Cool! (Amber +1) - Super Cool! (Amber +2) - Mega Cool! (Amber +3) - Eh... (Amber -1) Saki: ...Choices: - I'm so sorry. (Saki +2, Aelita +2) - It's going to be okay. (Neutral) - She was lost. (Saki -1) - That wasn't Hazuki. (Saki -2) Erin: Transportation will be included in that.Choices: - Why me? (Erin -1) - I'm on it. (Erin +2) - Goddamnit... (Melia -2, Aelita -2, Erin -3) //After Saki Gym Battle// If Saki Rep points >=3 (Saki +4, Amber +4, Venam +4) If Amber Rep points >=3 (Amber +4, Venam +4) Adam: If it's not a pain, could you go tell him what's going on?Choices: - You got it, bro (Adam +3) - Sure. (Adam +1) - Really? Ugh... (Adam -3, Venam -2) Telling Ryland of Adam's 9 Month absence (Ryland +6) Crescent: \PN, why do you affiliate yourself with such kinds of people?Choices: - They're my friends. (Neutral) - None of your business. (Crescent -4) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Bad Ending Calc: Reveal hidden contents Found by @LeoYT Org Post found in This happens once the Player enters their Nightmare Realm. Not saving Rift Garbodor (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Not saving Rift Hippowdon (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Not saving Amber @ Valor mountain (+10 Bad Ending Calc) //Distant Time segment// Handed the Diamond over (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Tried to escape with The Fake Diamond (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Florin is dead (+20 Bad Ending Calc) ^-Is achivable via going with Flora - Exposing her just after Darchlight and telliing Cassandra Karen's Death (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Karrina's Death (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=55 (+0 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=45 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=35 (+10 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=25 (+15 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=10 (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=0 (+25 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=-10 (+45 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=-20 (+75 Bad Ending Calc) If Melia Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Ren Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Tesla Rep-points <0 (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Aelita Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Erin Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Venam Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Amber Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) This Guide will not get an Update for V13.5. 16 6 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
una Posted July 22, 2021 Share Posted July 22, 2021 This was really nicely done, thank you for the work! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fallen Savior Morgan Posted July 23, 2021 Share Posted July 23, 2021 the adam telling us to tell ryland, where is ryland? I can't find him (edit: nvm, he is at the stupid pyramid) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Punch Posted July 23, 2021 Author Share Posted July 23, 2021 On 7/23/2021 at 9:43 PM, Harsh Bhakta said: the adam telling us to tell ryland, where is ryland? I can't find him Expand Ontop of the Eclysia Pyramid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHappy Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 Also, after defeating Venam, you meet Tesla at the Train Station for Goldenwood Forrest. You can Gain/Lose points there too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Punch Posted July 25, 2021 Author Share Posted July 25, 2021 On 7/25/2021 at 12:34 PM, MadHappy said: Also, after defeating Venam, you meet Tesla at the Train Station for Goldenwood Forrest. You can Gain/Lose points there too. Expand Its just the Animations for gain or loss, no change in Variables. Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bluedude Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 Can’t you join Clear and Kieran if you have low enough karma? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 Thank you so much for this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Punch Posted July 25, 2021 Author Share Posted July 25, 2021 On 7/25/2021 at 7:30 PM, Bluedude said: Can’t you join Clear and Kieran if you have low enough karma? Expand Yes, but from what i know, it doesn't affect Rep points nor your Karma. Yet. I'll update the Post to include the Bad ending Calc. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 Ok so I finally looked into the bad ending: Reveal hidden contents Clear offers you a chance to join them during your nightmare realm if you accept the game warns that your permanently locked onto the destruction path. They tell you to not speak of this meeting and from i've seen so far that's it for now until the next episode Refusing basically treats as if the cutscene never happened and your points are set to 99 this means there will definitely be another chance to join them in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrew1010 Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 On 7/21/2021 at 7:34 PM, Punch said: Since early-game Content got a Big~ Update in V13, i decided to make my own Rep Guide with Karma. This took longer then expected, but i hope y'all find it as usefull as i had fun making it! (Note: Only gain/loss of Karma and Rep-points are listed, you'll have to find the consequences of your actions out for yourselves!) If i missed anything or got something wrong, lemme know! Chapter 1: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Mom: Dear, are you doing okay? You've been so quiet since last night... Choices: - I’m fine. (Mom +2) - ... (Mom -1) Venam: I can't believe I fell for that! Were you the one who put