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(Spoiler) Problems with Geara


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I'm really struggeling with Gearas Mega-Gengar, it's way to fast and strong for my team. I figured out the rest of the fight more or less but am really struggeling with this one pokemon

My first idea was to paralyse their Gengar with my Magnezone and its ability sturdy. But the Gengar one-shotted my diretly, ignoring my ability. As I don't have a focus sash (can I find one in V13?). My next idea was to use Trick Room, but I do not have it as a TM nor do I know of a move tutor who can teach it. Sadly the Attack-Relearner in GDC Shopping district cannot teach it to my Gengar, since I never teached it this move...

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Nice, thanks for the tips. I'll go with the Absol first, since I already have it at Lvl 81.


Edit: Ok, some addition: I do not have Absolite. Maybe I had it at some point (at least I did all of the Sashila Help Quests), but I cannot find it anywhere... Let's see if I can win without it :P

Edited by Chefkoch
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