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Lucario And Milotic moveset


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Just wanting a real quick help- I wanted to make a Special attacker Lucario and dont know what my 4th move should be... I wanna have Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon and Nastly plot. Dont know if i should go for a Shadow ball, Psychic, Vacuum Wave. Or, like my Scizor, having Vaccum Wave as my fighting stab move (in my scizor case, bullet punch as my Steel move), and focus the 4th move on a more diverse-type move like Psychic.


As in my Milotic... I have that Poison and Fairy Milotic and wanted to know my final move also; i have Gunk Shot, Play Rough and Bulldoze for coverage, but what would be my final move?


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Since A-Milotic doesn't get too much coverage, I like to just keep poison jab on it as well for the guaranteed accuracy because gunk shots always seem to miss at critical moments :'). Coil is very useful since it makes up for that accuracy loss but hard to set up sometimes since Milotic isn't a speedy fast mon. For Lucario, I think having dark pulse as coverage is generally better than psychic or shadow ball. You can always swap it out with vacuum wave if you find yourself needing priority - they're both reusable TMs anyways.  

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