that wasabi in that Berry? Choices: - All me. (Venam +2) - Maybe… (Venam +1) - No, actually. (Neutral) Hangout with Melia in Gearen Park, after Abandond Sewers. (Melia +3) Melia: I always feel revitalized when i get some quality snaps! Choices: - You like photography? (Melia +1) - What are you doing? (Neutral) Melia: What about you, \PN? Do you like photography? Choices: - I love photography! (Melia +2) - I appreciate the art! (Melia +1) - It's not for me. (Neutral ) - Photography's boring. (Melia -2) Narcissa: Oh, and look... You've gone and bothered some foreigner, have you? Choices: - It was no bother! (Narcissa +1) - It was a complete bother. (Narcissa -1) Melia: And we also found this place. I will always cherish this memory Choices: - I will cherish it too! (Melia +5) - It was a good time. (Melia +2) - it was okay, I guess. (Melia -1) Beat Madelis as Melia. (Melia +1) Sidequest-Events: Chrisola Hotel Saki (Saki +1) (Wretched Music Sidequest) Rorim B. : Aiy... I could not allow that remark to pass. A humble guest such as I. Choices: - You should stop. (RorimB -1) - Yeah, he’s a jerk. (RorimB +2) - The other guests...? (RorimB +1) Karma: Beating The Bridge Thug (+1 Karma) Save Starly Sidequest (+1 Karma) Missing Mother Sidequest (+1 Karma) Hidden Library Sidequest (+1 Karma) Love Letter Sidequest (+1 Karma) Dangerous Pokemon Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle Request Sidequest (+1 Karma) Wretched Music Sidequest (+1 Karma) Defeating Rift Gyarados (+1 Karma) Chapter 2: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Ren: ...Choices: - You guys alright? (Venam -1) - Cheer up, guys... (Ren +1) - ... (Neutral) Ren: \PN, have you noticed all the Joltik in the area?Choices: - Is that strange? (Ren +1) - What about them? (Neutral) Ren: You need to get stronger too, and I think the best way to do that is to complete the Gym Challenge.Choices: - You think I can do it? (Neutral) - Where do I go next? (Ren +2) Nim: And that question is... Did I cheer you up?Choices: - Yes (Nim +2) - No. (Nim -2) Aelita: \PN can get the battle they came here for! So whaddya say, \PN?Choices: - I will. (Aelita +3) - Why me?? (Aelita -1) Keta: I have a test for you \PN. it involves a bit of traveling. Are you up for it?Choices: - I am. (Keta +2) - But i just got here... (Keta -2) Aelita: I don't know if I can do it alone. So I'm asking you a favor... Please help me look for Sensei!Choices: - Yes. (Aelita +1) - No. (Aelita -1) Beating Shadow Mewtwo (Madelis +1) Sidequest-Events: Completing Stolen Cargo Sidequest (Venam +1) Completing Hidden Library Sidequest (Karen +1) Karma: HIdden Library Sidequest (+1 Karma) Stolen Cargo Sidequest (+1 Karma) Trade Me Sidequest (+1 Karma) Fetch an Item Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle Request 2 Sidequest (+1 Karma) Beating Shadow Mewtwo (+1 Karma) Answer "Are you ok?" after the Eldest says "She reminds me so much of Vivian..." (+1 Karma) Chapter 3: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Amanda: Okay, it's up to you now \PN. Good luck down there.Choices: - I'll get it done! (Karrina +2, Aelita +1) - ... (Neutral) - I'm kinda scared... (Karrina -2) Luca: \PN... Say it isn't so.Choices: - Hi Lucha. (Venam +1) - You're Venam's friend? (Venam +2) - Have we met? (Neutral) Give Marianette an Orenberry in the dining hall (Marianette +7) Marianette: Wh-Why would anyone want to do such a thing? I don't get it.Choices: - To instill fear. (Marianette +2) - Who knows? (Marianette -1) - It's a fun hobby! (Marianette -3) Marianette: Y-You're so cool!Choices: - Yeah, I am. (Marianette -1) - It was nothing... (Marianette +2) - You flatter me... (Marianette +1) - Say it again. (Marianette -2) Marianette: That stupid Dusknoir was all "I'm going to drag you to heck" and we were like, "Not without a fight!"Choices: - It was cool. (Neutral) - Calm down. (Marianette -3) - You were a great help! (Marianette +3) Marianette: The type of soul I have... Is it really a timid one?Choices: - You're growing. (Marianette +2) - Yeah, you are. (Marianette -2) - You can change that! (Marianette +3) Marianette: Wh-What do I do?!Choices: - I'll be fine! (Marianette +1) - HURRY AND FREE ME! (Marianette -4) - It's okay, stay calm (Marianette +4) Marianette: I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you in trouble like that!Choices: - You did well. (Marianette +4) - You cut it kinda close... (Marianette -2) Marianette: But before that, I ask that you forgive me. Please? Choices: - It's okay Marianette. (Marianette +8) - I don't know... (Marianette -12) Sidequest-Events: Did the Karrina gang fight Sidequest in Amethyst Cave. (Aelita +2) Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 4: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Aelita: Maybe we should take a look around and get something to eat, huh?Choices: - I'm starving... (Aelita +2) - No distractions! (Skips Cutscene/Neutral) Ren: Anyway, you wanna go to Goldenleaf Town? Why?!Choices: - A Gym Battle! (Ren +1) - Wanna see the sights~ (Ren +1) - No reason... (Ren -2) Narcissa: If you help me, even if we're not successful, I'll show you the way to Route 4.Choices: - I accept! (Aelita +2, Narcissa +4) - I dunno... (Aelita -1, Narcissa -2) Aelita: What about you, \PN?Choices: - It was nothing.. (Ren +2, Aelita +2) - Kinda uncomfortable. (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - Uhh what's happening? (Neutral) Mosely: Lemme guess, you wanna go to Wispy Tower and take down Team Xen?Choices: - How'd you know? (Neutral) - I want to go home. (Mosely -2) - Time to whoop ass! (Neutral) Narcissa: And considering Gregory's presence, it all lines up properly.Choices: - Gregory? (Neutral) - Sirius hid this. (Neutral) - You seriously didnt know? (Mosely -2, Narcissa -2) Ren: \PN, what do you think about all