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EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
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Edited by Ikaru
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Geomancy Sweeper

Xerneas @ Power Herb

Trait: Fairy Aura

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Geomancy

- Moonblast

- Thunder/Thunderbolt

- Aurora Beam/Hidden Power Fire/Focus Blast

With the majority of Ubers being Dragon-type, a Fairy-type to stop any Specs-Draco Meteors or Banded Outrages is a welcome sight - even moreso considering it's signature, Geomancy, is one of the strongest boosting moves in the game. Unfortunately, it does need a turn to charge up, but this is not the case when equipped with a Power Herb, meaning that Xerneas can gain an instant +2 to Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed in one turn.

Moonblast is Xerneas' most powerful STAB move, which is made more effective by the abundance of Dragon-types in Ubers. It also gets a pseudo-BoltBeam for coverage. This can be replaced in lieu of coverage against its common counter of Genesect by running Hidden Power Fire or Focus Blast if you value the extra Base Power.

Despite it's overwhelming power after it's boost, it is only really viable once in a match so it has to be used as a late-game sweeper. Priority is another threat to it, especially when Xerneas is weak to Bullet Punch. Megalucario, Genesect and Extreme Killer Arceus are gigantic threats to Xerneas' sweeping capabilities in Ubers.

Edited by Fezzdog
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Just throwing there a question, mostly because I find Power Herb to be unreliable: would a Substitute+Geomancy set, with a better item, be viable? Xerneas has good HP iirc...

The only thing that comes to mind when I think of being able to set up on using Geomancy and Sub would be Giratina or Blissey. You'd still be countered by exactly the same things and you'd also be missing a 4th moveslot, which is really needed to take out some priority threats really. You could try it, but I feel like the lack of a 4th moveslot really hurts Xerneas.

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  • 1 month later...

[Mixed Sweeper]
[Xerneas] @ [Power Herb]
Trait: [Fairy Aura]
EVs: [200 SpA, 152 Spe, 200 Atk]
[Lonely] +Atk, -Def
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Close Combat
- Thunderbolt/Thunder/Rock Slide

This is my mixed sweeper Xerneas set. Geomancy and Power Herb are there for setting up, while Moonblast is your basic STAB, for dealing with everything that isn't Steel/Chansey/Fire type.

Close Combat is there for Chansey/Blissey and Steel-type Arceus.

As Ho-oh resists both of the above moves, the last slot is filled by your choice of Ho-Oh killer.

He's weak against things like scarfed Deoxys-A, as his defenses [especially after a CC or two] are pretty weak. Extremespeed also does massive damage, so Rayquaza or Deoxys would be able to take him out if he's already used Close Combat.

Genesect is pretty much the only counter that comes to mind, as he resists everything bar the thunder attacks.

Edited by Secundum
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