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Forest field


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So, i've been fighting Flora in the current version on Intense, and with new Focus Sash 252 Atk and Spd, 95 accuracy Grass Whistle Aevium Mismagius, inability to effectively EV train, her fight became absolutely impossible, whatever strategy you use. So, naturally, i decided to change the field, and the only one i can create is a Forest Field with Pyuku. After that i was hoping to burn the forest, but somehow Forest Field is a dead end terrain that... cannot be transformed into anything? At all? I would think Heat Wave or stuff like this at least would allow to make some kind of a burning field. 

Are there any other options of what i can do with a Forest Field? There is nothing about it in the Field Manual. 

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If there's nothing about it in the field manual you probably cant change it. TBH I think one of the worst changes in V13 is so many fights having unchangeable terrain. Most bosses already got buffed with better mons and having op fields constantly be stacked as well against you is really pushing the boundary of challenging vs straight up unfair.

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