Ghostea Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 hi all! ^-^ v13 has been out for a little over a week, so I was just curious as to what everyone's team members were looking like, considering the newly added gen 8 and Reveal hidden contents aevium regional forms! please do share!! i'm so excited to see!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EmilianTheRed Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 I have 2: Save file 1:Garchomp, Galvantula, Gallade, Absol, Primarina and Salazzle Save File 2: Scizor, Greninja, Gallade, Mamoswine and either Regular Chandelure and Florges or Aevium Mismagius and Ninetales Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OldSoulja Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 My Team had undergone many changes, but the final team was : Inteleon, Grimmsnarl, Corviknight, Aevian Toxtricity, Aevian Palossand(Rock), and Aevian Roserade so yeah I REALLY wanted a team of stuff i couldn't've used in the previous versions lol Other Pokemon i that were on my team for a while until replacement were Breloom, Salazzle, Sandaconda, Hariyama, Centiskorch, Coalossal, and Luxray, though some of them were still brought out again for certain fights (Hariyama for Florin and Hazuki, Breloom for Ryland, Centiskorch on Ryland, Hazuki, Geara, and Saki, Coalossal for Angie) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostea Posted July 27, 2021 Author Share Posted July 27, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 7:24 PM, EmilianTheRed said: I have 2: Save file 1:Garchomp, Galvantula, Gallade, Absol, Primarina and Salazzle Save File 2: Scizor, Greninja, Gallade, Mamoswine and either Regular Chandelure and Florges or Aevium Mismagius and Ninetales Expand omg cool beans, i love seeing people use Florges :> i'm using one and A-Mismagius as well!! On 7/27/2021 at 7:58 PM, OldSoulja said: My Team had undergone many changes, but the final team was : Inteleon, Grimmsnarl, Corviknight, Aevian Toxtricity, Aevian Palossand(Rock), and Aevian Roserade so yeah I REALLY wanted a team of stuff i couldn't've used in the previous versions lol Other Pokemon i that were on my team for a while until replacement were Breloom, Salazzle, Sandaconda, Hariyama, Centiskorch, Coalossal, and Luxray, though some of them were still brought out again for certain fights (Hariyama for Florin and Hazuki, Breloom for Ryland, Centiskorch on Ryland, Hazuki, Geara, and Saki, Coalossal for Angie) Expand love your final team!! def want to try out A-Toxtricity and A-Roserade :0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kriecht Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 My team's kind of weird since I kinda cycle mons whenever I feel like it or whenever they're useful. right now it's: Blaziken (starter) Sylveon (perfect IV gift from mom-bot) Scizor (Strong steel and bug type, which are very nice to have) Malamar (mostly just Screens and Contrary for buffing, very useful against saki) Dusknoir (crest + willow wisp make it useful for tanking, utility, and fairly powerful) Alolan Raichu (another sp. attacker that helps with water / flying types) and off the top of my head I also have a Krookodile (kinda swaps with Raichu sometimes), Nidoqueen, Blastoise, Salazzle, Alolan Muk (tank before dusknoir), Heracross (mostly before I got scizor), Weavile (beat up to stop Hazuki's trick room), and an entire rain team (for some reason) trained up and ready for action. I am absolutely certain there's more, but those are the ones I believe are ready for immediate swap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostea Posted July 28, 2021 Author Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 9:20 PM, S7rife said: For now, with my new first character, I wanted to play on Easy Mode to enjoy all of the changes in the entire V13 (and I'm loving all of them, there is much story logic and I love giving more emotions and deep things to the main character, like with Mom's death or with Marianette's arc): -Charizard (my favourite starter, so I took him to enjoy the story) -Gothitelle (pretty tank and with Rock Tomb is actually strange but useful) -Froslass (good with Eric's gym and, with her blizzard, my old Golurk decided to sweep Eric's team lol) -Silvally (with Poison Memory and Electric Memory) -Drapion -Decidueye (these last 2 slots can be changed sometimes, like putting in a Zoroark, Hariyama, Bronzong or the future Hatterene, I know I can find an Hatenna in Darchlight Woods) I still have to take "journey" to GDC, though. Expand gothitelle!!!! froslass!!! hatterene!!! very good choices! On 7/28/2021 at 1:15 AM, Kriecht said: My team's kind of weird since I kinda cycle mons whenever I feel like it or whenever they're useful. right now it's: Blaziken (starter) Sylveon (perfect IV gift from mom-bot) Scizor (Strong steel and bug type, which are very nice to have) Malamar (mostly just Screens and Contrary for buffing, very useful against saki) Dusknoir (crest + willow wisp make it useful for tanking, utility, and fairly powerful) Alolan Raichu (another sp. attacker that helps with water / flying types) and off the top of my head I also have a Krookodile (kinda swaps with Raichu sometimes), Nidoqueen, Blastoise, Salazzle, Alolan Muk (tank before dusknoir), Heracross (mostly before I got scizor), Weavile (beat up to stop Hazuki's trick room), and an entire rain team (for some reason) trained up and ready for action. I am absolutely certain there's more, but those are the ones I believe are ready for immediate swap. Expand oooooo crest Dusknoir is so interesting..... i'm also a huge fan of Salazzle! