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Quitting Rejuvenation.


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  On 8/9/2021 at 2:37 PM, Cyphre said:

And that is a huge shame in my opinion, since, again, all that difficulty would be meaningless without a world it exist in. You wouldnt be that interested in fighting all those gym leaders and Meteor admins if they were all Youngster Joey. But then again, it's been, i think, 8 years since Reborn started development and a lot of conceptions about it were changed. 

I am also curious, when people want to play difficult pokemon, why not just go on Showdown? Generally a lot of good matches there. 


Look, I'm not disagreeing with you.
I started because of the "dark souls" thing people used to say. But I remained for the story and setting.
I love this grim-dark setting, its why Reborn is my favourite fangame.
But not everyone joins because of it! I would say many hate this edgy setting and it puts them off and only play for the battles.

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But not everyone joins because of it! I would say many hate this edgy setting and it puts them off and only play for the battles.


i would like to add to this by saying that if these games were not providing an interestin challenge to encourage approaching every battle in different ways,  i wouldn't  have played any of these games more than once. 
The challenging battles are what gives replay value. 

I like the story, especially in Rejuv's case, but if the game was not challenging i would only play it like once,  say "nice story, and some fun battles, would totally recommend" and move on to other games.   Like how many times do you read a book, even if you like it? 

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  On 8/9/2021 at 1:01 PM, 321_King_123 said:

I think this only happens in the Expert/Pro difficulty right? i play on normal and it only had 1 Mega. 

But still, this is one of the most unfair things i heard from the expert difficulty ._. 2 mega? And making them hold held items?? I can already see a mega mon holding a Z-Crystal. Or just imagine a Mega-Lucario holding Life orb/Choice band using only Bullet Punch or Vaccum wave 


I understand that intense is going to be hard but it does seem like the chapter 15 fights have progressed past hard and ended up somewhere else. I think there's an issue if the AI gets to break the rules set out by the main games. Some (# of megas, megas holding items besides their stones, >510 EVs) have already happened, and I think that's a bad precedent, even if the goal is to be challenging. Challenging should not mean the AI gets to play with fundamentally different restrictions than we do

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It's what someone said above. It's not the difficulty it's that some of the fights feels unfair and that they are just trying to annoy the player. I've finished a playthorugh on intense in v12 and now i'm playing on casual on v13 and when i found out that enemy mons can exceed the EV cap in intense it genuinely didn't feel like a challenge more like the game is bending its own rules and just trying to see how far it can go until it's unbeatable. And now im reading about megas being able to hold items as well? Maybe some times more difficulty doesn't mean more challenging just makes it a chore imo.

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people are gonna immediately say that youre just not cut out for how hard this game is but i honestly agree with you, I've been playing this game since its first release and ive never really had difficulty issues with this game. There were the super annoying and difficult battles that were notorius in previous versions for sure, but they're weren't that many that felt impossible. V13 screwed its balance of the game so heavily, every other boss fight at minimum is so obnoxious and tediously difficult for no good reason, It's not as if they're impossible, but you're basically required to go out and train brand new mons for them, work on super cheese strats etc, They took out old useful mons giving you even less options early game which i dont understand either. But people will always defend these kind of things under the guide of it just being a hard game, but theres such a massive difference between hard and just plainly being not fun for the sake of being annoying. I would've quit ages ago, but i started playing on debug mode around Crawlis gym, not to cheat to but just to add in XP candies and repels, since who has the time to train a brand new mon for a specific strat for it to maybe work. This V13 update was great in every way except its challenge, where i think it took a huge step back in terms of balance with what it changed, I don't blame you for quitting honestly this game is a chore a lot of the time

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Wtf have I done?  I wasn't trying to say Rejuvenation can't be a more challenging game; I'm just saying that casual and easy mode(s) should be about as difficult as, say, your typical experience with an official title (though that's kind of loose, since even the official games vary somewhat in difficulty); no need to worry too much about getting the right natures for your Pokémon (abilities, though, should still be taken into account because some abilities are pants), no need to worry about EVs/IVs - no need to worry about being competitive when you're just trying to enjoy the game and the story it's trying to tell.


I'm sorry I turned this whole thing into a debate; I shouldn't have said a word - but, hey, what do I know?  I'm a filthy casual.

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  On 8/9/2021 at 7:46 PM, Existentially_tired said:

Wtf have I done?  I wasn't trying to say Rejuvenation can't be a more challenging game; I'm just saying that casual and easy mode(s) should be about as difficult as, say, your typical experience with an official title (though that's kind of loose, since even the official games vary somewhat in difficulty); no need to worry too much about getting the right natures for your Pokémon (abilities, though, should still be taken into account because some abilities are pants), no need to worry about EVs/IVs - no need to worry about being competitive when you're just trying to enjoy the game and the story it's trying to tell.