of this?Choices: - This will work. (Ren +2) - I'm unsure... (Ren +1) - It's a stupid idea. (Ren -2) Ren: Please, that's all I ask.Choices: - Go ahead, Ren. (Ren +4) - No. (Ren -4) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Befriend Espurr (+1 Karma) Defeat Rift Gyarados v2 (+1 Karma) Chapter 5: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory Dialogue: Aelita: Tubular! We're making record breaking time!Choices: - You okay, Nim? (Aelita +1) - You're acting weird... (Neutral) Saki: So how'd you get stuck here in this dump?Choices: - How did you? (Neutral) - You know, the usual. (Saki +1) Neved: I rarely, truly, feel fear, but that day...Choices: - Where's Aelita? (Neutral) - Are we done here? (Aelita -1) Adam: Wait a sec, this kit has the name "Billy" written on the side of it.Choices: - I won it. (Neutral) - I stole it. (Adam -1) Beauty: All three of you are just completely useless!Choices: - Calm down. (Adam +1) - You're useless! (Adam -2) Saki: But you solved it! You're a genius!Choices: - It was barely a riddle. (Neutral) - I was stumped. (Saki +1) Piano Lady: But no, it's you! That means they got you too...Choices: - We're getting out. (PainoLady +2) - I'm here to help. (PainoLady +1) - We're screwed. (PainoLady -1) Aelita: \PN... I... I didn't want you to see me like... this.Choices: - Are you okay? (Aelita +3) - I looked for you... (Aelita +2) - We gotta get to the top! (Aelita +1) - No time to catch up! (Aelita -1) Melia: I came to this island to rescue my friend. A friend that rescued me so long ago.Choices: - You came to save me? (Neutral) - Thank you... (Neutral) - I could've done it myself. (Aelita -1) Adam: I don't let no one intimidate me. If I were there, maybe things would be different.Choices: - ... (Neutral) - Don't feel guilty. (Adam +1) - Maybe so. (Adam +2) Melia: I'm sorry.Choices: - It's okay. (Melia +2) - I don't know... (Melia -1) - ... (Melia -1) Beat Sam and Alax after crashing @ Terajuma Island (Melia +3) Lose to Sam and Alax after crashing @ Terajuma Island (Melia -3) //Talk to Nim after the Ship gets relocated// Nim: Don't worry about me, \PN... This'll pass... I hope... Choices: - Are you okay? (Nim +2) - We're ready to go. (Neutral) Braixen: And you wouldn't? I smell a dirty little hypocrite.Choices: - I'd accept too... (Braixen +2) - Wanna do a test run? (Adam +2) - Can you two stop? (Neutral) Melia: Hm... \PN, how many badges do you currently have?Choices: - Four, is that enough? (Melia +1) - Whats a badge? (Melia +2) - Can't i just swim? (Valerie +1) Valarie: Looks like you win this one, \PN.Choices: - You're strong... (Neutral) - It was pretty even. (Neutral) - Ez. (Valerie -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Beat Madame X @ Blacksteeple (+1 Karma) Chapter 6: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Defeat the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia +1) Run Away from the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia -2) Lose to the Carnivine in the forced encounter in Terajuma Jungle. (Melia -1) Terajuma Jungle event while you and Melia wait for your friends to gather to speak with Crawli. (Melia +2, Aelita +2) Melia: By the way, I just wanted ask... How are you doing?Choices: - I'm alright. (Melia +2) - Could be worse. (Melia +1) - Terrible. (Neutral) Melia: With everything going on with Angie, the task force's power has been focused on that solely.Choices: - So.. We're on our own? (Melia +1) - Well, that sucks... (Neutral) - Can we ask again? (Melia +2) Venam: \PN, you'll help out too, right?Chioces: - Get me out. (Melia +1) - I have a Relic to get. (Neutral) - A + A = B - B + 3. (Venam +2) Aelita: Dunno where else he'd be. Rorim said it's somewhere here.Choices: - It smells here... (Melia +1) - Let's have a picnic! (Aelita +1) - Crawli needs our help. (Neutral) Melia: How did it go, \PN? Did you win?Choices: - I sure did. (Melia +2) - It was a tough battle... (Neutral) - I lost. (Melia +4) Sidequest-Events: Beat Rift Gyarados v2 (Melia +1) //While befriending Growlithe interact with Aelita// Aelita: That looks like a ton of fun... Can I play too?Choices: - Join me! (Aelita +1) - Nope. (Neutral) Karma: Clear the way Sidequest (+1 Karma) Bandit At Large! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Building Bridges Sidequest (+1 Karma) Find it...! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Battle me once more! (+1 Karma) Befriend Growlithe (+1 Karma) Chapter 7: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: //Interact with Valarie when you first go through Aquamarine Cave// Valarie: Say, \PN? How do you feel about the ocean, or just water in general?"Choices: - I love water! (Valarie +1) - Water kind of scares me... (Valarie -3) - Pretty indifferent. (Neutral) Hanging out with Valarie. (Valarie +1) Venam: Yikes, I should puke all over this house to send a message.Choices: - This is Tesla's house... (Venam +3) - Can I help? (Venam +1) - Gross. (Venam -1) Tesla: But of course, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to.Choices: - Thank you... (Tesla +2) - I don't know what to say... (Neutral) - ... (Tesla -3) Amber: Wh-What do you want? You can't just barge in people's rooms like this...\| Choices: - Are you okay? (Neutral) - Stop being a child. (Amber -3) Amber: I dunno, but I feel a lot better. So, thanks.Choices: - I'm here to help. (Amber +2) - Whats next? (Neutral) Defeat Madelis and her ally Grunt when they are trying to kidnap Amber. (Amber +1) Melia: I dunno, what do you think, \PN? Is Venam scared?Choices: - Yes. (Melia +1) - No. (Venam +1) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 8: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Aelita: Hey \PN, are you proud of me?Choices: - Yes. (Aelita +2) - Uh... (Aelita -1) Aelita: Eldest, you agreed?!Choices: - but why? (Aelita +1) - A good decision. (Aelita -2) //Storysplit choices after not getting Magma drift and after defeating Kyogre// Venam: But I should try and change that next time I see her.Choices: - Don't wait till it's too late. (Venam +2) - Be kind to her. (venam +1) - ... (Venam -2) //Storysplit after not getting Magma drift.