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How is my team? Is it relatively balanced?


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Not quite sure about Zoroark, but aside from that I can see this team doing decently in Reborn... How far have you managed to come as of now?

Thanks for the feedback! Any ideas what Pokemon would be a good replacement for Zoroark?

And right now I'm not that far yet (my second time playing the game); just working on beating Shade right now. So I don't actually have Lucario or Zoroark yet, I have a Scrafty in their place.

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As I said here, Scrafty is great. Do not waste time looking for Lucario and Zoroark, just keep Scrafty, it will do amazingly.

A strategy I would suggest for beating Shade: if your Scrafty is female, grind Gyarados to level 39 (or was it 36? Anyway...) to get Dragon Dance, then breed with Scrafty to get yourself a Dragon Dance Scraggy. At this point, go to Apophyl cave and grind that Scraggy like crazy against those Magcargos, and when it hits a level that is comparable to Shade's Pokemon go back there and beat him. A Dragon Dance Scrafty can easily set up a couple of Dragon Dances in Rotom's face and then sweep Shade's entire team with Crunch, provided you have some anti-hax items like Paralyzis Heals.

If possible, try to get yourself a Moxie Scrafty, because Moxie is going to be fixed in Episode 10 (it is currently bugged) and well, after it gets fixed a Scrafty with Crunch, HJK, Head Smash and Dragon Dance, with Moxie and a positive nature, will be pretty much unstoppable...

Using this Pokemon would also mean that you would shrink your Fighting- and Dark-type needs in one Pokemon, thus netting yourself a free spot to include one extra ally. You would have both the Grass-Fire-Water and the Fighting-Psychic-Dark cores in just five Pokemon, and this would basically leave you free to run literally whatever you want in the sixth spot. A Ground-, Rock or Electric-type would be recommended, tho.

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