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I decided to make this topic partially to alleviate the pain of the long wait for ep10, but mainly to get an idea of the variety of lifestyles the members of the reborn community have. To be fair i should probably say a bit of what i do irl.

Well, where to start? Firstly i am in college pursuing my associate degree in Culinary Arts (cooking is my passion) and so far its been quite an experience. After the two years of college im hoping to start my culinary career in the kitchen of a reputable hotel or restaurant. Then as my reputation grows as well as my expertise, i hope to own my own restaurant here in Barbados.

Im not a huge sports fan, but i do love tennis. Its the most fun sport ive ever played and its probably the only sport im actually good at :D. Im a pretty big fan of shooting games like Combat Arms, Call of Duty etc. and Pokemon is pretty much a side thing (even though its one of my most time-consuming activites :wacko: )

Thats pretty much it from me, please feel free to share some of your life in this thread. I would love to learn more about you guys and im sure others in the community would love to know more about each other on a deeper level. Enjoy the rest of your week guys. #Blessings

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Well I'm not sure what this has to do with reborn but ok.

I'm a junior at high school, I'm currently stuck between becoming a marine biologist or a computer engineer when I go to college. Like James I'm not really a big sports fan, i like playing every once in a while but I'm not good at it and I ca't ever due it consistently. i used to play runescape a lot and i got my username from a clan i really enjoyed playing with, however it became dull after awhile and I only did that because i had a crappy computer back than (imaging playing playing SC2 and every time a siege tank shot your computer crashed, yeah it was that bad.) Now I mostly play LOL, silver 5 right now but I'll be aiming for gold once season 4 starts. Pokemon was a thing I really enjoyed in the past but I stopped playing because I felt it was childish, now i recently got back into pokemon once I realized many other kids in my grade liked and have n=been enjoying it again since.

Wow didn't mean to write that much lol

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Well I'm not sure what this has to do with reborn but ok.

I'm a junior at high school, I'm currently stuck between becoming a marine biologist or a computer engineer when I go to college. Like James I'm not really a big sports fan, i like playing every once in a while but I'm not good at it and I ca't ever due it consistently. i used to play runescape a lot and i got my username from a clan i really enjoyed playing with, however it became dull after awhile and I only did that because i had a crappy computer back than (imaging playing playing SC2 and every time a siege tank shot your computer crashed, yeah it was that bad.) Now I mostly play LOL, silver 5 right now but I'll be aiming for gold once season 4 starts. Pokemon was a thing I really enjoyed in the past but I stopped playing because I felt it was childish, now i recently got back into pokemon once I realized many other kids in my grade liked and have n=been enjoying it again since.

Wow didn't mean to write that much lol

Nice, marine biology is a pretty interesting field of study. Imo because almost everyone wants to be a computer engineer or technician so its nice to see something new :) Oh and it doesnt matter that you wrote alot, i want people to type alot, you know, just let it all flow when you are talking about your life. Oh and yea, this thread was made for people to dicuss their life while we wait for ep10. I would actually like to hear about a little about Ame's life outside of cyberspace :D

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I agree- This is better suited to the Trainer Journal forum, so moved it there.

Anyway, since I was directly called out-

I'm a senior in college, about to finish a degree I hope to never use, majoring in psychology with a minor in women's and gender studies. I also pretend to work at a tea shop to support myself, but the truth is our sales profits are almost nonexistent so I never get hours (more time to work on the game!).

But as far as a life outside of cyberspace, it hardly exists. I work on whatever I can on the bus, in the middle of class and during breaks. I don't really go out either. In short, I'm kind of a shut-in who doesn't talk to anyone or really have any friends outside of here.

And I'm okay with that.

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Well, I'm a University freshman who enjoys to read, and play video games.

I grew up in northern Canada, Worked at a Library where the pay was really good for a student such as myself. as an aboriginal citizen of the north I got a scholarship to pay off my university tuition so money isn't to big of a problem anymore. I have no idea what my future's going to be. I wouldn't mind finding another job with a nice pay and continue what I'm already doing, but that would make life too easy. I'm not to interested in making friends since I find myself being a little inconvenienced with people IRL. In the end I'm kind of a selfish person who doesn't get too involved with others but I'm still known for being called a good person by many. I mostly keep my thoughts to myself, even from my closest friends and even my family, I'm just very emotionally secure about myself. I also like to say that I'm an amateur artist who likes to draw and paint but doesn't work well with art related software. most of the time I'm busy doing nothing, which to me is something I guess. I'm also bad at finishing what I st-

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So this is me...