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VirtualizingProductions Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 My team that I’ve used during recording sessions (in casual mode) are: Sylveon, Swampert (holding Swampertite), Garchomp, Incineroar, Primarina, and Ribombee (leading with Sticky Web). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reborn Issam Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/27/2021 at 7:58 PM, OldSoulja said: My Team had undergone many changes, but the final team was : Inteleon, Grimmsnarl, Corviknight, Aevian Toxtricity, Aevian Palossand(Rock), and Aevian Roserade so yeah I REALLY wanted a team of stuff i couldn't've used in the previous versions lol Other Pokemon i that were on my team for a while until replacement were Breloom, Salazzle, Sandaconda, Hariyama, Centiskorch, Coalossal, and Luxray, though some of them were still brought out again for certain fights (Hariyama for Florin and Hazuki, Breloom for Ryland, Centiskorch on Ryland, Hazuki, Geara, and Saki, Coalossal for Angie) Expand I don't remember impidimp being in the game so you can evolve it into grimmsnarl but if it is available where do you get it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nave Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 On 7/28/2021 at 9:32 PM, Reborn Issam said: I don't remember impidimp being in the game so you can evolve it into grimmsnarl but if it is available where do you get it? Expand Darchlight woods Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lillietea Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 Well, in my first save (and by that I mean the save that is currently in the game's first save slot, I had lots of saves that were scrapped either because they were old and I was stupid while playing on them or I didn't have enough willpower to start and actually finish a new playthrough) that I have from V12 I have a sun team, and I have also used a similiar team in my other, now deleted, saves. I don't remember the exact sets because sometimes my memory is like a goldfish's, but at least I remember the mons: Torkoal Venusaur Heliolisk Chansey Solrock (Fused) Empoleon (Crested) Also used Clefable before In my second save I don't actually have a "team" at the moment, being only on the Terajuma arc, but am planning on making a team around grassy terrain and rain, it's definitely gotta have a Rillaboom and a crested Castform, maybe a crested Oricorio and/or crested Ledian, and a mega Mawile as soon as we can get the mega stone for it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ABoringGuy Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 I havent really made this team yet but am planning to use these mons for my new playthrough. Cinderace with Libero and life orb(possible mega when available) Aevium Chandelure(got it from mystery egg and seems like a solid electric type) Aevium Milotic(So far planning to go with Toxic, Coil, Gunk shot and play rough with ability merciless but we will see how it goes) Swampert (Max hp and attack stat. Another possible mega candidate) Male Meowstic( For screens and support. Grimmsnarl is probably gonna be better but I am too attached to this mon) Spiritomb with creast( It's creast honestly seems interesting and so wanted to try out. It is good without creast as well though) For Rotation: Lycanroc Dusk Sylveon Espeon Hydreigon Butterfree(Currently is pretty useful in early game. I might use it in late game if its mega is available) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
321_King_123 Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 Im kinda of use many Pokemon´s... In my box is: Mawile Sylveon Glaceon Seviper Luxray Nidoking Normal Milotic Crobat Dusk-Lycanroc BUT, i think my main im using right now is: Incineroar (My starter, hits hard, Intimidate saved me so many times) Aevium-Milotic (is both a great wall, and hits hard; full sp.def and Charm makes you take so much hits, and, with 257 of attack, i hit hard with Gunk Shot) Scizor (Physicall Sweeper, Bullet Punch is SSOOOOO good on him) Lucario (Special Sweeper, i think its my most switch-able team mate) Silvally (Kinda wall, hits good, but the memory think is fantastic, rn im using a Ground memory) Druddigon (With his crest, Outrage hits differently) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lspaceship Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 My team really hasn't changed, due to me not having completed a new playthrough. I'm still using my V12 team, which is as follows: Blaziken (Speed boost, Sand Attack, Bulk Up, Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut) with the Charcoal previously, but now Interceptium (for the future when it will work, I have faith!) Noivern (Infiltrator, Quick Claw, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse, Air Slash, Boomburst) Floatzel (Water Veil, Mystic Water, Aqua