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Late-Game Sweeper

Talonflame (F) @ Flying Gem

Trait: Gale Wings

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Acrobatics

- Flare Blitz

- Swords Dance

- Roost / Steel Wing

Behold Blaziken! There is a new sweeper in town. Talonflame is not what anyone would consider dangerous because of it's lackluster Atk. stopped at 198 but with invested stats and SD he becomes a deadly late game sweeper. Here's some stats to back this claim up.

+2 252+ Atk Flying Gem (custom) Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 248 HP / 244 Def Tentacruel: 442-522 (121.76 - 143.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ Atk Flying Gem (custom) Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Heatran: 201-237 (52.2 - 61.55%) -- 96.88% chance to 2HKO

+1 252+ Atk Flying Gem (custom) Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 248 HP / 172 Def Landorus-T: 291-343 (76.37 - 90.02%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

You do NOT want this thing to setup late game. With the combination of it's blistering speed, access to Swords Dance, and with Gale Wing's extra priority on a boosted Acrobatics will prove that Talonflame is a very deadly sweeper. With that comes the fault of it's typing. Fire/Flying does not like stealth rocks or anybody that can compete with Talonflame's speed like Choice Scarf users or Jolteon. Give him time though, because despite these setbacks he'll leave you and the enemy...

Tarred and Feathered.

Edited by Cowtao
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Choice Band Revenger
Talonflame (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn/Steel Wing/Sleep Talk
- Steel Wing/U-turn

Gale Wings and a very high speed stat allow it to outspeed much of the unboosted OU meta-game. Choice Band and priority on a kick-ass STAB Brave Bird or Flare Blitz allow it to function as a top-tier revenge killer to mop up the remains. Choice Band is preferred as a damage boost (which it sorely needs for it's mediocre attack stat) over Life Orb due to Talonflame's reliance on recoil moves. His 126 speed stat makes him a great candidate for breaking sashes with U-turn and maintaining momentum, however Sleep Talk can be used as a way to absorb a predicted Spore from Breloom and come back with a lovely super-effective STAB. Steel Wing provides coverage against Tyranitar and any Fairy types who are giving you any grief.

Even though his typing gives him two of the most powerful STABs in OU, it also gives him an unfortunate chunk of damage from Stealth Rock. Because of this, entry hazards must be controlled at all times for him to function in his job. Notable counters towards Talonflame are Rotom-W, Heatran and Jolteon. A ground-type move on a partner can dispatch both Heatran and Jolteon, but Rotom-W will be a little harder to deal with.

Uh, and afaik it doesn't get Hi-Jump Kick? Where did you find that information? It's not a TM iirc and it can't get it through breeding afaik.

Edited by Fezzdog
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Muscle Predator

Talonflame (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Gale Wings/Flame Body

EVs: 104 HP/ 252 Attack/148 Speed

Adamant Nature (+Attack, -Sp.Attack)

-Bulk Up


-Brave Bird

-Flare Blitz/Flame Charge

So, according to Serebii.net's new leaks Talonflame gets Bulk Up. A priority Roost and Brave Bird is the main crux of the set, as due to their priority, lessens the need for Speed EVs, allowing it to invest more in bulk. Set up some Bulk Ups, Roost when necessary, and wreck all in your path with your powerful Dual STAB. Flame Charge when you fancy the Speed Boost. 104 EVs ensure that it can switch in to two Stealth Rock hits. With a few Bulk Ups, Flame Body can screw a few physical attackers over.

Roost helps to recover Stealth Rocks and keeps you healthy when you set up. Recommended when Flying resists and gone and you can set up a Bulk Up, as priority + boosted Brave Bird is gonna hurt, and you can use this without fear of Choice Scarf users standing in your way unless it is a resist.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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It was rumored from both Smogon and Serebii that Talonflame had the potential to learn Hi Jump Kick and Blaze Kick. Turns out it was a hoax. Updated the Late-Sweeper set.

How would it learn to kick ._. the contact area of its foot is hardly large enough to deal significant damage.

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  • 8 months later...

I'll take that!

Talonflame (F) @ (No Item)

Trait: Gale Wings

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Def

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Thief

- Overheat

- U-turn

- Acrobatics

A mixed set I randomly came up with while experimenting randomly on XY wifi, this bird is dedicated to messing up the other team, Acrobatics for that rofl priority with no held item, Overheat for physical walls and ice types, U-Turn for that get-a-way. But what really makes this set unique is Theif. Because it has no held item from the start, it can steal a foes item to remove it of a certain advantage. That eviolite chansey? consider that gone! Life orb sweeper? Lets buff U-Turn and Overheat even more! Leftovers? Sure why the hell not! A pokemon that relies on its item against this set is screwed up either way for the rest of the game.

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