// Ignored Venam @ Chamber of Awakaning and went straight to Valor Cliffside (Venam -2) Crescent: Her fate is the same all Team Xen members shall face eventually.Choices: - You're cruel. (Venam +3) - ... (Neutral) - She deserved it. (Venam -4) Melia: You've all decided that you want to help me?Choices: - We can do this togehter! (Melia +3, Venam +3) - Sorta like that, yeah. (Melia +1, Venam +1) - Team Xen is all I care about. (Melia -2, Venam -2) Melia: I think... I think I'd appreciate it if you did.Choices: - Yes. (Melia +2) - No. (Neutral) Transform Ambers field into "Snowy Mountain" aka freeze her Magma (Amber -2) //Amber Gym Battle// Low Hype (Amber -4) High Hype (Amber +3) Sidequest-Events: Saving Reina @ Valor Mountain (Reina +3) Karma: Lighthouse Dilemma Sidequest (+1 Karma) Quiz! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Defend Me Sidequest (+1 Karma) Research Sidequest (+1 Karma) ??? Sidequest (+1 Karma) Do all Help requests in Kristiline Town (+1 Karma) Choose "Keep it." after beating Cera's Groudon. (+1 Karma) Chapter 9: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Amber: Um, but that whole Team Xen business is over, right? They're not coming back, r-right?Choices: - Probably. (Amber -1) - They all died. (Amber +3) //If you answered "A Forrest" when Venam asked about the Valor Mt. door// Venam: Just how did you know that?Choices: - Intuition. (Venam +2) - Read about it. (Venam +1) - Been here before. (Neutral) Melia: Yeah... That must've been super awkward.Choices: - It's okay! (Venam +3, Melia +3) - Sorta awkward. (Neutral) Melia: Sooo... How do I look?Choices: - Beautiful! (Melia +2) - Stylish! (Melia +2) - It's alright. (Melia +1) - Yikes. (Melia -2) Venam: What about you? Did you enjoy the food or is my taste just garbo?Choices: - It was excellent! (Venam +2) - It was alright. (Venam -1) - Awful. (Venam +2) Venam: I have your back, do you have mine?Choices: - Yeah! (Venam +2) - Nah. (Venam -1) Venam: Care to be my partner in crime for a bit?Choices: - Let's do this. (Venam +4) - What about Melia? (Neutral) - I dunno... (Venam -2) Venam: I was.... I was so...Choices: - Worried? (Venam +2) - Scared? (Venam -2) - Taking too long to find me? (Venam +3) Venam: \PN! I need you to help me here. What should we do?!Choices: - Save Maria (Anathea +4) - Save the Officer. (Makes Gardevoir angy / Neutral) Venam: So... Question. \PN, Melia... On a scale from 1-10, how mad is Karrina?Choices: - About a 5. (Neutral) - About a 3. (Neutral) - About a 7. (Venam +1) - About a 10. (Venam +2, Melia +1) Erick: Also now that you found your friend... You're not gonna leave me, are you? :(Choices: - Bye. (Erick -2) - We're here to help! (Erick +2) //Storysplit choice. If you have Wierd Diary// Erick: What do you think?Choices: - Let's save Garbodor! (Venam +4, Melia +4) - Ugh... Why me? (Melia -4, Venam -4, Erick -4) - How about tomorrow? (Erick +1) Erick: ERICK: Whaddya say \PN? Wanna battle?Choices: - You're on! (Erick +2) - Gotta go... (Erick -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Finished all West Gearen City Help requests (+1 Karma) Chapter 10: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: If Venam Rep >=8 after going on Grand Express (Venam +3) Venam: Besides, after everything we went through recently, I thought it'd be nice.Choices: - Thank you! (Venam +1) - I don't like soda. (Neutral) - I didn't ask for this. (Venam -1, Melia -1) //If Venam <8 Rep points// Melia: Thanks, Venam!Choices: - What about me? (Neutral) - What about Kanon and I? (Kanon +2) - You're gross. (Melia -2, Venam -3) If "You're gross" was selected, next event- Venam: How about we forget that happened over a can of soda?Choices: - Sounds good. (Venam +2) - No thanks. (Venam -2) //While hangout with Melia @ Route 7// Melia: Anyway, despite not remembering that much about the city, I will always remember one thing...Choices: - Hapi? (Melia +1) - The food? (Melia -1) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: Yui's Ranch - Miltank Sidequest (+1 Karma) Chapter 11: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Huey: Oops, yeah. Sorry, \PN! Love ya!Choices: - It's fine. (Lavender +1, Huey +1) - You guys dating? (Lavender +2, Huey +2) If Darchlight Cave with Florin, exposed Flora when given the chance, and had tried to tell Cassandra (Erin -2) Aelita: Do you judge me for this?Choices: - Of course not. (Aelita -1) - Well... (Aelita -3) - I'm not a judge, so... (Aelita +2) Aelita: I really don't think she'll be pleased with me when she finds me again...Choices: - I'll go with you. (Aelita +2) - I know Erin. (Neutral) - Maybe... (Aelita -2) Aelita: Hah, all it took was one mediocre lie to fool you two.Choices: - Don't be so harsh... (Aelita -2) - Stop being ignorant! (Aelita -4) - You did what you had to do. (Aelita -1) Sidequest-Events: //Classified Information Sidequest// Melia: It was pretty uncomfortable... Even if they tried their best to be nice to us.Choices: - I was terrified too... (Melia +2) - It's standard procedure. (Melia +1) - Grow up. (Melia -2) Melia: Glad I could help in some way!Choices: - Glad to help. (Melia +3, Erick +2) - I kinda got baited into this... (Erick +3, Melia +2) - Eh... (Erick +1, Melia -2) Completing Kimono Girl Sidequest (Erin +1) Karma: SPU Delivery Sidequest (+1 Karma) Classified Information Sidequest (+1 Karma) Kimono Girl Sidequest (+1 Karma) Chapter 12: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Damien: Surely you