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[species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
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EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
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Flower Power!

Florges (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Flower Veil

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Wish

- Protect

- Moonblast

- Grassy Terrain / Misty Terrain

Florges sucks overall, especially in the movepool department (it doesn't even get Toxic!), but in the right hands it's a massive nuisance to deal with. This set focuses on Florges being a special support-tank healer. Wish can be passed onto another Pokemon or held onto by Florges and combined with Protect for an annoying stall tactic. Florges's high base Special Attack allows it to still offer up pain in the form of Moonblast, which is great for when it gets Taunted. The last move depends on what your team is better off with. Grassy Terrain heals grounded Pokemon every turn for a few turns, or Misty Terrain which is essentially a poor man's Safeguard as, like Grassy Terrain, it works only with grounded Pokemon.

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Well my source is the game itself, so we can safely say it does get it.
Personally I think you might want to try and differentiate it from Sylveon, because as it stands Sylveon can do that same set pretty well, at the cost of some Sp.Def and Sp.Atk for higher overall bulk.

I wonder how it runs Calm Mind? I'll have to get that new update and try some things out.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Florges (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Flower Veil

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)


-Calm Mind


-Energy Ball / Psychic / Substitute / HP Ground

Man oh man, if this thing got Giga Drain I would run it all the time. Unlike some of the sets above, I prefer to run a more physically defensive variant. This is because FLORGES HAS OVER BASE 150 SPECIAL DEFENSE. IF YOU'RE BOOSTING IT, IT DOESN'T NEED INVESTMENT. Glad I got that off my chest. Anyway, with Wish providing reliable HP recovery, this thing is incredible. Switch it into a predicted Dragon-type attack and watch the magic happen. Its Special Attack is high enough that I don't bother investing in it because I would much rather have this thing with as much bulk as possible. With special bulk that puts Blissey to shame and a special attack stat that makes Togekiss jealous, a Calm Mind set seems to fit Florges perfectly. Keep in mind that this is untested, as I only have it in-game, but in theory it's quite stronk.

The first move, Wish, is for recovery. That allows you to set up a Calm Mind without fear of having to give up some of your precious HP. By using Wish every other turn, Florges maintains its health while still being able to use its offensive moves quite capably. Moonblast is reliable STAB that hits quite hard after a Calm Mind boost. The fourth move is really a choice between coverage on Water and Rock types (which aren't really too threatening to Florges anyway), Poison coverage, the ability to wall other specially defensive Pokemon from crippling you with status, or the ability to hit both Steel- and Poison-types, albeit not as hard as you would with Psychic.

EDIT: This counters Goodra completely. It is countered by Scizor, Lucario, and basically anything else with powerful and fast super effective physical attacks.

Edited by Jory
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Personally I run a set similar to the one suggested by Abbey Street, only with Modest Nature and Aromatherapy over Grassy/Misty Terrain. God, the support she provides... I've never loved a special wall so much! I kinda feel that a variant oriented to improving the physical bulk to then use Calm Mind is some kind of a waste: with low speed and not-so-high HP, Florges will never be able to punch holes (let alone sweep) anyway, while a pure Blissey-esque strategy seems to suit her the best... And unlike Blissey, Florges can actually hurt opponents with Moonblast!

And yes, I did test what I am saying on Pokemon Showdown and PO, Florges tanked Sludge Bomb from Mega Gengar, Fezzdog was there, he can confirm...

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