I'm sorry I turned this whole thing into a debate; I shouldn't have said a word - but, hey, what do I know?  I'm a filthy casual.


the Experience that's the most in line with an official game is Casual, although that's still a little bit harder than B/W 2 Challenge mode, but you should be able to get through that just fine without worrying much about optimization.


and no worries. if a higher difficulty is hampering your enjoyment of the game, then you don't have to play said difficulty. ultimately, at the end of the day, games are things meant to have fun with, after all.

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  On 8/9/2021 at 12:58 PM, Cyphre said:

I was much more annoyed about 2 Megas. With held items. Maybe next version some enemy can get a Mega who holds Life Orb, Assault Vest, some Band Item, Leftovers and all berries at once, just for shits and giggles. It's one thing to give an enemy advantage, but now opponents are literally playing a different game. 



I have no idea what battle this is because I'm still in the Pearl Component arc but how are Megas with held items even possible? That sounds like PKHexing permanent megas (well semi-permanent because if you keep them in your party when you close the game they revert back)!


  On 8/9/2021 at 2:03 PM, Generic Gamer said:

...No? i'll have to politely disagree. Reborn's main selling point has ALWAYS been the difficulty, and Rejuv simply inherited that title. if you ask people what the first thing that comes to mind when they play these games, they will almost always say "It's a challenging game!" or something to the tune of that.



I concur with this.

I read somewhere that Ame's main objective was to create a Pokemon game that is as difficult as possible. 

I'm not sure if it was the main objective in Rejuvenation but it was prioritized nonetheless. 


I'm in Normal mode and have thus far never been on the verge of rage quitting whilst I have at least twice in Reborn and the first time was in the 4th gym battle (although it awarded the 3rd badge).

Do I get frustrated at times? Yes, in fact I get a bit easily frustrated.

Do I use revives and healing items in battle and am holding on to V12 so I can continue to purchase Revival Herbs at the Herb shop? Yes, because while I appreciate the challenge it's not important to me that I have the "real/anime" experience. 


Granted that I played up to the current chapter in V12 and I've gathered that some things such as rift battles got buffed, overall I have not had a tremendous amount of trouble and have not felt as though anything has been particularly unfair vs. the few times I have in Reborn *coughglassfactorycough* and am enjoying the story.


I can understand losing interest, not all plots are going to appeal to everyone and v13 is heavy right out of the gate but I'm going to throw out a cold truth here (Angie irony intended), with respect, if you're having difficulty in Casual mode, stick to mainstream because it's you not the game.


Fangames are designed to require a lot more strategic skill than mainstream, that's the whole appeal alongside darker plots. 



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It's amazing that this game has three game modes where the AI performs differently and every major battle has different teams entirely. That's so much more than a main story game gives us. I played 340 hours on a new playthrough of V13 (though probably 40-80 were just me sitting at the start menu as I looked something up on the pokedex lol), loving every minute. 


I get that rejuvenation's story is so interesting that some people who aren't into difficult pokemon games might want to play too. I think the dev team does plenty to accommodate, though. I guess levels could be lower, or bosses could all use 4 pokemon? I'm watching some people's casual playthrough to think more on this point and it appears that casual gets tough near the end of the game. I guess with several years between the initial conception of casual mode and the release of v13, maybe making a solid casual experience is tough. 


I feel that it's kinda lame to make a status about quitting the game over difficulty (as opposed to just deleting it and going on about life), but the conversations had about it could be valuable to the dev team, I suppose. 

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  On 8/9/2021 at 7:46 PM, Existentially_tired said:

Wtf have I done?  I wasn't trying to say Rejuvenation can't be a more challenging game; I'm just saying that casual and easy mode(s) should be about as difficult as, say, your typical experience with an official title (though that's kind of loose, since even the official games vary somewhat in difficulty); no need to worry too much about getting the right natures for your Pokémon (abilities, though, should still be taken into account because some abilities are pants), no need to worry about EVs/IVs - no need to worry about being competitive when you're just trying to enjoy the game and the story it's trying to tell.


I'm sorry I turned this whole thing into a debate; I shouldn't have said a word - but, hey, what do I know?  I'm a filthy casual.


I think this debate would happen eventually.

  On 8/10/2021 at 4:30 AM, Brauvo said:

get that rejuvenation's story is so interesting that some people who aren't into difficult pokemon games might want to play too. I think the dev team does plenty to accommodate, though.


Yes, exactly! This is why I love Rejuvenation so SO much more than Reborn [I mean I love Reborn but I rage quit at the Gauntlet in the Glass Factory] I feel Rejuv. understands not everyone wants to rage

  On 8/10/2021 at 4:30 AM, Brauvo said:

it appears that casual gets tough near the end of the game.


It does *coughViviancough* Not impossible, though

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