I am taking a post-secondary program on radio broadcasting in Toronto.
I'm a bit of an everything man. While my program calls for a ton of time sitting in front of a computer, I always like to get the exercise whenever I can get it. Thus I play pretty much every sport under the sun that isn't cricket - not a damn soul plays cricket around these parts; a lot of rugby, though.
I dig travelling but seldom have the time or funds to do it, so it's mostly with family. Out of all of the places I've been so far, Colorado's my fave, with the scenic countryside, and Denver, which is such a great city, not to mention I met someone there whom I very much respect.
I used to be very introverted, but that's changed since I got out of high school and got a stepfamily. Now I'm kinda introverted. I have a girlfriend whom I had known since grade 1 but we met again earlier this year by sheer luck. But aside from that, I don't talk too much...I think.
As for games, I play a lot of games, but mostly old ones for the nostalgia factor; those include Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem: Ancestral Crusade (aka Seisen no Keifu), a bunch of others. As for new games, I like Fire Emblem Awakening and League of Legends, and that's pretty much all I'm playing right now, though I enjoy the occasional game of NHL 14 or the occasional hour or two of Saint's Row IV / Final Fantasy XIII. But long story short, I like the SNES / N64 stuff.

I'll keep adding to this.

Edited by Abbey Street
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What is this "life" thing you speak of?

I am a random lump on a log that lives by herself on money she doesn't deserve, from a family member she didn't like when they were alive ,but, who's money she likes now that they're gone.

...When I write that it seems kinda mean...but its true so imma leave it there...

I find it far to difficult to talk to people IRL so I have almost no friends there, but somehow I'm somewhat friendly on the internet so I can get along with people here. I spend my time playing video games, eating, and sleeping, sometimes all at once. I also cook and play with the stock market, which is in my mind just gambling with better odds of success than the lotto ( that goes for both the cooking and the stock market by the way, if I'm feeling "inventive" there's no telling WHAT imma throw in the pot....)

As far as the video games go, I play WoW, Aion, Neverwinter, Champions Online, LoL, Scarlet Blade, Eden Eternal, Mabinogi, Tera, Pokemon Online, Pokemon Reborn, Pokemon X,Y, Black, White, Black2, Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed,LeafGreen,HeartGold, and when my GB decides to work, Green. Also, MMBN-1-6 all versions, MMSF all versions but Saurian, MegaMan Zero 1-4, Megaman Xtreme, Digimon World Dusk, Disgaea,Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and the sequel, and any other game that has the misfortune of falling into my lap.

For the online games, however, by "play", I mean look pretty, playing the games long enough to make the characters look a certain way, then just wandering about staring at myself a few hours a day. To anyone who plays LoL, yes, I DO in fact own ALL of the Teemo skins. Cry into the shrooms.

Now that I've made myself aware of how shallow and empty my life looks, imma hit the post button and play with Azurill and Pichu in pokemon Amie till I feel better.

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So, um... where do I start?

Freshman in high school, with no clue of what I'll do in the future; the things I would like to do require skills I don't have- or if I do, someone better comes along. I'm not exactly the most social person because I'm deathly afraid of being face-to-face with people I don't know; I guess that's why it's easier to be online, why Reborn feels like more of a home than, well, home. My stepmother pretty much runs my life and tries to make me into her child, so I've basically given up at home, waiting for when I can move out and make it somewhere. My birth mother wastes her life in the GM Factory in Flint, afraid of men after her ex-fiance... traumatized her, to say. My dad is extremely reclusive and spends his time at work or at band practice, and he's practically silent when I'm ever around. I'm extremely self conscious of everything, and really take no pride in anything I do. Reborn is like a second home, or like the family I wish I had. I spend all of my free time with headphones on and on my laptop, trying to run from all of my problems as if that will solve them, even though it likely wouldn't.