Jet, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Return) Gallade (Mind Plate, Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut, Slash and Burn, Justified) Lurantis (Rose Incense, Leaf Guard, X-Scissor, Slash and Burn, False Swipe, Growth) Banette (Spell Tag, Knock Off, Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Flash, Frisk) Those are my main 6, but I have a Heliolisk, A-Ratticate, Lucario, Typhlosion, and Dustox that I'm getting up to level for backup 'mons. Note that I'm playing on casual, as a casual. (Casual is still more difficult then the actual games, so it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine that it's called 'casual') Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EliteFlyingTaco Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 Sylveon, Cinccino, Swampert, A. Chandelure, Salamence, and Heracross are the main team that I finished the version with. In rotation I have Electivire, Weavile, Lucario, regular Chandelure, Roserade, Gliscor, and the combined Solrock. King's Rock Cinccino is the reigning MVP 3 versions running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
$hadow Posted August 6, 2021 Share Posted August 6, 2021 Cinderace, Inteleon, Grimmsnarl, Scizor, Zangoose, and A-Chandelure are the mons I finished the game with and some mons I had used at one point but have been replaced are Dreadnaw, A-Milotic, Lucario, Grapploct, Mismagius, Beheeyem, and Pachirisu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marmalade Posted August 6, 2021 Share Posted August 6, 2021 I'm still running my v12 intense team of Swampert, Bisharp, Mr. Mime, Vivillion, Pachirisu, and Talonflame. I'm excited to start a new playthrough to experiment with new teams after finishing this one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
purpL Posted August 6, 2021 Share Posted August 6, 2021 Greninja (Protean, Mystical Water, Hydro pump, slash n burn, gunk shot, dark pulse) Mawile(Intimidate, Mawilite, Iron head, play rough, sucker punch, Fire fang) Tyranitar(Sand stream, smooth rock, arenite wall, rock slide, crunch, thunder wave) alakazam(magic guard, life orb, psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, signal beam) volcarona(flame body, buginium z, bug buzz, psychic, heat wave, quiver dance) breloom(technician, muscle band, bullet seed, mach punch, rock tomb, spore) I've got way too many pokemon in rotation - incineroar, primarina, mega absol, lycanroc, venusaur, nidoking, talonflame, sylveon, heracross, garchomp, alolan-marowak, mega blastoise, vikavolt, And for the battles which I can't beat no matter how hard I try cuz intense is broken(Saki) - The classic endeavor + priority combo with donphan, togedemaru, and sawk with counter+reversal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonozakiAkira Posted July 2, 2022 Share Posted July 2, 2022 I completely shifted half of my team after I beat V13 lol. The team I used to beat the game was: - Cinderace (My starter) (no permanent item; Pyro Ball, Court Change, High-Jump Kick, Sucker Punch) -Scizor (Rocky Helmet; Bullet Punch, Substitute, Swords Dance, X-Scissor) - Mamoswine (Life Orb, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Earthquake, Stealth Rock) - Decidueye (Grassium Z; Slash and Burn, Spirit Shackle, U-turn, Roost) - Gardevoir (Gardevoirite; Psychic, Moonblast, Reflect, Thunderbolt) - Crobat (Focus Band; Cross Poison, Brave Bird, Toxic, Leech Life) My current team: - Cinderace (My starter) (no permanent item; Pyro Ball, Court Change, High-Jump Kick, Sucker Punch) -Scizor (Rocky Helmet; Bullet Punch, Substitute, Swords Dance, X-Scissor) -Greninja (Waterium Z; Grass Knot, Hydro Pump, Dark Pulse, Toxic Spikes) -Garchomp (Life Orb; Dragon Claw, Dig, Iron Head, Outrage) -Alolan Ninetales (Icicle Plate; Ice Beam, Hynopsis, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam) -Aevian Chandelure (Ghost gem atm; Discharge, Energy Ball, Hex, Curse) Devs please fix the move pool!!! Istg I can't even make my guy learn thunderbolt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z.. Posted July 2, 2022 Share Posted July 2, 2022 Save file 1: Save file 2: Never got the chance to use all of them but they were considered for save file 1 and 2 and I might train them up in the future for both save files Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TopMop Posted July 3, 2022 Share Posted July 3, 2022 Cinderace - No Item - 252 atk+speed Moves - Fire Punch Acrobatics SuckerPunch High Junp Kick Dusknoir - Crest - 252 Atk+Health Moves - Shadowpunch Bulldoze Shadowsneak Will-o-Wisp Delcatty (Haven't actually been able to use it since you get it after the current last gym but I'm hopeful it's gonna stay Item - Crest - 252 atk+speed Moves - Return Suckerpunch Zen Headbutt Stomping Tantrum Mawile - Megastone - 252 atk+health Moves - Iron Head Play Rough Sucker Punch Brick Break (Changes depending on what I have to fight) Arcanine - Changes (Current Flame Plate) - Mixed 252 spd 50 Atk 200 s.atk Solar Beam Heat Wave Close Combat Hidden Power (Rock) Ninetales - Heat Rock - 252 spd + s.atk Weather Ball Solar Beam Heat Wave (Was something else before the Saki fight but I don't remember) Sunny day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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