know who I'm talking about?Choices: - Uh... Yeah. (Damien +1) - No clue. (Neutral Risa: I just got out of a really intense final, and I need a battle, yeah? Whaddya say?Choices: - You're on! (Aelita +1, Adam +2) - Uh... No thanks. (Aelita -1, Adam -2) Melita: Okay... Well, good luck Kanon. You know I'm always rooting for you.Choices: - You'll be okay. (Melia +2, Kanon +2) - This is stupid. (Kanon -2, Erin +2) Vivian: What do you say? Is this interesting to you?Choices: - Yes (Vivian +1) - Uh... (Vivian -1) Lose to Deoxys (Aelita -1, Vivian -1) Run from Deoxys (Aelita -2, Vivian -2) Melia: ...Choices: - You okay? (Melia +2, Erin +1) - Ready for tea?! (Erin +2, Melia +1) Erin: I believe we all are willing to. Choices: - I'm in! (Neutral) - Can i think about it? (Neutral) - Gotta go... (Melia -2, Aelita -2, Erin -2) Vivian: What is the most important thing in your life?Choices: - My friends (Aelita +2) - My family (Aelita +1) - Myself (Aelita -1) - I'm not sure (Neutral) Vivian: Would you sacrifice your life for the sake of others? The ones you love?Choices: - Yes (Aelita +1) - No (Aelita -1) Melia: ...Choices: - You okay? (Melia +2) - What's up? (Neutral) - Can we leave now? (Melia -1) Melia: Was it really a good idea to just put her up there like that? Choices: - We needed a new sail... (Melia +2) - She loves her new job. (Melia +1) - Yes. (Neutral) Melia: Are we working towards destroying this one, or will it co-exist simultaneously?Choices: - Who knows... (Melia +1) - Why does it matter? (Melia -2) - It's necessary. (Melia +2) If Melia Rep >=5 @ S.S Paradise (Melia +5) Kenneth: Tesla...Choices: - We must press on (Melia +2, Keta +2) - It's hopeless... (Melia -2, Keta -2) Getting to Melia @ Blacksteeple before timer is up (Melia +4) Melia: I've been thinking...Choices: - About what? - Sigh (Melia -3) Melia: Thank goodness...Choices: - Are you okay?! (Melia +2) - uh... You good? (Neutral) - What happend? (Neutral) Mosely: But I don't want them to go...Choices: - We have to go. (Neutral) - It was fun. (Neutral) - Where's the exit? (Mosely -2) Melia: \PN, how are you feeling? Do you remember?Choices: - I remember! (Melia +2) - What are you talking about? (Melia +1) - We have to save Vivian! (Melia -1) Melia: We did it together, and I think we grew closer as a result.Choices: - We make a good team! (Melia +2) - I did all the work. (Melia -2) Melia: What to do with you... You certainly can't stay here...Choices: - Catch it! (Melia +1) - Leave it in the wild. (Neutral) If >=45 Melia Rep @ Route 4 after talking to Spacea / Tiempa (Melia +4) Erin: Why?Choices: - Are you okay? (Erin +2) - He doesn't matter. (Erin -4) Erin: Now I have a direct opportunity, and I won't let it go to waste.Choices: - Let's save Aelita! (Melia +3, Erin +3) - Can't Erin just go? (Erin -3, Melia -3) Erin: Alright, you are not okay. Let's chill outside for a bit.Choices: - You sure you're okay? (Melia +1, Erin +1) - ... (Neutral) Erin: I see... That means we need to work hard on bringing her back.Choices: - Let's save Venam! (Melia +3, Erin +2) - ... (Neutral) Cella: As you can see, she's made an incredibly speedy recovery.Choices: - Welcome back! (Aelita +4) - Too speedy... (Erin -2, Aelita -2) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Chapter 13: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: If saved Reina @ Valor Mt. (Reina +1) If didn't save Reina @ Valor Mt. (Reina -1) Defeat Ren in the Voidal Chasm. (Ren +1) Alexandra: Excellent! Finally, what do you think, \PN?Choices: - I wish for peace. (Ren +1, Alexandra +3, Ryland +1) - I don't know... (Ren +2, Alexandra -1, Ryland -1) - ... (Ren -1, Alexandra -1, Ryland -1) Alexandra: Please, \PN. Please cooperate with Ren. Even if it's just for a little while. Of course, this isn't without reward.Choices: - Alright... (Ren +1, Alexandra +1) - No Thanks. (Ren -1) Depending on Melia's Relationship points with the player, Erin will gain or lose Relationship PointsAnswers: - If <0 Rep points | Melia: There's no way. I can't trust \PN at all... (Erin -6) - If >=0 Rep points | Melia: I can't say much about that, but they haven't been horrible to me at least. (Neutral) - If >=10 Rep points | Melia: I do trust them. (Erin +2) - If >=45 Rep points | Melia: With all my heart. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here right now. (Erin +6) Defeat the unknown man when you first gain control of Ren. (Ren +1) If Cop saved - Defeat Dimensional Rift Gardevoir. (Ren +3, Reina +3, Huey +3, Venam +3) If Maria "saved" - Defeat Dimensional Rift Gardevoir. (Ren +3, Reina +3, Huey +3) Sidequest-Events: //Do the sidequest "Badland Baddies".// Damien: You all deserve what happens to you. There's nothing else to say.Choices: - Convince Damien. (Damien +2) - Evict them. (Damien +1) Speak to Damien outside afterwards. (Damien +1) Do all events related to Mosely and Mamam's Abode. (Mosely +999) Karma: Legend of The Void Sidequest (+1 Karma) Badland baddies Sidequest (+1 Karma) ^If "Convince Damien" was selected (+1 Karma) ^If "Evict them" was selected (-1 Karma) I need to be stronger! Sidequest (+1 Karma) My Sister Fell! Sidequest (+1 Karma) Aquarium Sidequest (+3 Karma) Pokeball Conundrum Sidequest (+1 Karma) Forest Restoration Sidequest (+1 Karma) Mall Opportunities Sidequest (+1 Karma) Chapter 14: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Amber: What if... What if she got caught in the blast?!Choices: - Reassure Amber. (Amber +2) - Leave her be. (No change.) Nastasia: So, what do you say. Will you form a temporary truce with us?Choices: - Fine... (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - There's no way. (Ren -1) Aelita: When, and if that moment comes. Will you help me?Choices: - We're a team! (Aelita +1) - You have to do it alone. (Aelita -1) Defeat Eli and Sharon. (Ren +2, Aelita +2) Defeat the two grunts with Aelita. (Aelita +1) Defeat Risa as Aelita. (Ren +1, Aelita +1) If finished "House sit" Sidequest (Melia +2, Erick +2) Ren: You doing okay?Choices: - Sure! (Ren +1, Aelita +1) - Define "okay". (Ren +2, Aelita +2) Defeat the defense mechanisms as Ren. (Allen +1) Lose to the defense mechanisms as Ren. (Allen -1) Defeat the defense mechanisms as Aelita. (Allen +1) Lose to the defense mechanisms as Aelita. (Alice +1) Win the duel as Allen. (Allen +5, Alice +5) Lose the duel as Allen. (Allen -3, Alice -3) Venam: How have you been doing?Choices: - I've been great! (Venam +3) - It's been going. (Neutral) Reina: It'll be fineeee, I'm literally just going to be on the couch practicing for my future when I become a potato. Choices: - Full-time? (Reina +1) - Part-time? (Neutral) Sidequest-Events: Finished Goomidra Sidequest (Ben +6, Goomink +6) //Castle Zygara Sidequest// Karen: So let's team up for a little while? What do you say?Choices: - Yeah, sure why not? (Karen +1) - Maybe tomorrow. (Karen -1) Karen: You're leaving? But I need your help.Choices: - No, nevermind. (Neutral) - I'll be back soon! (Karen -1) Find the hidden Bookcase Door in Castle Zygara. (Karen +2) Finished Narcissa's Sidequest (Narcissa +6) //Talk to Florin @ Botanical Garden after the Eclysia Pyramid Events// Florin: Instead, I'm going to strive for actual change. When elections are up, I'm running for mayor.Choices: - That's great, Florin! (Florin +2) - You? Mayor? (Florin -2) Florin: With Bladestar on a new path, I feel like I'm going to need all the help I can get!Choices: - I'd love to! (Florin +2) - Sorry, I'm busy... (Florin -2) Karma: Goomidra Sidequest (+5 Karma) If Karen dies in Castle Zygara Sidequest (-5 Karma) Chapter 15: Reveal hidden contents Mainstory-Dialogue: Alexandra: And what about you, \PN? My friend?Choices: - Count me in! (Melia +3, Aelita +3, Ren +3, Venam +2, Alexandra +6) - I'm scared... (Ren +2, Aelita +2, Erin +2, Damien +2) - What are we talking about? (Erin -3, Melia -3, Ren -3, Aelita -5, Damien -6, Alexandra -6, Allen +3) Venam: But that can't be true... After all...Choices: - You mean Marianette? (Venam +2) - My third badge? (Neutral) - What? (Neutral) //Talk to Melia after battling her// Melia: I just don't really know how to feel about it.Choices: - Jenner was your father. (Melia +3) - That's kinda cool! (Melia -3) //Talk to Ren on first MC Training day// Ren: She saw right through me and knew I was on the wrong path.Choices: - Talk to her next time (Ren +2) - You need some work... (Neutral) Erin: Are you excited to train?Choices: - I'm pumped. (Erin +2, Damien +2) - I'm excited, I guess... (Erin +1) - Eh... (Erin -1, Damien -2) Aelita: You must know what I'm talking about, right \PN?Choices: - ...The statues? (Aelita +2) - The Soul Stone (Aelita +1) - I have no idea... (Aelita -1) Aelita: If this really was your doing, you must have your memories of doing this, yes? Choices: - I don't remember... (Neutral) - It couldn't have been me... (Neutral) - ... (Damien -2) Aelita: Maybe one day I can settle back there permanently again.Choices: - You'll be the Sensei too! (Aelita +3) - What about GDC? (Aelita -1) Aelita: W-We'll do our best to make sure we're successful in our mission!Choices: - Thank you, everyone! (Melia +2, Ren +2, Aelita +3, Damien +1, Alexandra +3, Erin +1) - I can't believe it... (Melia +1, Aelita +2, Ren +1, erin +1) - Cool... I guess. (Aelita -1, Melia -1, Alexandra -2, Erin -1, Venam -1, Ren -1, Allen +5, Alice +5) _________________________________________________ ||Diamond Route|| If interacted with Erin @ Magnolia Library (Erin +2) Book event in Anju's Office (Erin +4, Kanon +4) _________________________________________________ ||Pearl Route|| - _________________________________________________ ||Platinum Route|| Aelita: Hey, \PN! Did you know that Sheridan used to have its own school?Choices: - I had an idea... (Aelita +2) - Nope! (Aelita +1) - School sucks. (Aelita -1) Lavender: Oh Huey... I doubt that. They're probably here to visit you!Choices: - That's right! (Lavender +2, Huey +2) - Uh.... (Lavender -2) - Not really, no. (Huey -3, Lavender -4) - Where's Reina? (Neutral) Aelita: Yeah, I do! What about you \PN?Choices: - I trust you! (Amber +6, Aelita +3) - Uh... (Amber -2, Aelita -1) ----- Path 1 | Aelita's Group ----- - ----- Path 2 | MC's Group --------- Risa: ...Choices: - Give her space. (Saki +2) - She has amnesia. (Saki +1, Amber +1) - ... (Saki -2) Zetta: You think you got the strength to continue like this?Choices: - Of course (Amber +2, Saki +2) - Um... I'm scared! (Saki -2, Amber -2) Saki: Good luck! Don't die! Choices: - You got this Amber! (Amber +3) - Good luck. (Amber +2) - ... (Amber -2) Amber: I'm so happy...Choices: - I'm happy for you! (Amber +2) - ... (Amber -1) Risa: Ah... So that's what that pain is.Choices: - Are you doing okay? (Amber +2) - What happened? (Neutral) - You done? (Saki -2, Amber -2) Saki: Isn't that right, \PN?Choices: - What? (Neutral) - Yes. (Saki -2) Amber: How was your rampage?Choices: - My body screams for more. (Saki +5, Amber +3) - It was awesome! (Saki +3, Amber +2) - It was... interesting. (Amber +1) - Eh. (Amber -2, Saki -3) Amber: You can do it.Choices: - Kick ass, Saki! (Saki +3) - Uh... Good luck? (Saki +/-2) Saki: And... All that stuff that happened to me... It did happen to me, right?Choices: - It did. (Neutral) - I don't know. (Neutral) - I'm hungry. (Saki +2) Aelita: \PN... I'm... I'm sorry.Choices: - Don't let her get to you. (Aelita +4) - It's alright. (Aelita +2) - Watch what you say. (Aelita -2) ------- After SON----------------- Choose the wrong Erick (Erick -4) Choose the right Erick (Erick +6) Choose the wrong Aelita (Aelita -4) //If the wrong Aelita was chosen// Clear: And forgive the