I don't really have much of a social life; I've only ever been around people that aren't my family twice. I'm not really a troublemaker until recently; more of a, sit in the corner quietly and hope not to be noticed by anybody. Online is different; I'm more comfortable and open, and generally better. I find it hard to insult people really, unless I actually really dislike them; I'm sort of really against anything I see as "wrong". I also take nearly everything said about me to heart, even though I probably shouldn't. I could go on more, but my thoughts are jumbled at the moment.

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My life is..well my life..

Started out as a freshman in high school recently. Doing solid, but I've been forgetful on assignments. Well..I've always been forgetful. I tend to be spacey, and a little reserved. It was difficult for people to get me to speak as a kid, and as a result, I used to make a habit of shying away from forceful situations. But for the unlucky few who get me started, OH BOY would they regret it. I also dish out some helpful tips to troubled people, but mainly so I could feel accomplished, and little to genuinely help them. And I also try to do some oddball stuff to try every now and again (nothing extreme, but enough to be strange). In general, I'm one of those shy eccentrics that would like to open up more. That seldom works though since a lot of people who judge me face value tend to call me grim and depressing because of me shrugging people off back then. I can only think of two classes I've taken in my life where I act like how I act around my friends and here, One was Video Tech in junior high, the other being Principles of Speech at junior high as well. In fact, the lunatic parts of my username stem from my Speech teacher contemplating whether I was an air head, really creative in my speeches(I seriously made a speech on an alien invasion in a persuasive format) or a lunatic. I'm sure those on the PO chatroom have got used to me. But that is actually how I usually act around my friends in a casual environment.

Um..anything else? Well, I moved a few times, starting from California to Texas. I have plenty of honest friends (or at least I'm sure they are honest, but I sometimes have doubts) Not interested in much things. I play games for passing time, or go out to the park nearby and hangout, or even just relax in my backyard. As the only son in the house, I have to take care of my Grandfather since he is like, 85. As far as I'm concerned, my sister is a huge slave driver, and has been since I was 4. My dad lives at Atlanta since Texas is a bitch and there are no jobs around. And my mom barely has time to catch her breath, supporting a house of 4. That is it.

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I ain't got much to do, might as well...

I'm currently a sophomore in high school. doing alright, my grades can be called 'passable'. Not sure what i want to do with my life after high school, that always leave me in deep thought. I generally a quiet person and usually like being alone than with many people, when i speak i always say the first thing that pops to mind so it feels like I'm mocking people but actually I'm not. I'm average in terms of physical build, not too fat, not too thin. I Don't like being forceful and seeing someone use force to get what they want. Don't really have much friends because most people are annoying. I rarely give up on everything because I have a motto "Don't do thing half-assedly."

I spent most of my day after school at home, so that i have more time playing games. I mostly play RPG but I enjoy everything with a good story and gameplay. My favorite games are Professor Layton series, Ace Attorney series, Sly, Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Legend of Heroes, and Disgaea.

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I am quite the average guy, to be honest. I am at university right now, and I am average at studies. I have an interest in japanese stuff (with Pokemon on top of that), but I am not a great expert, I like writing but I am no Shakespeare, I have a girlfriend who lives quite far away from me (we meet whenever my university duties give me a break) and she finds me to be very handsome, but truth be told she is the only one who ever said that to me, aside from my mother.

I am also a decent guitarist, but my occasion to turn that into a chance at success has long come and passed, and so have my chances with basketball and soccer (which both I never took very seriously anyway).

The one thing I stand out at is creating storylines for professional wrestling shows: I have a solid background of booking virtual shows for wrestling e-feds all around the world, and I am currently the boss of my own virtual federation named GWF (I'd link you guys to that, but sadly it is in italian...). For those who don't know, a e-fed is a wrestling federation that doesn't actually exist: people go to a dedicated website, create their wrestlers like in a roleplay, and then proceed to post insights on their fighting style, allignment and so on. Bookers like me than proceed to make up storylines involving them, and write the report of the show, which subsequently airs on the site for everyone to see. I am actually pretty good at that, to the point that I have started trying my chances at building relationships within real wrestling federations (minor ones ofc, like the Hoodslam mentioned everywhere in my avatar/signature) in the hope of being hired at least for a part-time job, because yeah, my dream is still being an engineer but I really enjoy creating storylines for wrestling shows.

