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Some help for the upcoming stages.


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Hello everyone!

I'm currently in the storyline underneath the Grand Stairs.

Shelly will be coming up soon( and shade?!).

I'd like to get some pointers on my team and possibly a few replacements. I am not quite sure which TM's are out there and that I can obtain, likewise for the pokemon. So bear with me.

My current team set up is this.

Vulpix- Flashfire

Modest Nature


  • Flameburst
  • Confuseray
  • Safeguard
  • Faint Attack

This is my replacement for Trubbish.

Thinking of Shelly, I figured a firetype would be nice.

Accompanied by the fact that it has Flashfire, will be helpfull against Shade's Chandelure (Payback will be there by that time as well)

Female Togetic L30- Hustle (sadly not Serene Grace)

Docile Nature


  • Yawn
  • Grassknot
  • Wish
  • Metronome.

I just love this thing, It's very bulky/Tanky and utility wise its great.

Killed Cradily with it when it was a wee little Togepi.

So I'm not taking her out of the equasion.

Marshtomp L35- Torrent.

Jolly Nature


  • Mudbomb
  • WaterGun-> Will get replaced by Muddy water.
  • Takedown
  • Bide.

His attack is really high, but there aren't much physical attacks he can use yet. Earthquake will be lots of fun though;) He's my starter and I'd rather not ditch him if I have to.

Scraggy L31- Moxie

Relaxed Nature


  • High Jump Kick
  • Swagger
  • Payback
  • Headbutt.

I'm going to need this fella against Shade.

Nothing I can say about that.

Gardevoir L30- Synchronize

Timid Nature


  • Charge Beam
  • Magical Leaf
  • Confusion (which I had something stronger..)
  • Healing Pulse. (Saved my ass in Beryl)

I do not have a 6th as its currently a spot where I use my Cut using Glameow.

Any tips/Feedback is appreciated.

If I can get certain TM's/HM's somewhere please let me know.

I currently have

  • Chargebeam
  • Grassknot
  • Rock Smash
  • Quash
  • And the HM Cut.

PS: Movesets might change, I'm grinding Unowns for EXP right now.


Edited by Scenekidlove
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From a non min/max view, I don't see any real problems. Though without Drought on Vulpix, you may have some troubles in the future.

As for your 6th slot, Magneton/Magnezone would work wonders and add to your type coverage. Or a Crustle, though I'm all kinds of biased towards that beautiful Stealth Rock/Spike leading machine.

That's all I can really say as I feel Reborn should be played through trial and error, though some might not agree with that.

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From a non min/max view, I don't see any real problems. Though without Drought on Vulpix, you may have some troubles in the future.

As for your 6th slot, Magneton/Magnezone would work wonders and add to your type coverage. Or a Crustle, though I'm all kinds of biased towards that beautiful Stealth Rock/Spike leading machine.

That's all I can really say as I feel Reborn should be played through trial and error, though some might not agree with that.

How so, how does not having drought give me trouble?

And thanks for the 6th slot advice, now to figure out where I can find either of them..xD

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Well if you want some things spoiled for you, Serra (Ice Gym Leader) runs a hail team and not getting rid of hail makes the fight harder. Mostly because half her team runs Snow Veil so you can't hit them half the time.

Though I managed with Swampert, Infernape, Leavanny, Gardevoir, Luxray, and Aggron. So your results may vary.

Magnemite can be caught at the Abandoned Power Plant (Shade's Gym), level Magneton there to get it to Magnezone

Dwebble can be found by Rock-Smashing rocks at the beach before the Fighting Academy (Kiki's Gym).

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