wound. It's just business.Choices: - Aelita, I'm sorry... (Aelita +1) - Could've been more clear! (Aelita -2) Lose to Clear @ Hidden Axis Lab (Aelita -1, Adam -1, Braixen -1, Erick -1) Aelita: Maybe so! Still, I made up my mind. We have friends in there we need to save.Choices: - I'm going too! (Aelita +3) - I hate this. (Erick +3) - Uh... on second thought... (Aelita -2) Lavender: \PN, have you seen Huey?Choices: - Whoey? (Lavender +1) - Sorry... (Neutral) Amber: ...I, I was?Choices: - Kinda Cool! (Amber +1) - Super Cool! (Amber +2) - Mega Cool! (Amber +3) - Eh... (Amber -1) Saki: ...Choices: - I'm so sorry. (Saki +2, Aelita +2) - It's going to be okay. (Neutral) - She was lost. (Saki -1) - That wasn't Hazuki. (Saki -2) Erin: Transportation will be included in that.Choices: - Why me? (Erin -1) - I'm on it. (Erin +2) - Goddamnit... (Melia -2, Aelita -2, Erin -3) //After Saki Gym Battle// If Saki Rep points >=3 (Saki +4, Amber +4, Venam +4) If Amber Rep points >=3 (Amber +4, Venam +4) Adam: If it's not a pain, could you go tell him what's going on?Choices: - You got it, bro (Adam +3) - Sure. (Adam +1) - Really? Ugh... (Adam -3, Venam -2) Telling Ryland of Adam's 9 Month absence (Ryland +6) Crescent: \PN, why do you affiliate yourself with such kinds of people?Choices: - They're my friends. (Neutral) - None of your business. (Crescent -4) Sidequest-Events: No Side Rep-points to be gained in this Chapter. Karma: No Karma to be gained in this Chapter. Bad Ending Calc: Reveal hidden contents Found by @LeoYT Org Post found in This happens once the Player enters their Nightmare Realm. Not saving Rift Garbodor (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Not saving Rift Hippowdon (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Not saving Amber @ Valor mountain (+10 Bad Ending Calc) //Distant Time segment// Handed the Diamond over (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Tried to escape with The Fake Diamond (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Florin is dead (+20 Bad Ending Calc) ^-Is achivable via going with Flora - Exposing her just after Darchlight and telliing Cassandra Karen's Death (+10 Bad Ending Calc) Karrina's Death (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=55 (+0 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=45 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=35 (+10 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=25 (+15 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=10 (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=0 (+25 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=-10 (+45 Bad Ending Calc) If Karma >=-20 (+75 Bad Ending Calc) If Melia Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Ren Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Tesla Rep-points <0 (+20 Bad Ending Calc) If Aelita Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Erin Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Venam Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) If Amber Rep-points <0 (+5 Bad Ending Calc) Expand Is it bad if I have 52 Karma points? 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Punch Posted July 27, 2021 Author Share Posted July 27, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 4:54 PM, Andrew1010 said: Is it bad if I have 52 Karma points? Expand No, the more Karma the better. As of V13 anyways. This could/may change in Future version(I am no Dev, i don't know what they are planning to do with Karma at the End), but until then, having a high Karma count is good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrew1010 Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 5:48 PM, Punch said: No, the more Karma the better. As of V13 anyways. This could/may change in Future version(I am no Dev, i don't know what they are planning to do with Karma at the End), but until then, having a high Karma count is good. Expand Oh okay, thanks! You are the best! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pizzagod13 Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 (edited) Thanks for this will help me try to get a bad ending save! So if I do all the bad endings events that is 90, then I just have to make sure two of them hate me to have 100 right? Would suck to get so far and miss out lol I guess I just gotta make sure I have low karma, but I kinda wanted to do all the side quests. Guess I can skip some of them maybe? Edit: Actually, from counting it up, including considering bad endings to side quests, it seems like it will only give me 38 karma if i do them all. So I can probably get away with it... maybe Edited July 28, 2021 by pizzagod13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pizzagod13 Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Do you know if taking the weird diary but not using it to save the rift mon has any effect on bad ending points/karma (other than the normal 10 points). I would assume that having it but not using it would be worse than just not having the book at all, but maybe not? Edited July 28, 2021 by pizzagod13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OmegaStellarSolare Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 11:26 PM, pizzagod13 said: Thanks for this will help me try to get a bad ending save! So if I do all the bad endings events that is 90, then I just have to make sure two of them hate me to have 100 right? Would suck to get so far and miss out lol I guess I just gotta make sure I have low karma, but I kinda wanted to do all the side quests. Guess I can skip some of them maybe? Edit: Actually, from counting it up, including considering bad endings to side quests, it seems like it will only give me 38 karma if i do them all. So I can probably get away with it... maybe Expand I'm going to do the opposite : I will