What else? Oh yeah, I am an Amethyst wannabe: for my entire life (and I am nearly 23 yo) I have been dreaming of creating something even remotely comparable to Reborn, attempting in several occasions and always failing miserably, mostly because I am as bad at scripting as I am good at creating storylines; a very ambitious project I started on PO beta forum, named "Pokemon Gaia", died after we finished creating the plot and planning the stream of in-game events, exactly because of that... Any chances that you have a friend who is as skilled as you, Ame?

So yeah, I am an average guy with a lot of dreams in his head and nothing interesting outside it: now that I started talking about me I don't really know how to end this post in a decent way, so I'll just throw there a full stop.

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I'm currently a 15 year old in England applying for 6th form subjects in my school which will shape my path to university; as of just over one year ago now, I grew a frantic obsession with manga, drawing and comics, inspired by Mark Crilley and Scott McCloud. Since then, I've been doing drawing after drawing or experimental process to hone my skills, though I'm still not very good at what I do, if even decent (the "Art!" thread here pretty much contains all my bigger works). Nevertheless, I try to motivate myself to get off my lazy ass and do more to improve, because this is the only path I really want to take; I was previously obsessed with computers, gaming and robots, but I quickly realized that only gaming seemed to be a thing that could have a potential future career for me in it; and I haven't even done anything regarding that, so this is the only option I really have.

I'm currently building a portfolio to submit to the art department in school so I can apply for Art A Level, and am also planning to study English Literature and Psychology. Subjectwise, I hate Maths and most of Science, and any other subject that requires heavy use of formulas and facts. I like subjects such as Art (which I didn't do for GCSE...) and Philosophy in R.E which require more creative or imaginative thoughts, however.

In real life, I'm rather shy, sometimes hostile, to those I don't know (particularly shy around girls I don't know, for some reason that I still can't figure out), but I've pretty much stuck with friends I've known for the whole of my life, or just from the beginning of high school; I am not a "make new friends" person. I'd rather stick to the ones I have because I understand them and know them the most, (even if they crack sex jokes whenever we gather). Therefore, I'm usually extremely hurt if one stabs me in the back. I'm very sensitive, but these days I've learned not to exaggerate smaller issues (though the big ones still hit me hard), and I have trouble keeping some control on most of my emotions, something which I've wanted to do for years. That aside, I usually act very silly (something which I also want to stop doing), and I can not resist speaking out puns whenever I think of them. Unsurprisingly, nobody ever laughs.

Umm... is that it? Well, life at home is nice; my parents are respectful (they have their flaws, like anyone), and respectable, and I'm free to play a lot of games and draw (although I wish the former didn't take up so much of my time; c'mon, Roo!), and provided I do my dreadfully boring homework I'm not really yelled at or anything, so it's fine there... though I do wish I stopped feeling tired all the time, what with the null limbs and all. I'm most worried about my upcoming GCSEs because they're tough but involve a lot of subjects that I just hate and don't want to put the effort into.

That's about it.

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Hmm. Well, i'll give this a go.

I'm a 15 year old Sophomore living on the edge of bad grades and barely passing my courses in the proud state of Virginia. I used to be on the honor roll by High School has a way of dropping teachers with over exaggerated expectations. My job/career has been decided to be an Engineer, Security Internet Officer, or a Psychiatrist. I'm kinda a split person outside of school.

Outside of the internet I act a bit more cocky, arrogant, and uneasy, while in cyberspace I seem to fit at an ease, being more mellow, happy, and kind. Came from a bunch of old sites and communities from ROBLOX to the Dance Dance Revolution/Stepmania community in Zenius-I-Vanisher, to now. I'm currently in the community of Anime and Pokemon with Facebook and Here representing it.

I have awesome parents who push me when needed and let me slack off whenever they feel confident with my grades. I have a really chill and slow-paced life really, but it just seems that everything moves so fast. I guess that's it for me. Wooo~

Edited by Cowtao
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It's kinda neat to know a bit more about each other... So allow me to talk a bit (uh, too much) about myself...

