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The thing about Revival herbs (Spoiler warning!)


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In this topic i want to talk about the revival herbs beeing removed and why i think that wasnt the best descision.


First of all i´m playing on normal mode and i just finished V13. I wouldnt say im a beginner nether a pro player. In V12 u had the chance to buy revival herbs in GDC and i loved that.

I think many players disliked it because it made the game ,,too easy" but in my opinion from that point every player was given a choice. Players that dont want the game to be easier are not forced to buy or use revival herbs,

but players who need one or two of them for the progress had the chance to use them. I know you can spam them too but i think every player has to choose that for himself.


In my case its very frustrating if the story reaches a point where u want to progress because of a nice plot twist or something but u cant beat a battle (Rift Guardevoir for me to give an example) and you try for 20 times, change your team and nothing workes and you need to grind. On that point the magic of the scenario is destroyed because you are annoyed and frustated.


V13 feels way more difficult than v12 and i dont know if the devs just want to be harder than reborn. Battles are not unbeatable but some are unfair (Saki for example) Ev training isnt available at the start and so on.


My solution would be an temporary NPC who sells 2-5 revival herbs every day. So you cant spam that much but still have the chance to do it and player who dont like it just dont buy it. Also if you reached GDC you made some progress without them and proved that your able to come to that point without them. And there are tough fights to (Zetta and Geara at the vulcano for example)


In the end everyone should be able to enjoy that wonderful game with its cool story and characters. Isnt it that what the devs are working for?


Pls share your thoughts about it :)

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I do agree with you that they should have the chance to be bought cause many players only play for story and not for hard battles, yes you can change the difficulty but even then some battles are quite hard.


Idk how something like an npc who sells a few herbs everydat would work tho there is a thing called changing dates in your computer afterall.


But I also was a spammer of revival herbs and I am biased for certain, (Tho I got over-confident and took the no items option :( and you cant change that option)

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Damn it!


I've just started the new content of V13.

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I'm low on Revival Herbs. I believe I have around 4 and

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I haven't had the chance to go to the herb shop for more,

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but I had a bad feeling in my gut that they'd been removed and when I saw the title of this thread I just knew you were gonna say it. 


I don't agree with this. 


I admit Revival Herbs have been a bit of a crutch for me but as I was able to obtain them legitimately, why is that a problem? This is my preference and it doesn't affect anyone else especially since Rejuv has no online player-to-player interaction system (which I'd only use for wonder trading). 


Whilst I appreciate a good challenge, I'm not interested in what I've commonly seen referred to as the "realistic" or "anime" experience (because no one in the anime uses healing items during a battle). Sitting around for an hour or more coming up with new strategies is stimulating but to an extent. Eventually there comes a point at which I just want to get passed a battle and continue the story. 
The harder the challenge the more frustrated I become thus the less I enjoy the game.   

I've recently faced this struggle in Floral Tempus (this is the reason I haven't gotten far in V13 right now, I'm in the middle of FT as well) and did several times in Reborn (i.e Shelly and the glass factory gauntlet). 


As has been pointed out, there is no harm in a provision that is 100% optional. Even if the item were to be forced into one's bag the option to either sell or toss them or just not use them still exists. Watch any SwSh Nuzlocke to see this in action (SwSh provides a lot of free revives). 


  On 7/28/2021 at 5:51 PM, JDMM said:

Cant  you go  back to V12 and buy them there?' i have both versions



I still have my V12 as well and whilst I prefer to pay respects by playing through a game legit at least once before I use cheats, I might have to do this. In a case such as this when the item is game provided I consider it a bit less of a cheat vs. debug and more of an exploit, like stealing Ren's Greninja (which had not occurred to me when I was at that point in the game). 

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  On 7/25/2021 at 7:23 AM, Vum said:

Idk how something like an npc who sells a few herbs everydat would work tho there is a thing called changing dates in your computer afterall.


If somebody is going that far, then I don't see what the problem is. Rejuv is a completely single-player game without any kind of online function, so they're not hurting anyone, and if they're going to the point of messing around in system settings for revival herbs, I'm going to guess they need them

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