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Friend Codes and Friend Safari Thread


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  On 11/21/2013 at 11:03 AM, Maelstrom said:

A fighting safari. Only the second I've encountered.

Oh really, only the second? Well, I'm exhausted and have added everyone who left a FC in this thread. I hope more people add me, I'm generous with my O Powers!

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  On 11/21/2013 at 4:41 AM, Bear said:

I'm fire type, FC is in sig.

Waiting on monkee, thirdbird, summer, luna and secondum to add me back. Won't pm people cause if you want to add me awesome, if not I'm not gonna cry... Much... Looking for bug, water, ice, ground, fighting and fairies FC now !

Like I said b4 I only went from pages 8-13 (now 14). If I missed you on there I apologize. Did kind of just rush through it while dealing with fake stocks ^_^

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  On 11/26/2013 at 3:07 AM, JellyMan said:

My code is 3196-4287-7907


  On 11/24/2013 at 5:13 AM, Phoenix said:

reformatted 3ds means new fc

Phoenix: 1521-3961-5247 | Ghost: Pumpkaboo, Lampent,Drifblim

Added both...Be sure to check my sig for my own code...

On a slightly unrelated note, does anyone here have a Eevee Friend Safari? I'd love a female H.Ability Eevee for breeding up an Espeon...But alas, I have no such code...

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  On 11/26/2013 at 11:04 PM, Khayoz said:

^ I don't have the safari, but I do have the Eevee in question which I could breed...

Khayoz, you'd be a life saver! If you do breed me one, be sure to let me know if there is anything special you want...Maybe I'd have it stored somewhere :P

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Okay so if you've added me but I don't have you back just send me a message or something with your code because I really don't feel like scrolling through 15 pages and sifting through the "i added you" comments for the actual codes- I'll add you back today though, I promise ;-;

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  On 11/30/2013 at 5:27 PM, Eclipse~ said:

Okay so if you've added me but I don't have you back just send me a message or something with your code because I really don't feel like scrolling through 15 pages and sifting through the "i added you" comments for the actual codes- I'll add you back today though, I promise ;-;

Well, Eclipse I DID send you a message with my code...about a month ago and you still have not added me, which is fine....Im not pointing guns at people and force them to add me XD

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1950 8417 9398

Normal: Teddiursa, Miccino, Chansey

Currently looking for Aipom; I will sift through all 15 pages of this thread and add everyone who might have it because #yolo

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  On 12/2/2013 at 11:07 AM, Amethyst said:


1950 5417 9398

Normal: Teddiursa, Miccino, Chansey

Currently looking for Aipom; I will sift through all 15 pages of this thread and add everyone who might have it because #yolo

Our Lady Ame posting her FC?! #YOLO indeed XD Its a damn shame its shows the "Friend Code Incorrect" Error....Are you sure you posted correctly Ame?

EDIT: I did however add today a guy that posted his FC on a shofu video advertising Eevees in there...His safari also had Aipoms, so if you want to sif through the comments, here is the video in question:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMStq28NJLs The guys name is WarlockKObra

Edited by GenshiD
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