I'm a student, living in France, and on his second year post-baccalauréat. I'm following a path a bit different from university; what we call here scientific " classes préparatoires ", so I'm learning a lot of Maths, Physics, but also French-Philosophy and English. I chose such a path because it's the easiest to become an engineer of whichever speciality you want, and i don't know what sort of engineer I'd like to be yet. I'm also lucky enough, masochist, or brave as some may say, to be one of the most famous public "classe préparatoire" in France, so i'm trying to do my best. But it's the most difficult year and i wish i were doing better. q.q

How did I even get there, while being lazy as heck and always sleepy? Well, I used to be one of the best students in the nearest middle school, so my family and my teachers kind of pushed me to go to a famous highschool (in fact it's the same school as the current "classe préparatoire", some schools do both), and I like taking on challenges so I gave it a shot, and I did pretty fine back then.

And now i'm trying to do a last big effort, because I believe that by trying hard now, i'll be able to be extremely lazy later. Yes, i have some weird way of thinking, but it somehow works pretty often so i'm sticking with my intuition!

As you may have guessed, i'm the kind of chill out, introvert, usually silent type of guy who likes having some laugh here and there but prefers to stay at home playing video games than going out. I have very few people i'd refer to as close friends, but i met a very special person, who now lives in Australia... I'm joking very often about getting the best engineer school ever, then tons of cash to fly from France to Australia often only to see her, but i actually wish i could do it. Other than that special person I don't look around me much, and i'm trying to not hurt feelings if a relationship is getting awkward... Not like i'm an interesting person anyway so it happens once every 50th moon *shrugs*, but i do prefer when people around me are happy. And if they're not then I try to listen to them and help them if i can, especially sick people.

I'm extremely impressed by my parents' efforts when they came to France around the age of 17-18 and still got the baccalauréat despite not knowing French beforehead, so I'm trying to make them proud as well, and not waste what people see as a potential. And my future self would be very pissed about wasting this opportunity as well, soooo.... !

I have a lot of fun playing video games, and this has been the case since my childhood. Mainly RPG, RTS, a bit of hack&slash, MMORPG and recently LoL. Sometimes i write little stories, or poems, but i never finish my stories for some reason. I relieve my stress by doing this, and i feel extremely comfortable when i'm not stressed.

So yup, that should do. By reading what i'm typing, i feel a bit bad because I should feel happy about my life but instead I'm sometimes in a sad mood and i spend way too much time having a break than trying harder to get to the top level, >< But oh well, that's what it is!

Edited by Soysauce
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Hi, I'm Edge, one of 3 owners of the Reborn Community. Outside of Reborn I work at Starbucks and Target. I can't really describe my personality very easily because I have this spectrum of emotions I go through on a daily basis. I'm 22 years old and my birthday is on January 18th (buy me stuff! loljkDon'tI'dFeelBad.) and live in New York State.

I enjoy many things, but my true interests lie in video games, acting, singing and anime. For video games I mainly play League of Legends, Path of Exile, and various RPGs and such. My favorite games include Final Fantasy VI and IX, Fire Emblem (The Sacred Stones followed by Awakening are my favorites), and Pokemon (Gen III master race). I enjoy most music, including rap that isn't all about sex drugs and money, and country. My favorite genre however is probably Classic Rock, the favorite artist being Billy Joel. As for acting, I started in Middle School and did it for 8 years after. My favorite roles include Agwe from Once on this Island, The Dentist from Little Shop of Horrors, and Jafar from Aladdin.

A little history about myself, I graduated High School with an Advanced Diploma (meaning I got a certain amount of credits more than I needed) and actuallly graduated with the most credits in my year. My grades didn't reflect this as much though as I only had high C's to low A's in most classes. I did 1 year of college but fucked that up and while I've been trying to go back, it's really difficult when you're out on your own. Here's a tip for you high school kids. Don't fuck up in college. It's much easier to get in when you're in High School because you have tons of people to help you with everything.

Getting a bit personal, as many of you know and some of you may guess but aren't certain and many of you will learn now, I am slightly bi. I lean majorly towards attraction to females, but I have had a few crushes on males that attract me. I am however extremely picky when it comes to guys so it may not seem as if I swing both ways sometimes =P. I've had my heart broken a fair few times, and I've somehow survived through each and every one. It takes a lot of will power to get through being broken as badly as I have been in the past, but I live on and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Outside of the internet I'm usually kind of shy until you get to know me. I dislike people as a whole, it's individuals who I truely adore. I've had to put on a mask quite a few times to continue working with people I dislikes in real life, but in general I don't like to hide anything. I'm straightforward and blunt. As of the past year I've become less shy, but still have trouble talking to people I don't know.

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