make sure the bad ending point must be 0 when I restart the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pizzagod13 Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 (edited) On 7/28/2021 at 7:25 PM, RoySolare said: I'm going to do the opposite : I will make sure the bad ending point must be 0 when I restart the game. Expand I already did that in my main save lol. Before they were even a thing. Never made a single bad choice and all the main group liked me. I remember having high karma also from when I checked with scripts (back when it still worked!). So unless I managed to get Tesla to hate me, or lost a bunch of karma somewhere random, my main save has 0 points. Edit: Might have 5 points, I think my Karma was 52, if my memory serves me right... oh well! I am hoping that they don't make the true/good ending of this game require obesely high karma/relationship points... Edited July 28, 2021 by pizzagod13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OmegaStellarSolare Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/28/2021 at 7:31 PM, pizzagod13 said: I already did that in my main save lol. Before they were even a thing. Never made a single bad choice and all the main group liked me. I remember having high karma also from when I checked with scripts (back when it still worked!). So unless I managed to get Tesla to hate me, or lost a bunch of karma somewhere random, my main save has 0 points. Expand To be honest, I want to reach the true ending. So I won't try getting bad ending if I want to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pizzagod13 Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/28/2021 at 7:34 PM, RoySolare said: To be honest, I want to reach the true ending. So I won't try getting bad ending if I want to. Expand I want to get it too which is why I have my main save! Like I said before I hope the requirements are not too strict, some games, go very overboard with the requirements for true ending, like having to make a bunch of specific dialogue choices. I just hope you don't need like a gazillion points with all the main cast to get the true ending... would be pretty annoying lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OmegaStellarSolare Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/28/2021 at 7:52 PM, pizzagod13 said: I want to get it too which is why I have my main save! Like I said before I hope the requirements are not too strict, some games, go very overboard with the requirements for true ending, like having to make a bunch of specific dialogue choices. I just hope you don't need like a gazillion points with all the main cast to get the true ending... would be pretty annoying lol Expand I don't care if it is annoying. Some people would want a well deserved true ending. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucifer Morningstar Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 I'm contemplating something. Reveal hidden contents In V13, it is revealed that the PC probably reset the world once despite not retraining our memories as Alexandra claims we should have (Crescent suggests when she creates Nancy/mom that our amnesia might somehow be voluntary) and all the characters will comment on their thoughts on this revelation and their level of trust in us. I'm assuming these comments vary based on our relationship points with each of them or karma or whatever. Considering a few factors: 1. That the figure at the end of the Goomink quest whom in light of V13's revelations I now believe to have been Celine will judge you as worrisome, as does Adrest in the past when the PC falls into a coma if you have bad karma. 2. The characters will believe you must have done the reset with good intent if you have enough good karma. 3. Apparently you can betray the group or certain characters with bad choices, I'm wondering if it's possible to be the villain with bad choices and karma. That would be kind of dope. My karma seems to be top notch as everyone said they trusted me and that's how I prefer it but I'd love to see a full bad choice run just to see how it turns out. I have seen a few people who got the bad judgements from Adrest and Celine which I found very intriguing. I also find it intriguing that apparently while handing over the diamond in the ruined present creates a 'game over', it still apparently remains in your karma record despite that you're forced to either redo the choice or start a new game. Update: I got Debug and checked my karma score out of curiosity even though I know it has to be pretty high since everyone trusts me. It says 50. Sweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chema Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 where in valor mountain do i get the choose to save amber or let her die? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucifer Morningstar Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 On 7/29/2021 at 6:04 AM, Chema said: where in valor mountain do i get the choose to save amber or let her die? Expand The cavern just north of Crawli's gym entrance. You only need to go if you want to do the event and she doesn't die if you don't, you just forfeit some relationship points or so is my understanding since I did it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnimeCrimson1 Posted July 29, 2021 Share Posted July 29, 2021 what part in the hotel is to trigger the saki cutscene Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Punch Posted July 29, 2021 Author Share Posted July 29, 2021 On 7/29/2021 at 8:16 PM, AnimeCrimson1 said: what part in the hotel is to trigger the saki cutscene Expand Once you enter The Chrisola Hotel, the Cutsceene triggers automatically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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